November 30, 2014 - Risk
factors for FI include increasing age, female sex, chronic diarrhea, nerve damage (such as from … FI etiologies and other patient factors dictate feasible treatment options.1 For example, the
range … Additional
information on baseline patient factors that could modify treatment effects, such as age, … Fecal
incontinence in US adults: epidemiology and risk
factors. … Yes Yes, most or all known factors were
No Critical factors are missing
June 05, 2014 - Objectives for the Systematic Review
The high burden of diabetes necessitates careful attention to factors … Other reported risk factors for diabetes-related complications
included smoking (20 percent), self-reported … For
T2DM we will build upon previous systematic reviews by identifying factors contributing to the … Question 6
Do the factors that contribute to program effectiveness for patients with T2DM vary across … The other questions explore factors that may be
associated with the effectiveness of behavioral programs
July 01, 2016 - the
accuracy of diagnostic tests in specific populations, including
those with IgA deficiency, risk factors … Risk
factors for celiac disease include family history, trisomy 21,
Turner syndrome, Williams syndrome … comparative
accuracy of diagnostic tests in certain subpopulations: patients
with differing demographic factors … (including race or ethnicity),
IgA deficiency, or celiac disease risk factors (including type 1
August 01, 2012 - making the decision to classify a CER conclusion into one category or another, we used the
following factors … 50,000 children
treated with rhGH for
growth deficiency (in
the KIGS database)
who had no risk
factors … , sex,
and age
CF diagnosed
clinically or via
genetic testing or
sweat test
particular risk factors … Participation in
Retrospective cohort
Risk factors
associated with death
in CF … Independent risk
factors for death
included diabetes,
female sex, poorer
function, lower
September 30, 2015 - 95.9% vs. 97.0% Review of claims database Enrolled: NA
Analyzed: 113,618 Demographic and clinical factors … opioid use reported in any rounds Enrolled: 4,172
Analyzed: 4,172
Loss to followup: NA Predisposing factors … (age, sex, race/ethnicity), enabling factors (marital status, educational level, employment status, … economic status, health insurance and prescription drug coverage), geographic region, need factors (comorbidities
October 01, 2007 - est) can also be applied to analyze ADEs and their severity
and impact; controlling confounding by factors … that influ-
ence the occurrence of the adverse event, not by factors
that influence the outcome, may … Here the goal is to deal with factors related to the
treatment in question but unrelated to the outcome … secondary database analyses,
is another effective mechanism for controlling for confound-
ing risk factors
October 01, 2007 - of disease severity:
S � c0 � c1L � c2W � v, (2)
where S and L are defined as above; W represents factors … In contrast, the IV approach estimates a1 by exploiting
the surgery variation from measured factors within … Factors influencing
local relapse and survival and results of salvage treatment after
breast-conserving … Factors predicting the use of
breast-conserving therapy in stage I and II breast cancer. … Factors influencing choice between
mastectomy and lumpectomy for women in the Carolinas.
November 11, 2015 -
Here is how all of these factors … and benefit
information and variation in preferences that may relate to patient or personal
factors … answering it correctly and we certainly don’t want to see
differences by race, ethnicity, or other factors … asked patients, after they had completed their breast cancer treatment,
"How important were these factors
December 01, 2011 - • Severe underlying disease, acid suppression, and age are
indicated as risk factors. … A number of other potential factors
may be indicated in single studies. … Risk factors for Clostridium difficile
infection. J Hosp Infect 1998 Sep; 40(1):1–15.
21. … Meta-analysis to
assess risk factors for recurrent Clostridium difficile
infection. … Risk factors for
Clostridium difficile toxin-associated diarrhea.
