August 01, 2012 - What are the health system factors influencing the use
of nitrous oxide for the management of labor … Once labor begins, health
system factors such as availability, setting, and provider
preference may … Effects of Provider and Health System
No studies addressed KQ5.
Table B. … Socio-economic versus
obstetric risk factors for drug addiction in offspring. … Maternal and perinatal
risk factors for childhood leukemia.
January 01, 2019 - ability is based on the reasonable expectations of the prosthetist and treating physician, considering factors … status (e.g., depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome), family and social support, and many other factors … These factors may affect their actual and perceived current and maximum attainable functional ability … At a minimum, factors of interest to assess applicability will be the key potential modifiers listed … "Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in an Amputee Population."
September 27, 2022 - to which the
effects of these interventions vary among individuals characterized by biopsychosocial factors … KQ 5: For key questions 1–4, how do the findings vary by baseline biopsychosocial factors (e.g.,
sex … treatment history, intervention factors such as similarity in intervention definitions, and whether … Applicability
Several factors may limit the applicability of findings, including the extent to which … Based on EPC guidance, the SOE rating will be uninfluenced
by these factors.
December 01, 2019 - For DCIS, patterns across both factors were less clear. … Further work is needed to understand the patient and provider factors associated with these patterns
November 01, 2024 - than the proportion or total amount of fat, other macronutrients, or other modifiable lifestyle risk factors … Factors that could affect responses to single SFAs include (i) heterogeneity in susceptibility to desaturation … /exposure diet Diets or interventions that vary substantially in intake of macronutrients (or other factors … Key Question 2 Minimum follow-up If population has no CV risk factors: 10 years If population has one … Dietary fats and cardiometabolic disease: mechanisms and effects on risk factors and outcomes.
November 01, 2024 - than the proportion or total amount of fat, other macronutrients, or other modifiable lifestyle risk factors … /exposure diet Diets or interventions that vary substantially in intake of macronutrients (or other factors … Key Question 2 Minimum follow-up If population has no CV risk factors (or unselected general population … Lifestyle factors as determinants of atherosclerotic cardiovascular health. … Dietary fats and cardiometabolic disease: mechanisms and effects on risk factors and outcomes.
May 31, 2016 - Are there
organizational or cultural factors that enhance or hinder
success? … However, we did not
comment on any factors not highlighted
by authors of included studies. … We did not
review the literature to identify contextual
factors noted in other studies as potential … We only comment on contextual factors
noted in the included studies. … Are there organizational or cultural factors that enhance or hinder success?
December 01, 2019 - The review will consider BNP and NT-proBNP test performance, cut points, and factors that affect test … the emergency department or urgent care facilities) and the primary care population (those with risk factors … Appropriate drug titration algorithms may also depend on factors such as age, disease severity, and other … Key Question 2 (KQ2) : In patients presenting to a primary care physician with risk factors, signs, or … Interventions and Prognostic Factors
KQ1 and KQ2: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved assay
May 29, 2013 - Other risk factors include older age and diseases like diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure
November 07, 2019 - and social risk factors that are believed to
influence how individuals use health care and increase … Behavioral health factors include persistent and serious mental illness, substance
abuse, cognitive … Social risk factors include low
socioeconomic status, low health literacy, social isolation, community … factors, financial factors, or social risk factors), and
3. … (e.g., health risk behaviors or serious mental illness), or social risk factors.
January 01, 2023 - These various factors are likely important determinants of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation programs … Various factors contribute to the decision of the setting in which (p)rehabilitation will be delivered … For all KQs:
Subquestion a: Do the effects, comparative effects, harms, and vary by patient factors … Contextual Question
Contextual Question 1: What are the major direct and indirect cost factors for … (e.g., intervention components, population, setting, design factors) with the average outcome response
May 01, 2024 - effects among individuals of any age, effectiveness
for children and adolescents, and biopsychosocial factors … non-migraine-focused behavioral
interventions, and associations between effectiveness and biopsychosocial factors … should also
address the potential variance in treatment effectiveness across patient biopsychosocial
March 01, 2012 - We found no evidence relating to other possibly relevant
factors such as the clinical history of the … We found no evidence relating to
other possibly relevant factors such as the clinical history
of the … What is the evidence that identifiable parental
factors (e.g., education, insurance status, living … Very little is known about
the factors that affect compliance for followup in this area. … Risk factors for maternal intrapartum fever and short-
term neonatal outcome.
November 16, 2015 - factors) predict which children are likely to benefit most
from the intervention?
… , comorbidities, and
sociodemographic risk factors, history of complications of acute otitis media, … o Sociodemographic risk factors
KQ 1: Children with chronic OME (allow study-specific definitions … We will evaluate the risk of bias factors as possible explanations for any
heterogeneity. … Panel 1: Epidemiology, natural history,
and risk factors.
December 01, 2019 - Conclusions
Several factors limit the effectiveness of current public reporting of costs practices. … Other limiting factors are the paucity of Web sites that provide cost and quality data, a lack of public
December 01, 2019 - The extent of impact of an EPC report varies based on factors such as the topic and the timing of the … However, the degree to which these reports were influential and well received hinged on several factors
April 19, 2022 - Systematic Review Archived April 22, 2013
Interventions To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors … Research Protocol Archived January 17, 2012
Strategies To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors
April 01, 2024 - to which the effects of these interventions vary among individuals characterized by biopsychosocial factors … KQ 5: For key questions 1–4, how do the findings vary by baseline biopsychosocial factors (e.g., sex … treatment history, intervention factors such as similarity in intervention definitions, and whether … Applicability Several factors may limit the applicability of findings, including the extent to which … Based on EPC guidance, the SOE rating will be uninfluenced by these factors.
February 17, 2016 - fracture surgery
o Exclude studies that combine analyses of hip and knee surgeries
• Modifying factors … framework maps the specific linkages associating the populations of
interest, the interventions, modifying factors … At a minimum, factors of
interest to assess applicability will be the key potential modifiers listed
December 01, 2020 - and birth history, history of pelvic surgery, etc.) and chronic pelvic pain, including how factors may … We will capture such factors as presented in the literature meeting our criteria where studies attempt … such factors were associated with outcomes) is sufficient and that a specific key question addressing … such factors is not necessary. … training, socioeconomic status, health literacy, etc.) and will discuss such factors in the text of