September 01, 2011 - This framework
addressed relevant clinical and intermediate outcomes,
and also examined clinical factors … Ten cohort studies investigated patient
characteristics or clinical factors as modifying factors
of medical … Three cohort studies investigated different modifying
factors of endoscopic treatment. … • Ten cohort studies examined patient characteristics or
clinical factors as modifying factors of … Factors that influenced the outcome of Low • Three cohort studies examined different modifying factors
January 01, 2012 - ESRD, and acute kidney injury (AKI).3,4
These associations were independent of cardiovascular
risk factors … stages 1–3, GFR declines
slowly.12 However, the rate of decline varies among
individuals, and many factors … harms result from systematic
CKD screening in asymptomatic adults with or without
recognized risk factors … •Without CKD
risk factors
Benefits … - Evaluate the impact of patient factors (e.g., eGFR
severity, albuminuria, age) on persistence.
September 02, 2016 - the comparative safety and effectiveness of available treatments for women with
tubal or peritoneal factors
December 01, 2019 - What factors associated with the patient and her breast abnormality influence the test performance of … What factors associated with the procedure itself influence the test performance of different types of … What clinician and facility factors influence the test performance of core-needle breast biopsy when … What factors associated with the patient and her breast abnormality influence the harms of core-needle … What factors associated with the procedure itself influence the harms of core-needle breast biopsy when
November 30, 2011 - virus is primarily transmitted through percutaneous exposure to
blood, with the most common risk factors … Among these factors is HCV genotype, with higher SVR rates
in patients with genotypes 2 or 3 (SVR of … In consideration of factors associated with different response rates,
guidelines for treatment suggest … different dosages and durations of treatment according to
various factors.
A common (50 to 60 … A better understanding of viral
factors, host factors, differences in medication dosing and duration
December 01, 2019 - prevention of surgical items left inside patient (surgical safety)
Medication administration
Human factors … Numerous factors have been postulated, and in some cases shown, to influence the effectiveness of a patient … safety practice, including contexts (such as safety culture, external factors and implementation/management … the expected effect on staff roles
Measure high-priority contexts in the 4 domains
External factors
September 01, 2014 - Nine studies reported factors affecting MRI’s accuracy
for colorectal staging. … reported
factors affecting CT’s accuracy for colorectal staging, but
they reported on different factors … , making it difficult to
determine how any specific factors impact accuracy. … of
MRI reported on factors affecting accuracy of interim M
restaging. … The risk-of-bias
rating by key factors is provided in Appendix D.
August 18, 2011 - Thus, both system and
individual factors can lead to nonadherence. … Likewise, many individual factors underlie nonadherence. … Many studies have examined the multiple factors associated with medication adherence. … factors, and the
others generally considered individual factors): policy and healthcare systems, the … Racial differences in blood pressure control: potential
explanatory factors.
February 01, 2021 - The interventional therapies were selected based on the following factors: (1) available in the United … of pain, severity of pain, prior treatments, medical and psychiatric co-morbidities), and technical factors … This procedure involves the injection of autologous platelet rich plasma, which is rich in growth factors … Factors that may affect applicability, which we have identified a priori include (1) patient factors … We will use information regarding these factors to assess the extent to which interventions and results
December 26, 2012 - information that make it difficult to
• Conditional probabilities, multiple risk
factors … estrogen-‐receptor
positive, pre-‐menopausal,
with no other comorbidities (Multiplicity of causal factors … Uncertainty in CPGs: multiple sources, levels
• Quality of evidence
o Study
o Limiting
October 01, 2019 - fertilization availability and utilization in the United States: a study of demographic, social, and economic factors … comparative safety and effectiveness of available treatment strategies for women with tubal or peritoneal factors
February 01, 2018 - Choosing a model
• Factors affecting model choice include:
► Number and size of included studies
► Type … • Factors affecting model choice include the number and size of included
studies, and type of outcome
June 11, 2014 - the prevalence of PPH rose from 2.3 percent in 1994 to 2.9 percent in 2006, a 26
percent increase.14 Factors … birth, multiple birth, duration and
characteristics of labor, and placental abnormalities among other factors … found that these
putative observed risk factors did not account for rising PPH rates.7, 8, 11-14 … ,
clinical factors associated with uterine atony, such as multiple gestation, polyhydramnios,
high … We considered the following factors in this decision:
• Comparative effectiveness studies could include
March 13, 2012 - with disappointing results to date, especially in terms of mortality reduction.3-9 However, several
factors … Factors such as the age of starting and stopping OC use, the
dose/formulation of OC, and the number … Factors such as
parity and BRCA status, which affect underlying ovarian cancer risk, may differ
(or … Venous and arterial thrombosis during oral contraceptive use:
risks and risk factors. … Breast cancer: hormones and other risk factors.
January 01, 2016 - Choice of treatment options may be influenced
by factors such as patient age and health at the time … into consideration age, general health status,
stage of tumor, PSA level, Gleason score, logistical factors … treatment
strategy, patient preferences, nuances in patient recovery
and quality of life, and other factors … A possible restriction in the applicability of the findings
of this review based on the following factors
January 08, 2024 - Were the Groups Comparable at Baseline on Key Prognostic Factors (e.g., by Restriction or Matching)?
December 01, 2019 - Smokers with multiple behavioral risk factors: how are they different? … Factors associated with smoking cessation among U.S. pregnant women. … [Postpartum smoking behavior in women and related factors]. … [Smoking during pregnancy: rates, trends, risk factors]. … [Determinant factors of smoking cessation during pregnancy].
December 01, 2019 - Typically, attempts to identify factors driving health care usage by dual-eligibles have focused on residents … Limited research is available evaluating whether any modifiable factors are associated with increased … Factors related to poverty, disability, and immigration may account for some variation, but State policy
February 01, 2021 - • A wide variety of components, characteristics, and factors have been implemented in
models for … evidence describes key components and
characteristics of models for integrating palliative care and factors … shared decision-
making tool and model implementation, evidence for patient/caregiver perspectives on
December 01, 2019 - Few risk factors for depression have been studied across populations in models that adjust for confounding … factors.