October 25, 2010 - (3) Influencing factors—understanding influences such as health system factors,
communication, education … C1: What factors magnify or reduce
risk? … C1: What factors magnify or reduce risk? … C1: What factors magnify or
reduce risk? … (3) Influencing factors—understanding influences such as health system factors,
communication, education
June 01, 2012 - Key factors specifically affecting hereditary genetic tests need to be taken into account. … with using known factors alone. … ; such factors are useful when assessing analytic validity. … with using the known factors alone. … , and genetic tests should be evaluated in context with known risk factors such as these.
June 01, 2012 - Key factors specifically affecting hereditary genetic tests need to be taken into account. … with using known factors alone. … ; such factors are useful when assessing analytic validity. … with using the known factors alone. … , and genetic tests should be evaluated in context with known risk factors such as these.
August 01, 2023 - AHRQ Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care: Incidence and Contributing Factors … AHRQ Understanding and Improving Diagnostic Safety in Ambulatory Care: Incidence and Contributing Factors … The strongest, most consistent predictors of ED diagnostic error were individual case factors that increased … errors (and resulting harms) in the ED, measure error and harm frequency, as well as assess causal factors … across studies in measuring disease-specific rates, determining preventability, and assessing causal factors
March 22, 2016 - A number of reviews have assessed the evidence linking risk factors and
protective factors to Alzheimer … Nonmodifiable risk factors include
age, sex, race/ethnicity, and family history. … Interventions have
been developed to address chronic disease status, modifiable risk factors as well … as
protective factors (Table 1). … Genetic factors (i.e., ApoE
status) have been shown to modify the degree to which risk factors and interventions
January 01, 2009 - factor (RF) testing in children < 18 years of age and the evidence
regarding demographic or clinical factors … b) What is the evidence that demographic and clinical factors modify accuracy?
July 01, 2019 - 2
• Many factors must be considered when deciding whether to
combine studies in meta-analysis:
► Clinical … factors
► Methodological factors
► Statistical factors
• Studies must be reasonably similar to be pooled … and Methodological Heterogeneity
describe the variations in the population, intervention and study
factors … Statistical heterogeneity is discussed later
• A pooling decision tree guides consideration of these factors
February 01, 2013 - of age) or clinical factors (risk stratification or diabetes). … of age) or clinical factors (risk stratification or diabetes). … ; coronary disease risk
factors; angiography-specific factors; and hospital characteristics). … ”[MeSH Terms] OR (“sex”[All Fields]
AND “factors”[All Fields]) OR “sex factors”[All Fields]
#4 randomized … "[MeSH Terms] OR ("sex"[All Fields] AND
"factors"[All Fields]) OR "sex factors"[All Fields] OR gender
December 01, 2022 - have been implicated in causing deaths: systems of care factors (e.g., lack of coordination among providers … ), provider factors (e.g., misdiagnoses, ineffective treatment), and patient and family factors (e.g. … These factors play a particularly important role in the postpartum period, during which access to care … Given this confluence of factors, up to half of postpartum individuals in the U.S. do not receive routine … April 25, 2022
Eligibility Criteria –
KQ 1 Potential Effect Modifiers – Setting factors
May 01, 2008 - Ascertainment of Potential Confounding Factors
Potential confounding factors were ascertained based … These are listed
in Tables 1 and 2, and included demographic factors, diagnoses ever recorded in the … Risk factors for
community-acquired pneumonia in adults: a
population-based case-control study. … Risk factors for community-
acquired pneumonia diagnosed upon hospital
admission. … Ascertainment of Potential Confounding Factors
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
November 01, 2017 - Imaging Modality (US or CT/MRI Guided)
Factors influencing success (Tumor factors (tumor diameter, … cystic lesions, necrosis, location, depth), Patient factors (anticoagulation), operator)
Complication … Additional factors may include low physical activity, increased alcohol consumption, occupational exposure … Genetic factors and their interaction with environmental exposures are also thought to influence risk … While a direct cause has not been identified, there are several risk factors that have been shown to
May 26, 2015 - mortality, morbidity, and
considerable financial and social costs.1-3 At the same time, modifiable risk factors … These factors have not
been widely considered as a modifier of intervention effectiveness. … What contextual factors have been identified as potential modifiers of effectiveness in
studies of … Contextual factors may include (but are not limited to) the following: legal-
regulatory environment … factors
that may influence the effectiveness of interventions.
February 01, 2025 - in children and adolescents are not well understood but are likely often multi-factorial with risk factors … Some studies report disparities in the diagnosis and treatment of DBDs due to such factors as sex, race … Most comments involved requests to look at additional factors that may affect treatment success or to … Multiple factors identified a priori that are likely to impact applicability include characteristics … Conduct and oppositional defiant disorders: epidemiology, risk factors, and treatment.
November 03, 2020 - Throughout, we discuss
“independent” variables/factors. … The factors most
commonly evaluated included demographic
factors, comorbidities, medication factors … Findings p. 39 – The Grigora study is a study of county
level risk factors not individual risk factors … This is also true for
factors associated with harms. … Street drugs
become an attractive distraction from such
January 01, 2024 - Various underlying factors may be associated with burnout, stress, moral injury, and mental health issues … We have conceptualized these underlying factors as psychosocial factors (e.g., health behaviors, social … This is based on the Psychosocial factors, Organizational conditions, and Environmental exposures (POE … Research has identified some factors, such as strengthened social networks, positive coping responses … Individual-level factors
Demographics (e.g., age, sex, race, ethnicity)
Workforce type
April 25, 2022 - than 60 percent of pregnancy-related deaths are considered preventable.3, 5 Various
interdependent factors … have been implicated in causing deaths: systems of care factors (e.g., lack of
coordination among providers … ), provider factors (e.g., misdiagnoses, ineffective treatment), and patient
and family factors (e.g … These factors play a particularly
important role in the postpartum period, during which access to care … Given this
confluence of factors, up to half of postpartum individuals in the U.S. do not receive routine
July 25, 2024 - Biological factors can also be part of the cause. … Other factors may increase your risk, such as use of illegal drugs or having a serious medical condition
July 25, 2024 - Biological factors can also be part of the cause. … Other factors may increase your risk, such as use of illegal drugs or having a serious medical condition
February 01, 2013 - • Surgeon factors: What surgeon factors are associated with better operative repair and/or
better … • Patient factors: Which factors should be collected at baseline across all studies?
b. … • Psychosocial factors: How do factors such as depression, socioeconomic status,
motivation/self-efficacy … What patient factors matter? … • Patient factors: Which factors should be collected at baseline across all studies?
March 01, 2020 - sample size, involve only HIV-infected cohorts without a control, or do not account for confounding factors … Assess co-occurring diseases and risk factors as predictor of all-cause mortality and HIV progression … support), criminal history, or clinical, personal and family medical and mental history factors (e.g … ., cancer, heart disease, addition problems, mental health problems); or resource-level factors (e.g … Menopause symptoms in women infected with HIV: prevalence and associated factors.