December 01, 2024 - rings of predisposing healthcare delivery conditions—including societal conditions, organizational factors … , job and task-specific factors, and individual factors—can impact HCW burnout. … Although such individual factors may not be directly modifiable, organizational interventions often need … Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Nurse Burnout in the US. JAMA Network Open .;4 . … Hum Factors . 2015;57:754–792. Zare A, Choobineh A, Hassanipour S, Malakoutikhah M.
December 01, 2019 - Third, many contextual factors affect worker health; these include, for instance, health care coverage … These factors have not been widely considered as a modifier of intervention effectiveness. … Contextual factors may include (but are not limited to) the following: legal-regulatory environment ( … factors that may influence the effectiveness of interventions. … Some factors identified a priori that may limit the applicability of evidence include the following:
January 01, 2009 - First, studies often do not report on factors needed to judge applicability. … Factors influencing benefits and harms often depend on distinct physiologic processes. … Judge limitations to the applicability of individual studies based on those factors. … Second, judge limitations to the applicability of individual studies based on those factors. … These factors strengthen applicability.
January 01, 2009 - Studies often do not report on factors needed to judge applicability. … First, studies often do not report on factors needed to judge applicability. … Judge limitations to the applicability of individual studies based on those factors. … These factors strengthen applicability. … The PICOS framework is useful for organizing contextual factors of interest.
November 01, 2017 - The review organizations we studied varied in their inclusion of factors, in terms of the key questions … They tended to give more consideration to demographic factors than to disease factors (e.g., disease … severity, risk factors, coexisting disease, or cointerventions). … Conclusions
Identifying factors that may influence the treatment-outcome association is important to
January 01, 2020 - Ascertainment of Potential Confounding Factors
Potential confounding factors were ascertained based … These are listed in Tables 1 and 2 , and included demographic factors, diagnoses ever recorded in … Risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia in adults: a population-based case-control study. … Risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia diagnosed upon hospital admission. … Risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia diagnosed by general practitioners in the community.
July 01, 2012 - If relevant contextual factors are not stipulated in the key questions, decisions during the
review … Therefore, the principles noted here relate to clarifying
context factors and, to the extent possible … It
is also important to consider applicability factors that could affect a later link in the causal … Expert guidance can identify such factors to
be considered. … Principle 2: Be prepared to deal with additional factors affecting
September 01, 2014 - These and other factors may affect test performance
and the rate of complications. … Factors That Affect Test Performance
We considered evidence on the impact of patient or study
level-factors … factors, and
3 on clinician and facility factors (some studies provided
information on multiple factors … and lesion-
related factors, eight studies provided information on
procedural factors, and one study … provided information on
clinician and facility factors.
December 01, 2019 - Known risk factors for DCIS progression and recurrence include comedo histology, younger age, larger … We analyzed how testing varied by patient age, tumor size, and tumor grade--all factors known to increase … Conclusion
As the incidence of DCIS has increased, so has the interest in factors predicting recurrence
December 01, 2020 - A number of reviews have assessed the evidence linking risk factors and protective factors to Alzheimer's … Nonmodifiable risk factors include age, sex, race/ethnicity, and family history. … Modifiable risk or protective factors may include diet, physical activity, education and intellectual … as protective factors (Table 1). … Genetic factors (i.e., ApoE status) have been shown to modify the degree to which risk factors and interventions
August 27, 2012 - Biological factors can also be part of the cause. … Other factors may increase your risk, such as use of illegal drugs or having a serious medical condition … Research Protocol Archived January 17, 2012
Strategies To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors
January 01, 2020 - , such as intervention fidelity, social
factors, and others. … Several other factors may be at
work. … Assessment of Breast Cancer
Risk Factors Reveals Subtype Heterogeneity. … Risk factors for
postpartum depression: a retrospective investigation. … Demographic and
obstetric risk factors for postnatal psychiatric morbidity.
December 01, 2019 - Numerous factors that increase the risk of developing pressure ulcers have been identified, including … physiologic factors that may impede microcirculation and nonphysiologic factors such as age, mobility … area at risk, sex and age, continence, mobility, Malnutrition Screening Tool score, and special risk factors … Of the numerous risk factors included in at least one of these three tools, only some factors overlap … Also, each scale assigns different weights to factors, adding to the heterogeneity of the scales. 8
January 01, 2011 - Determine the Most Important Factors that May Affect Applicability
Identify potential factors. … The PICOS is a useful way of organizing factors that may affect
applicability. … Foremost are any factors that have
been associated with differences in treatment outcomes. … These factors should be identified a priori and stated in the protocol which
factors will be captured … Factors that can affect the
external validity of randomised controlled
January 01, 2011 - Determine the Most Important Factors that May Affect Applicability
Identify potential factors. … The PICOS is a useful way of organizing factors that may affect
applicability. … Foremost are any factors that have
been associated with differences in treatment outcomes. … These factors should be identified a priori and stated in the protocol which
factors will be captured … Factors that can affect the
external validity of randomised controlled
January 31, 2023 - No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there are many risk factors. … Personal factors - beginning periods before age 12 or going through menopause after age 55
February 05, 2008 - The type of radiation therapy you receive depends on many factors, including
The type of cancer … general health and medical history
Whether you will have other types of cancer treatment
Other factors
Risk factors include having
An abnormal or damaged heart valve
An artificial heart valve
Congenital … Your doctor will diagnose IE based on your risk factors, medical history, signs and symptoms, and lab
August 01, 2020 - We plan to develop a framework to conceptualize and characterize the multiple factors that interact to … for opioid-related events among all older adults and risk factors for harm among opioid users. … Underlying patient factors, such as fall risk, cognitive impairment, frailty, liver disease, etc. … Medication factors (opioid dosing and preparation; co-prescribing; etc.) … Environmental factors (presence of a caregiver, etc.)
June 29, 2019 - We plan to develop a framework to conceptualize and characterize the multiple factors that
interact … for opioid-related events among all older adults and risk factors for harm
among opioid users. … Underlying patient factors, such as fall risk, cognitive impairment, frailty, liver
disease, etc.
b. … Medication factors (opioid dosing and preparation; co-prescribing; etc.)
c. … Environmental factors (presence of a caregiver, etc.)