September 20, 2017 - of
chronic pain as a distinct disease entity.2 This multifaceted disease is influenced by
multiple factors … (e.g., genetic, central nervous system, psychological, and environmental
factors), with complex interactions … Pain is greatly influenced by psychosocial factors,
which may predict who will develop chronic disabling … This
means that consideration of psychological and social factors as well as underlying
biological … Subjective
improvement in patients may result from factors other than a given
procedure, whether that
February 01, 2013 - This review also evaluates the factors influencing
the effect of intravascular diagnostic techniques … Key Question 5: What factors (e.g., patient/physician
characteristics, availability of prior noninvasive … Evaluation of factors such as sex, diabetes
mellitus status, lesion length, and reference diameter for … Data were also available on
the association (or lack thereof) between IVUS and factors
such as left … These factors affect the present-day applicability of
the existing data.
January 15, 2015 - In addition, certain risk factors for atherosclerosis (lipid disorders,
diabetes) and plaque development … Counseling
on modifiable lifestyle and risk factors is a part of both therapeutic approaches and may … related to diet, physical
activity, smoking cessation, alcohol use, and management of
psychological factors … b KQ 1–6e: Potential modifiers related to differential efficacy and/or safety include patient factors … heterogeneity using additional variables on methodological or other characteristics
(e.g., quality factors
March 31, 2010 - factors and the complex interactions
among these factors that promote a positive
energy balance. … At present, the way that
these factors contribute to the disparities
in obesity prevalence among population … Nevertheless, a growing body of research suggests that
many factors interact, including individual factors … , home
influences, the school environment, factors in the local
community, and policies implemented … Researchers should report
these contextual factors to help decisionmakers get a better
idea of the
January 01, 2009 - professionals
• Technology
• Culture
October 01, 2012 - making the decision to classify a CER conclusion into one category or another, we used the
following factors … had
either cardiovascular disease or
the combination of diabetes and
other cardiovascular
risk factors … in patients
who have cardiovascular
disease or diabetes combined
with other cardiovascular risk
factors … who had either
cardiovascular disease or the combination
of diabetes and other cardiovascular
risk factors … in patients who have
cardiovascular disease or diabetes
combined with other cardiovascular
risk factors
July 01, 2012 - cancer stage at diagnosis decreased.5
Apart from age, ethnic group, and family
history, the risk factors … Prostate Cancer
Risk Assessment
Executive Summary
susceptibility genes and shared environmental factors … Many epidemiological studies have
suggested a wide range of other risk factors for prostate
cancer, … What other factors (e.g., race/ethnicity, gene-gene
interaction, gene-environment interaction) affect … Environmental and heritable factors in the causation
of cancer--Analyses of cohorts of twins from Sweden
March 01, 2016 - The factors associated with overuse of antibiotics for
uncomplicated acute RTIs are numerous and diverse … These factors include patient demographics (e.g.,
children vs. adults); patient and clinician preferences … Current evidence is inadequate to determine key modifying
factors that affected outcomes of the interventions
May 01, 2013 - ES_19 re risk factors: are the risk factors being
mentioned valid? … (Continued from previous cell)
4) We have expanded our discussion of risk
factors; we also note, as … Elizabeth
Introduction I suggest that you add physician/provider factors for
factors limiting screening … We have clarified our summary of risk factors. … The key
questions address the relevant factors and are
explicitly stated.
Thank you.
September 13, 2011 - Known risk factors for nonadherence include previous substance abuse, psychiatric illness or
cognitive … In adult patients undergoing antiviral treatment for chronic HCV infection, what factors are
associated … in individual studies that might affect
applicability, particularly including factors related to the … Antiplatelet therapy in diabetic ischemic stroke
patients: associated factors and outcomes. … Factors associated with adherence to combination
therapy of interferon and ribavirin for patients with
May 01, 2013 - PAD has a similar atherosclerotic
process to coronary artery disease and
shares similar risk factors … of exercise and medical therapy prior to invasive
management or by subgroup (age, sex, race, risk
factors … Do the safety concerns vary by subgroup
(age, sex, race, risk factors, comorbidities, anatomic
location … Does the effectiveness of treatments vary by
subgroup (age, sex, race, risk factors, comorbidities, … Risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular
outcomes in different arterial territories.