March 01, 2009 - • Studies of individual risk factors.
• Laboratory tests. … Risk factors associated with endometrial polyps in
abnormal uterine bleeding. … Reproductive factors and familial predisposition
for breast cancer by age 50 years. … Do traditional Gail model risk
factors account for increased breast cancer in women with lupus? … Risk factors for breast cancer in elderly
women. Am J Epidemiol 2004;160(9):868-875.
December 01, 2019 - cancer characteristics over time, definitions of active surveillance and other observational strategies, factors … A standardized protocol was used to extract details on design, diagnoses, interventions, predictive factors … studies provided information on epidemiologic trends; 56 on definitions of active surveillance; 42 on factors
December 01, 2019 - There was no evidence to determine the influence of parental factors and clinical settings on the degree … There is very little literature on factors associated with compliance to followup care, although that … studies should focus on identifying the risks associated with testing and management strategies and factors
December 01, 2019 - studies were also eligible for Key Questions (KQs) describing interventions or identifying contextual factors … Work organization factors and union membership status were two commonly mentioned contextual factors
December 01, 2019 - No maternal factors, such as number or severity of prior preterm births, have been definitively shown … Factors associated with adherence to treatment have not been systematically studied. … Publications about provider- and system-level factors confirm wide variability in use of progestogens
June 20, 2013 - Strategies include testing (e.g., imaging tests),
decision tools, identifying risk factors for chronicity … diagnose and treat low back pain, including: testing
(e.g., imaging tests), identification of risk factors … In patients with low back pain, what are the benefits and harms of identifying risk
from Nominator: factors
January 01, 2010 - The nominator expressed
interest in how the effectiveness of treatments may differ by factors such as … clinicians to recommend particular PTSD treatments based on the presence of one or
more of these factors … Prior exposure to trauma and other risk/protective factors for PTSD
November 01, 2017 - The distinct scenarios were defined by combinations of various factors, including the distributional … Continuity correction factors are necessary to calculate real-valued means or variances for some approximate … and coverage of these approximate methods are very sensitive to the choice of continuity correction factors
February 01, 2020 - Use Results: Multiple Mask Layers Versus Single Layer Study Limitations
Alradaddi B et al 2016 Risk factors … to 0.93) Not reported Potential recall bias; no control for confounding
Nishiyama A et al 2008 Risk factors … potential selection bias; estimate for sometimes vs. always use imprecise
Raboud J et al 2010 Risk factors … of controls were non-HCW relatives of patients
Pei L et al 2006 [Investigation of the influencing factors … exposure to patients with SARS; laboratory confirmation of cases not reported
Teleman M et al 2004 Factors
March 23, 2020 - Use Results: Multiple Mask Layers Versus Single Layer Study Limitations
Alradaddi B et al. 2016 Risk factors … 0.93) Not reported Potential recall bias; no control for confounding
Nishiyama A et al. 2008 Risk factors … potential selection bias; estimate for sometimes vs. always use imprecise
Raboud J et al. 2010 Risk factors … of controls were non-HCW relatives of patients
Pei L et al. 2006 [Investigation of the influencing factors … exposure to patients with SARS; laboratory confirmation of cases not reported
Teleman M et al. 2004 Factors
February 01, 2020 - Use Results: Multiple Mask Layers Versus Single Layer Study Limitations
Alradaddi B et al 2016 Risk factors … to 0.93) Not reported Potential recall bias; no control for confounding
Nishiyama A et al 2008 Risk factors … potential selection bias; estimate for sometimes vs. always use imprecise
Raboud J et al 2010 Risk factors … of controls were non-HCW relatives of patients
Pei L et al 2006 [Investigation of the influencing factors … exposure to patients with SARS; laboratory confirmation of cases not reported
Teleman M et al 2004 Factors
September 11, 2015 - Introduction
The high burden of diabetes necessitates
careful attention to factors contributing to … and even fewer analyzed the data in a manner that assessed
multiple factors simultaneously:45 the … Factors include the following:
a. Program components
b. Program intensity
c. … There
are likely several other factors to also consider. … Variability
may still exist in terms of several factors.
October 01, 2014 - However, clinical
uncertainty remains regarding optimal imaging strategies
due to the factors described … How is the comparative effectiveness modified by
patient, tumor, technical, or other factors? … How is the comparative effectiveness modified by
patient, tumor, technical, or other factors?
b. … Evidence on the effects of other patient, tumor, and
technical factors on test performance was more … Conclusions were generally robust on sensitivity and
stratified analyses based on study factors such
October 03, 2019 - Successful healing of chronic wounds depends on critical
factors, such as proper blood flow and nutrition … cellular therapies provide skin cells (fibroblasts, keratinocytes
or both) to create a source of growth factors … vascular status, infection status, and prior treatment
requirements (e.g., no treatment with growth factors … What confounding factors (e.g., ancillary treatments, patient comorbidities, patient
compliance, patient … Other skin substitute
Standard of care
Standard of care plus
synthetic dressings,
growth factors
December 01, 2019 - A number of negative prognostic factors (factors associated with increased risk of recurrence) have been … The current system used to assess recurrence risk using the prognostic factors noted above (e.g., a T4 … MSI testing is widely available and used along with clinical risk factors to help make decisions about … as analytic factors [such as reagents used].) … Have factors such as race/ethnicity been evaluated for their impact on clinical validity, since this
December 01, 2020 - For each AE associated with a particular vaccine, what are the risk factors for the AE (including age … For each AE associated with a particular vaccine, what are the risk factors for the AE (including age … For each AE associated with a particular vaccine, what are the risk factors for the AE (including age … Both patient factors (i.e., age and race) and vaccine factors (i.e., formulation, dosage, and timing) … may be risk factors for potential AEs associated with vaccination.
December 01, 2020 - Subsets of the bundled payment systems in KQ 1, characterized by the following key contextual factors … factors. … Predisposing factors include the general financial environment, other incentives outside of the bundled … The impact of these contextual factors is addressed by KQ 3. … In addition to the population and setting factors discussed above, we will examine other elements of
October 01, 2019 - the effects and harms vary by patient characteristics, presentation or course of illness, or other factors … Do the benefits and harms vary by patient characteristics, course of illness, or other factors? … Other factors may include the age and geographic location of the study.
V. … [Prognostic factors in perforating diverticulitis of the large intestine]. … Outcome of patients with acute sigmoid diverticulitis: multivariate analysis of risk factors for free
December 01, 2019 - Clinical and Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Risk for Postpartum Depression
Consistent risk factors … ” to “ individual factors.” … Include cultural factors and history of intimate partner violence as potential factors that may affect … Depression in postpartum and non-postpartum women: prevalence and risk factors. … Antenatal risk factors for postpartum depression: a synthesis of recent literature.
January 08, 2025 - There may also be environmental factors.