January 01, 2018 - Human factors/human-computer interaction methods were used to improve
portal usability. … The PI also underwent training in human factors, quality measurement,
use of electronic health record … the PI has obtained an R01 on consumer informatics, a foundation grant on the
application of human factors … An experimental study using methods similar to those in study 4 assessing the impact of
human factors … We conclude that many of the
sociodemographic factors associated with the digital divide do not present
October 14, 2020 - JMIR Hum Factors. 2019 Apr 23;6(2):e12155. doi: 10.2196/12155. PMID: 31012859.
January 01, 2023 - these task transition decisions are based on unplanned, unorganized, and unpredictable environmental factors … location of patients, and available beds; (2) status of laboratory and imaging orders; (3) contributing factors
January 01, 2008 - We examined the
association between patient, clinical, and system factors with prescription drug use … Patient factors included age, gender, neighborhood socio-economic
status (SES), and race/ethnicity. … System factors included having a regular
doctor, insurance type, and years in the health system. … We used logistic regression models to
examine the association between these factors and each outcome … This difficulty in translating
evidence into actual practice has been attributed to factors ranging
January 01, 2012 - from Abt Associates, will use a case study research design to explore the influence of sociotechnical factors—such … Project Objective:
Explore the influence of sociotechnical factors on clinicians, office staff, and
January 01, 2008 - A multitude of project factors, practice factors, network factors, and
environmental factors render … Three factors heavily influenced sustainability. … : project factors,
practice factors, network factors, and environmental factors. … Project Factors. … Network Factors.
January 01, 2017 - We observed opportunistic decision-making was influenced by environmental
factors and its impact on … Given that dashboard access was not in place for all team members, we are unable to assess
factors … within the department may also be contributing
factors. … InCHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2010 Apr 9 (pp. 4525
4540). … Human Factors: The Journal
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 1995;37(1):32-64.
May 26, 2011 - RHIOs: Common Factors
Data is transmitted from one organization
to another. … Exchange Through Common Shared Record
Regional Health Information Organizations
RHIOs: Common Factors
July 11, 2012 - An X marks your risk factors for falling:
R Dizziness or fainting
R Seizure disorder
R Irregular … Memory loss or confusion
R Taking medications that cause you to
become drowsy
An X marks your risk factors
January 01, 2012 - In addition to SGB and fall history, the
relationship between other known risk factors and falls were … In a large study of fall risk in nursing homes, French et al.10
identified 18 fall risk factors; the … Good data were available for the other risk factors. … Falls in older people: epidemiology,
risk factors and strategies for prevention. … The contribution
of predisposing and situational risk factors to serious
fall injuries.
February 27, 2024 - PMID: 34846308.
Factors Influencing PROMs … Improvement
Key finding #6:
Patient factors are more strongly associated
than surgeon factors in … ► After accounting for patient factors, very little
(<1%) of variation in PROMs improvement can be … ► Minimal (<5%) of variation in these outcomes
was associated with patient factors. … ► Distrust in data and a relatively weak
intervention were likely contributing factors.
January 01, 2022 - Scope: Falls in older adults are common and preventable by assessing patient risk factors and providing … Scope:
Falls in older adults are common and preventable by assessing patient risk factors and providing … These risk factors were vetted and
approved by the study advisory board. … Each
participant completed four tasks: 1) Launch and Landing, 2) Risk Factors, 3) Recommendations, 4 … During the risk factors task the
provider was presented with risk factors identified by ASPIRE from
December 01, 2012 - Factors that Influence Successful
Use of a Patient Portal
As adoption of electronic
medical record … completed her doctoral work at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, conducted
research to identify key factors … Implications: Integrating cultural factors into con-
sumer health IT design poses many challenges, but … tailored design
approach that incorporates features and applications
for a range of behaviors and factors … Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System surveys. 1991-2005.
4 Chaudhry B, Wang J, Wu S, et al.
; HIT System Sustainability: Assuming on-going use of the CPOE system for up to 10 years Extrinsic Factors … : The authores provided vendor-supplied estimated CPOE costs in Appendix 1 of the article; several factors
January 01, 2010 - designs can be used to determine the effectiveness of CDSS. ( Achieved )
Identify what contextual factors … Of the 14 CDSS features assessed in this review, the meta-analyses identified several new factors and
January 01, 2023 - availability of highly effective medications for controlling the major cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors
January 01, 2017 - Utilize data to begin model-building
We have published a factor analysis1 revealing
potential phenotype factors … Those patient also exhibited higher severity
in other health factors (right figure). … • While we have performed latent class analysis on the factors derived from the PHA
questionnaire … and some of the extracted factors from the progress notes, we must finish
the extraction of features … and their consolidated factors to generate the most
comprehensive patient clusters (phenotypes) that
January 01, 2005 - In a pie chart the distribution of modifiable risk factors are shown. … tool] improved the dialogue (93%, n=162) as well as focus the consultation on the most important risk factors
January 01, 2009 - In Specific Aim 4 we examined the role of human factors analysis
in CPOE/EHR implementation. … Increasing the success of physician order
entry through human factors engineering. … In The Human Factors and Ergonomics
Society (Ed.), (pp. 1469-1473). … The
International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing,
5(1), 99-116.
Teich, J. … Patient safety: The role
of human factors and systems engineering. In W. B. Rouse
& D. A.
January 01, 2013 - 4) What and how aging factors contribute to the nature of information needs? … Next, the factors proposed by each
investigator were reconciled through group consensus. … In this round, new factors
were created and the definition of previous factors was refined through group … No changes to the
factors were necessary in this final round. … NA NA 1% 8% 2% 2%
What conditions or risk factors
are associated with condition y?