December 01, 2018 - Use of a Clinical Pathway To Facilitate the Translation and Utilization of AHRQ EPC Report Findings
Methods Research Report
Use of a Clinical Pathway To Facilitate the Translation
and Utilization of AHRQ EPC Report Findings
FY2018 Dissemination Pilot: Early Diagnosis, Prevention, and Trea…
January 06, 2017 - Community-Based Participatory Research: Lessons for Stakeholder Engagement in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
October 01, 2012 - Improving Health Care and Palliative Care for Advanced and Serious Illness Disposition of Comments Report
Source: http://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/search-for-guides-reviews-and-
Published Online: October 2012.
Comparative Effectiveness Research Review Dis…
January 01, 2012 - substandard care
because of access barriers, specialist shortages, geographical isolation, and other factors
June 01, 2015 - However, researchers now know that other factors including genetics, metabolism,
behavior, environment
April 01, 2016 - We considered the following factors when making our assessments:
• If we found no new evidence or only
July 05, 2011 - Trying to give interim
guidance for them or at least giving factors they might
consider would be useful
December 01, 2024 - in Vietnam.63 In this study, authors
reported that about a third of the population (31.7%) had risk factors … Intervention and
Surveillance Modeling Network models (without considering age, gender, and other risk factors
October 01, 2012 - We used the following factors when making our assessments:
• If we found no new evidence or only
January 01, 2017 - difference was found it
could be due to the intervention, lower quality usual care,
or a combination of factors
April 01, 2010 - Several factors may contribute to problems in the
delivery of end-of-life care for patients with cancer
January 01, 2020 - Several factors may contribute to problems in the delivery of end-of-life care for patients with cancer
December 01, 2014 - In the absence of
sufficient evidence, additional factors may be considered in
making a treatment decision
September 01, 2013 - associations
between study treatment effect and study-level characteristics—much like evaluating risk factors
May 01, 2013 - Factors to consider in judging the risk of bias from
NFCOI include the value of the secondary interest
February 01, 2012 - DEcIDE 34 - Developing a Registry of Patient Registries: Options for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Research from the Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness (DEcIDE) Network
February 2012
Effective Health Care Program
Research Reports
Number 34
Developing a Registry of Patie…
March 01, 2022 - Skip to main content
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July 01, 2023 - Rapid Response: Efficacy of Dental Services for Reducing Adverse Events in Those Undergoing Insertion of Implantable Cardiovascular Devices
Rapid Response
July 2023
Efficacy of Dental Services for Reducing
Adverse Events in Those Undergoing
Insertion of Implantable Cardiovascular
Main Points …
August 01, 2021 - Effectiveness of a pragmatic school-
based universal intervention targeting student resilience protective factors
November 01, 2019 - mortality,
adverse consequences of
poor vision), harms (e.g.,
serious adverse events),
implementation factors