
Total Results: 1,296 records

Showing results for "factors".

  1. Iowa2009 2010Sid Cd (pdf file)
    December 01, 2011 - The Iowa HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) for 2009 (dated June or August 2010) and 2010 (dated September 2011) contain misleading discharge data from four hospitals accounting for about 11 percent of the files. The affected discharge data include incorrect reporting of the principal procedure and incorrect orde…
    May 21, 2010 - of multiple acute care hospital visits by the same person requires a thorough understanding of the factors … Several factors were associated with all-cause readmission rates including the patient’s age, insurance … Looking across all hospital visits (IP and ED) in the selected states, several factors were associated
    November 13, 2020 - CD-SEDD File to allow researchers to analyze cost differences geographically or to control for cost factors
    November 19, 2021 - We examine county-level factors associated with rates of NAS. … Log-linear regression models examine the association of 26 county-level factors related to social context … Factors associated with higher NAS rates included more mental health-related hospitalizations, mental … Higher NAS rates may reflect these factors, but also may indicate that pregnant women are accessing … We examined various factors that may be relevant to policymakers in making evidence-based decisions,
    January 01, 2005 - parasitic diseases, systemic or unspecified sites 887 2.3 22 417 2.6 11 468 2.0 12 Factors
    January 01, 2005 - parasitic diseases, systemic or unspecified sites 887 2.3 22 417 2.6 11 468 2.0 12 Factors
    July 01, 2014 - We are gathering information about the factors related to the health of New Mexico residents. … randomly chosen from the Hospital Inpatient Discharge Database in order to collect information about the factors
  8. Section4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - Population Growth in Population *Bar segments depict the portion of growth attributable to each of the factors
    January 01, 2006 - Variation in State rates can be caused by many factors, including differences in practice patterns, … This is intended to help readers understand some of the external factors that may be driving some of … We do not employ finite population correction factors in estimating standard errors. … , Taken One at a Time This appendix shows the factors for which State-specific data could be found … State-level PQI rates are shown below with whether or not they were correlated with these factors.
    January 01, 2005 - Variation in State rates can be caused by many factors, including differences in practice patterns, … This is intended to help readers understand some of the external factors that may be driving some of … We do not employ finite population correction factors in estimating standard errors. … , Taken One at a Time This appendix shows the factors for which State-specific data could be found … State-level PQI rates are shown below with whether or not they were correlated with these factors.
    January 01, 2018 - CD-SEDD File to allow researchers to analyze cost differences geographically or to control for cost factors
    September 26, 2011 - Report card measures assess risk factors and condition prevalence/incidence (e.g., youth obesity, chlamydia … Be clear about what the grade column reflects and the variety of factors that contribute to the grade
    March 01, 2013 - Patient factors such as age, sex, and primary expected payer, as well as hospital factors such as trauma … Patient factors ED encounters resulting in transfer differed from encounters resulting in admission … Utilization Project (HCUP), Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), 2009. 6 Hospital factors
    January 01, 2007 - Variation in State rates can be caused by many factors, including differences in practice patterns, … This is intended to help readers understand some of the external factors that may be driving some of … We do not employ finite population correction factors in estimating standard errors. … , Taken One at a Time This appendix shows the factors for which State-specific data could be found … State-level PQI rates are shown below with whether or not they were correlated with these factors.
    January 01, 2004 - Variation in State rates can be caused by many factors, including differences in practice patterns, … This is intended to help readers understand some of the external factors that may be driving some of … We do not employ finite population correction factors in estimating standard errors. … , Taken One at a Time This appendix shows the factors for which State-specific data could be found … State-level PQI rates are shown below with whether or not they were correlated with these factors.
    September 01, 2008 - perinatal period 16 16 = Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 17 17 = Injury and poisoning 18 18 = Factors
    September 01, 2008 - perinatal period 16 16 = Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 17 17 = Injury and poisoning 18 18 = Factors
    August 01, 2015 - perinatal period 16 16 = Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 17 17 = Injury and poisoning 18 18 = Factors
    August 01, 2015 - perinatal period 16 16 = Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 17 17 = Injury and poisoning 18 18 = Factors
    January 01, 2009 - Costs for Inpatient Hospital Stays (PDF) EXHIBIT 4.1 Cost by Diagnosis (PDF) EXHIBIT 4.2 Cost Factors

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