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    January 01, 2023 - JMIR Hum Factors. 2019 Apr 23;6(2):e12155. doi: 10.2196/12155. PMID: 31012859.
    January 01, 2023 - JMIR Hum Factors. 2021 Oct 26;8(4):e28618. doi: 10.2196/28618.
    January 01, 2023 - Many factors contribute to poor health outcomes for people with asthma Asthma rates for Bronx residents … Many factors contribute to the high asthma burden in the area, including social determinants of health … SDOH are the nonmedical factors that influence health outcomes.
    During the conference, participants shared success factors they had discovered during their implementation … of CPOE, developed lists of success factors, and prioritized main discussion points. 
    January 01, 2024 - Generalizability and portability of natural language processing system to extract individual social risk factors … Generalizability and portability of natural language processing system to extract individual social risk factors
    January 01, 2023 - The Effects of Age, Cognition, and Health Literacy on Use of a Patient EMR FactorsFactors affecting usage of a personal health record (PHR) to manage health.
    January 01, 2020 - Use of human factors and ergonomics to disseminate health care quality improvement programs. … , Ergonomics & Human Factors 2020 / ODAM 2020, Virtual. … Human factors approach to disseminating an intervention for improving blood culture utilization. … Human Factors. 2008;50(3):456-460. 15. Chaudhry B, Wang J, Wu S, et al. … Hum Factors. 2008;50(3):456-460. 18. Yates JF, Veinott ES, Patalano AL.
    January 26, 2006 - The main usability factors described above will help frame which general usability factors need to be … Handbook of human factors testing and evaluation. … Human factors engineering - Design of medical devices. … Handbook of human factors and ergonomics. Third Edition. … Handbook of human factors and ergonomics. Third Edition.
    January 01, 2010 - Module, which will use documentation data elements, actionable reports, and tracking tools on risk factors … pressure ulcer incidence provided by the facilities for a 12-month period and adjusted for resident risk factors … data elements that can be integrated into everyday practice, actionable reports of resident fall risk factors … Develop an evidence-based systems approach for identifying, managing, and monitoring multiple risk factors
    January 01, 1999 - by mail; Hayashi's Quantification Type I was used to determine the individual influence of the four factors … load; HIT System Sustainability:  the CPR system had been in operation for at least 5 years Extrinsic Factors … implementation cost was 3% of annual revenue of hospitals with < 200 beds; 1% for hospitals >= 500 beds; 4 factors
    January 01, 2018 - Human Factors Design Human Factors Design is the study of human behavior, the environment, and technology … In the context of health IT, human factors design focuses on healthcare professionals’ abilities and
    June 15, 2004 - susceptibility measurements for past cultures, selection of candidate antimicrobials based on patient factors … , recommendation of antimicrobial based on cost, toxicity and environmental impact factors Quality of
    January 01, 2023 - The team also evaluated the relationship between contextual factors, e.g. teamwork and the safety climate … Explore factors that influence accuracy of EHR-derived measures. … Evaluate the relationship between contextual factors (teamwork and the safety climate at BMS) and provider
    January 01, 2023 - Likewise, EMRs could be used to extract potential risk factors for demenita for early identification … The specific aims of the project were as follows: Use the EMR to identify delirium risk factors and … The researchers conducted a literature review and identified risk factors highly predictive of delirium
    January 01, 2001 - treatment, in particular, for older patients with aneurysms of intermediate size and with many risk factors … , and for younger patients with small aneurysms and few risk factors.
    January 01, 2006 - disease based on Framingham data, provides patients with individualized information, their personal risk factors … and information about risk-reducing therapies; compared to patients receiving only a list their risk factors
    January 01, 2023 - Planning for Electronic Health Record Downtime Macroergonomics to understand factors … Macroergonomics to understand factors impacting patient care during electronic health record downtime
    January 01, 2017 - Identify contextual factors, types of alerts and characteristics of providers, patients and hospital … Identify contextual factors, types of alerts and characteristics of providers, patients and hospital … A variety of sociotechnical factors likely influenced alert opening and subsequent actions. … Contextual Factors We identified contextual factors surrounding the delivery of alerts into provider … Perhaps our most important finding relates to contextual factors.
    December 01, 2018 - Factors to Consider in Managing Chronic Pain: … CDS Artifact Enhancement Based on Pilot Implementation Factors to Consider in Managing … Factors to Consider in Managing Chronic Pain: A Pain Management Summary. … This document outlines changes made to the semi-structured and structured representations of the Factors … the need to evaluate for risk factors prior to initiating opioid therapy.
    January 01, 2014 - Koopman to attend a 5-day Human Factors Engineering course at the University of Wisconsin entitled “ … The items and Cronbach’s alpha for each of the 8 factors are listed in Table 2. … meta-factors, Barriers and Facilitators. … Barrier factors were CA, RWD, IPC, and NNGN while Facilitator factors were HIN, CIEE, PMI, and CPE ( … However there are some factors that nevertheless favor the studies’ generalizability.

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