December 01, 2019 - In asymptomatic adults with or without risk factors for CKD incidence, progression or complications, … How do patient factors and CKD screening thresholds modify the association of CKD screening with harms … How do patient factors, CKD severity/stage, and CKD monitoring intervals modify the association of CKD … How do patient factors and CKD severity/stage modify the association of CKD treatment with harms? … , baseline CKD severity, and other factors.
February 02, 2022 - However, other risk factors, especially at the system level, are less well understood or
acknowledged … such as modifiable
features in health systems, quality of clinical care (health-facility factors); … missed or delayed
diagnosis and lack of continuity of care (provider factors); inadequate access to … Study design must connect social factors/context to biomedical or health behaviors. … Studies that examine only
intrapersonal factors are excluded.
February 01, 2023 - The strongest, most consistent predictors of ED diagnostic error were individual case factors that increased … errors (and resulting harms) in the ED, measure error and harm frequency, as well as assess causal factors … for eligibility; serially extracted data regarding common diseases, error/harm rates, and causes/risk factors … across studies in measuring disease-specific rates, determining preventability, and assessing causal factors … errors among common diseases with lower-severity harms, pediatric ED errors and harms, dynamic systems factors
October 26, 2024 - rings of predisposing healthcare delivery conditions—including
societal conditions, organizational factors … , job and task-specific factors, and individual factors—can
impact HCW burnout … Although such individual factors may not be directly modifiable,
organizational interventions often … Prevalence of and Factors Associated
with Nurse Burnout in the US. JAMA Network Open.;4 . … Hum Factors. 2015;57:754–792.
53. Zare A, Choobineh A, Hassanipour S, Malakoutikhah M.
November 01, 2017 - questions:
- In patients with low back pain, what are the benefits and harms of identifying risk factors … Key questions: In patients with low back pain, what are the benefits and harms of identifying risk factors … questions:
- In patients with low back pain, what are the benefits and harms of identifying risk factors … diagnosis-and-treatment-of-low-back-painbr-key-questionsbr-olliin-patients-with-low-back-pain-what-are-the-benefits-and-harms-of-identifying-risk-factors-for-chronicity-and-targeting-treatment-based-on-assessed-riskliliin-pa
The main risk factors for throat cancer are using tobacco heavy drinking. … Certain types of throat cancer also have other risk factors.
December 01, 2019 - Therefore, the principles noted here relate to clarifying context factors and, to the extent possible … Reviews must identify these factors ahead of time and justify when to “split” questions or to conduct … Expert guidance can identify such factors to be considered. … to identify any hidden factors specific to the test or history of its development that may influence … Principle 2: Be prepared to deal with additional factors affecting applicability.
December 01, 2019 - Home
Evidence Reports
Strategies To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors … SHARE:
Strategies To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors … Selected pharmacological treatments and other behavioral strategies to manage cardiovascular risk factors … Comorbid Risk Factors in People With SMI
Pharmacological Treatments
Patient-Focused Behavioral … Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and disease in people with schizophrenia: a population-based
January 01, 2009 - Description
Nominator: Individual
The nominator is interested in which factors … With rates of birth by cesarean on the rise, what factors influence (and which have
the greatest impact … However,
there are no systematic reviews that synthesize these numerous factors into a single review … published in the
last ten years, it appears there is an adequate body of literature examining various factors
June 01, 2013 - Patients with these risk factors, especially mutable risk
factors, may then be targeted for prevention … Data
gathered on effectiveness and risk
factors of interest. … Data on risk factors are
collected retrospectively. … Data on potential confounding
factors and temporal trends would be needed. … (Interventions)
What factors could
influence MRSA test
July 01, 2012 - ,
compared with using the known factors alone. … Do factors such as
race/ethnicity, diet, or other medications, affect this association? … ; such factors are useful when
assessing analytic validity.
5. … using the known factors alone.
8. … Genetic and clinical
factors relating to warfarin dosing.
July 01, 2024 - blood does not clot in the typical way due to
missing or decreased blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors … Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of recombinant
factors VIII and IX concentrate in … We chose 1960 to cover a breadth of potential use of clotting factors in the treatment for hemophilia … /sex, race/ethnicity, smoking/tobacco use,
comorbidities, hemophilia treatment received (clotting factors … patients.7,16 Two publications
addressed overall management of hemophilia patients such as economic factors
June 23, 2014 - Biological factors can also be part of the cause. … Other factors may increase your risk, such as use of illegal drugs or having a serious medical condition … Systematic Review Archived April 22, 2013
Interventions To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors
August 01, 2023 - • The strongest, most consistent predictors of ED diagnostic error were individual
case factors … and (3) Overall and for the clinical
conditions of interest, what are the major causal factors associated … eligibility, serially extracted data regarding common diseases,
error/harm rates, and causes/risk factors … Causal factors were extensively studied, but too heterogeneously
categorized for overall meta-analysis … , and dynamic systems factors.
November 01, 2010 - Second, CKD may be associated with a
number of nontraditional risk factors for vascular disease and … • How do patient factors and CKD screening thresholds modify the association of CKD
screening with … • Patient factors that may increase risk for CKD incidence, worsening or
complications, and that … - Patient factors that may increase risk for CKD incidence, worsening or
complications, and that … , baseline
CKD severity, and other factors.
May 01, 2020 - Determine the Most Important Factors that May Affect Applicability
Identify potential factors. … The PICOS is a useful way of organizing factors that may affect applicability. … Foremost are any factors that have been associated with differences in treatment outcomes. … These factors should be identified a priori and stated in the protocol which factors will be captured … Factors that can affect the external validity of randomised controlled trials.
August 09, 2012 - factors,
and/or individual-level factors that might be influencing the patterns and utilization of … Contextual and health system delivery factors:
1. … Studies of the factors shaping patient attitudes and decisionmaking on TOL.
5. … Studies of the factors shaping provider attitudes and decisionmaking on TOL.
6. … Nonclinical factors affecting women's access to trial
of labor after cesarean delivery.
April 01, 2016 - approach:
»» Immediate imaging is recommended in patients with acute low
back pain who have major risk factors … for cancer, risk factors for
spinal infection, risk factors for or signs of the cauda equina syn- … neurologic deficits.
»» Imaging after a trial of therapy is recommended in patients with
minor risk factors … for cancer, risk factors for inflammatory back
disease, risk factors for vertebral compression fracture … , signs or
symptoms of radiculopathy, or risk factors for or symptoms of
symptomatic spinal stenosis
You will learn how to reduce your risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, … Being overweight or obese, smoking, and not exercising are other risk factors.
Families have many factors in common, including their genes, environment, and lifestyle. … Looking at these factors can help you figure out whether you have a higher risk for certain health problems