September 29, 2011 - Coronary disease risk factors such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other comorbid
disease? … Angiographic-specific factors (number of diseased vessels, vessel territory stenoses, left
ventricular … Coronary disease risk factors such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other comorbid
disease? … Coronary disease risk factors such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, or other comorbid
disease? … Coronary risk factors
Angiographic-specific factors
CABG-specific factors
Hospital characteristics
September 02, 2013 - Which factors would limit the applicability of this trial to patients with osteoporosis? … Which factors would limit the applicability of this trial to patients with osteoporosis? … In step 1 of the process, data on factors identified a priori as most likely to impact applicability … In step 1 of the process, data on factors identified a priori as most likely to impact applicability … In step 1 of the process, data on factors identified a priori as most likely to impact applicability
September 02, 2013 - Which factors would limit the applicability of this trial to patients with osteoporosis? … Which factors would limit the applicability of this trial to patients with osteoporosis? … In step 1 of the process, data on factors identified a priori as most likely to impact applicability … In step 1 of the process, data on factors identified a priori as most likely to impact applicability … In step 1 of the process, data on factors identified a priori as most likely to impact applicability
September 01, 2019 - for stroke and several of these factors are associated with AF. … These risk factors are the elements that form the CHADS2 and CHADS2-VASc scores. 13,14 The CHADS2 score … Despite existing risk stratification tools with overlapping characteristics, the major risk factors for … As mentioned previously, these factors comprise the CHADS2-VASc score. … Example factors include narrow eligibility criteria and exclusion of those with comorbidities, event
September 01, 2012 - What are the effects of health system and provider
factors, including provider knowledge and attitudes … Effects of Provider and Health System
Eleven studies with distinct populations assessed care … Factors associated
with use may be context specific; however, older maternal
age, private insurance … In general, studies have also
been too small to provide valid estimates of factors that
may modify … Evidence is insufficient for evaluating all
other uses and for understanding factors associated with
May 01, 2010 - for treatment as a result of developing antibody inhibitors to the exogenous replacement coagulation factors … At physiologic levels and in association with tissue factor (e.g., on damaged tissue), it activates factors … Thus, clotting can occur despite factor deficiencies (in factors VII, VIII, IX, and XI) or when the number
May 01, 2010 - for treatment as a result of developing antibody inhibitors to the exogenous replacement coagulation factors … At physiologic levels and in association with tissue factor (e.g., on damaged tissue), it activates factors … Thus, clotting can occur despite factor deficiencies (in factors VII, VIII, IX, and XI) or when the number
January 09, 2014 - What are the independent contributions of risk factors for urinary and fecal incontinence, including: … Dietary factors
g. Smoking
h. Obesity
i. Genetic factors
j. Prostate disorders
April 22, 2013 - Disposition of Comments for Interventions To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People With Serious … Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Interventions To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors … Interventions To Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in People With Serious Mental Illness. … We added comments on the impact of low
socioeconomic status on cardiovascular risk
factors. … Cardiovascular disease and metabolic risk factors in
male patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective
March 01, 2016 - Assess co-occurring diseases and risk factors as
predictor of all-cause mortality and HIV progression … status, insurance coverage, highest educational
attainment), psychosocial factors (e.g., social or … (e.g., cancer, heart
disease, addition problems, mental health problems); or resource-level factors … For assessing the effectiveness and safety of treatments for co-occurring diseases or risk
factors, … Menopause symptoms in women infected with HIV: prevalence and associated
December 01, 2015 - Factors related to sustainability
were similar to those identified for
implementation. … Studies were not designed to rank factors
and did not provide enough data to allow us to assess the … comparative impact of different factors on implementation
and sustainability.
Facilitators for … Factors motivating and
affecting health information exchange usage. … Query-Based
Exchange: Key Factors Influencing Success and Failure.
December 01, 2019 - Focus of This Summary
This is a summary of a systematic review evaluating the evidence about factors … This systematic review sought to determine which program factors optimize the effectiveness of behavioral … consider encouraging appropriate patients to engage in behavioral support programs to improve the risk factors
December 21, 2023 - Our focus was on risk factors
for maternal health. … but only the
focus on the risk factors in the introduction section. … We did not explicitly exclude
studies of protective factors, if
they had been approached as
such. … Several
studies looked at the protective and risk factors together. … Theres more factors that comes with
postpartum as well .
Thank you for the comment.
December 01, 2011 - Therefore, the factors affecting these actions also
warrant further investigation. … What factors affect the offer of, acceptance, and
adherence to active surveillance?
a. … Clinical factors
b. Patient Factors
i. Family involvement
ii. Personal preferences
iii. … We
extracted reported statistical data regarding changes over
time in factors of interest. … reported information on
changes in the distribution of patients by system-level
March 01, 2020 - Skip to main content
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January 01, 2007 - What are the independent contributions of risk factors for urinary and fecal incontinence, including: … impairment
Parity, childbirth, and postpartum state
Dietary factors … Smoking
Genetic factors
Prostate disorders
Psychiatric disorders
November 01, 2013 - Yet, given the perceived limits of
applying population-based evidence to individuals, other factors … Often, these other factors became more important when participants
did not see the relevance of the … In sum, deliberation required people to consider a variety of tensions and factors in a complex
issue … After completing a factor analysis of this survey, our final outcome
measures included six factors and … It also requires that clinical evidence
be put in the context of other factors when presented to support
April 02, 2015 - • What is the relative efficacy of different n-3 FAs on CVD outcomes and risk
factors? … • What are the effects of potential confounders or interacting factors—such as
plasma lipids, body … • How does the efficacy or association of n-3 FA on CVD outcomes and risk
factors differ by ratios … • How does the efficacy or association of n-3 FA on CVD outcomes and risk
factors differ by source … We will evaluate the risk of bias factors as possible explanations for any
June 01, 2010 - is relatively modest; one study estimates it to be about $400 per treated
patient.10 This estimate factors … Question 6
What is the effect of health systems and provider factors on the use of progestogens for … such as knowledge and acceptability, risk factors for preterm birth, and
adverse effects. … such as specialty, and health care system factors such as cost and availability, as
well as patient … factors, knowledge, and attitude.
December 01, 2009 - However, other factors—such as patient
preferences, access, and practice and referral patterns—
also … We also performed a number of meta-regressions
exploring the impact of various factors on the accuracy … Our meta-regressions did not identify a statistically
significant effect of the following factors on … Summary of impact of various factors on accuracy and harms
Strength of
Impact on Impact on … Summary of all findings on comparative effectiveness of
core-needle biopsy methods (continued)