January 01, 2024 - hospital-acquired infections), care delivery processes (e.g., medication management), and performance shaping factors … PSP Attributes Attributes of the PSP include its approach to improving safety and related factors that … (e.g., human factors, teamwork, decision support) What is the maturity of the PSP? … Contextual Factors Contextual factors include a broad range of internal (to the organization) and external … Factors to consider include safety culture, health information technology, patient and family engagement
January 31, 2013 - atherosclerotic disease of the
coronary vessels, it is not surprising that PAD shares similar risk factors … The management of risk factors (i.e., tobacco use, diabetes, LDL levels, and
hypertension) is considered … The decision to attempt revascularization in patients with CLI is based on a combination of
factors, … Does the effectiveness of treatments vary by subgroup (age, sex, race, risk
factors, comorbidities, … Risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular outcomes in different
arterial territories.
July 26, 2023 - documentation
burden apply fairly and equitably across clinical disciplines, job roles, and demographic factors … Additional factors of interest related to documentation burden include how the burden differs
by practice … Factors influencing documentation burden:
4) What is the role of patients in documentation burden? … Do
the KIs have suggestions about other factors that we should investigate?
g. … Guiding Questions
Description/Overview of measurements of documentation burden:
Factors influencing
December 01, 2019 - with disappointing results to date, especially in terms of mortality reduction. 3-9 However, several factors … Beyond that general caveat, specific factors affecting applicability include (but are not necessarily … Factors such as parity and BRCA status, which affect underlying ovarian cancer risk, may differ (or not … Venous and arterial thrombosis during oral contraceptive use: risks and risk factors. … Breast cancer: hormones and other risk factors. Maturitas 2008;61(1-2):203-13; discussion 213.
January 01, 2024 - than
the proportion or total amount of fat, other macronutrients, or other modifiable lifestyle risk
factors … Factors that
could affect responses to single SFAs include (i) heterogeneity in susceptibility to desaturation … Key Question 2
● Minimum follow-up
o If population has no CV risk factors:
10 years
o If population … has one or more CV risk
factors (or unselected general
population): 5 years
Setting ● General … Dietary fats and cardiometabolic disease: mechanisms
and effects on risk factors and outcomes.
January 01, 2024 - than
the proportion or total amount of fat, other macronutrients, or other modifiable lifestyle risk
factors … Key Question 2
● Minimum follow-up
o If population has no CV risk factors
(or unselected general … population):
10 years
o If population has one or more CV
risk factors: 5 years
Setting … Lifestyle factors as determinants of
atherosclerotic cardiovascular health. … Dietary fats and cardiometabolic disease: mechanisms and
effects on risk factors and outcomes.
December 31, 2022 - We examined the relationship between these
factors and protection estimates but lacked sufficient data … For some factors that varied within studies or were specific to certain studies (including demographic … Population and Methodological Factors Affecting the Risk of Reinfection
We conducted analyses of six … Baseline Factors
Age, Sex, and Race
In the Denmark study, there was no difference in the estimates … Were confounding factors identified?
5. Were strategies to deal with confounding factors stated?
August 27, 2012 - Preference Utility: Determinants
Clinical Outcomes
Treatment factors … – Side Effects/Tolerability
– Dosage Method/Frequency
– Cost
Process factors
– Health-Care … Setting
– Physician interactions
Personal factors
– Age, gender, education, etc
November 01, 2016 - Evidence
Focus of This Summary
This is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence about factors … This systematic review sought to
determine which program factors optimize the effectiveness
of behavioral … consider encouraging appropriate patients
to engage in behavioral support programs to improve the
risk factors
December 01, 2019 - KQ 4 (What prognostic factors for patients with subjective idiopathic [nonpulsatile] tinnitus have been … has been removed as a KQ because an earlier amendment added “Prognostic Factors” as a component of KQ … Comparators
Prognostic factors: length of time to treatment after onset, audiological factors (degree … Prognostic factors
A clear description of a prognostic factors measured is provided. … Adequate study sample has complete data for prognostic factors.
August 01, 2020 - 6 clinical pathways,7 and early patient mobility programs 8 ) other approaches address logistical factors … Successful hospital-based interventions may significantly depend on environmental factors including the … A hospital or health system-based approach could therefore address the multiple factors contributing … evaluate current knowledge regarding the multitude of strategies to reduce LOS; (2) examine contextual factors … GQ 2: What are the contextual factors (e.g., resources, staffing, technology) that impact implementation
July 01, 2021 - osteoarthritis of the knee is increasing rapidly because of shifting population demographics: The primary risk factors … localization of disease, e.g. medial vs. lateral and the patient's activity level as possible effect modifying factors … addition to a weighted or standardized mean difference in response between treatment groups), as these factors … overall scores or specific concerns such as blinding or allocation concealment), and other selected factors
June 01, 2010 - Are there subpopulations of patients based on
demographic or clinical factors who are more likely to … $900,000 and $1,600,000 in patients with
hemophilia A and inhibitors, depending on the prognostic factors … In light of these factors, the validity of the evaluations from this
review is questioned. … Results • Effects of confounding factors on efficacy
− Conclusions regarding the benefits or lack … thereof from the use of
rFVIIa are drawn in situations with potential confounding factors, such
December 01, 2023 - The heterogeneity across these factors is reflected in the proportions of males and females in studies … Ideally such studies would have explored the need to control for prognostic factors such as age, sex, … There was also insufficient information from included studies to assess factors that may provide insight … Understanding of a broader literature that examines factors beyond what have been traditionally described … Consideration of socioeconomic status together with factors related to social determinants are important
May 01, 2013 - It is also uncertain (1) how factors such as
timing relative to delivery, setting, and provider might … affect the performance of these strategies and (2) which
factors influence effective management of … Are there individual factors (age, race, parity [number
of live births], history of mood disorders, … history of
intimate partner violence, perinatal outcomes, cultural
factors) that affect the baseline … Effect of Individual Factors on Screening
We identified 16 articles describing 15 unique
October 01, 2020 - Does the association vary by participant factors such as:
i. Age of the mother at delivery
ii. … Does the association vary by participant factors such as:
i. Age of the mother at delivery
ii. … Synthesis of Qualitative Results: The qualitative evidence synthesis will provide
contextual factors … We will consider
important contextual factors, including population characteristics (e.g., WIC program … and WIC
participant related factors) and intervention (and comparison group) characteristics that may
January 01, 2021 - fracture surgery
Exclude studies that combine analyses of hip and knee surgeries
Modifying factors … framework maps the specific linkages associating the populations of interest, the interventions, modifying factors … At a minimum, factors of interest to assess applicability will be the key potential modifiers listed
February 08, 2011 - You can help reduce your risk of heart disease by taking steps to control factors that put you at greater
December 01, 2019 - Thus, both system and individual factors can lead to nonadherence. … Likewise, many individual factors underlie nonadherence. … Many studies have examined the multiple factors associated with medication adherence. … factors, and the others generally considered individual factors): policy and healthcare systems, the … Racial differences in blood pressure control: potential explanatory factors.
November 01, 2012 - Which factors are associated with the effectiveness of
quality improvement strategies, including, for … – External Societal or Regulatory Factors
Input From Stakeholders
This systematic review … and providing examples
of how contextual factors were addressed in some of the
studies. … Information was also sought on unintended consequences of
QI strategies and contextual factors that … The factors that can
confound the results of such quasi-experimental studies
are well known.