Further evaluation of the factors that contribute to NNDSS reporting timeliness is warranted.
November 01, 2008 - American Board of Medical Specialties considers these two documents along with other requirements and factors
Dentists report that the complexity and poor usability of practice management systems (PMSs) are factors
November 01, 2008 - American Board of Medical Specialties considers these two documents along with other requirements and factors
January 01, 2011 - the idea that health care
quality and outcomes are impacted by multiple inter-
acting psychosocial factors … Psychosocial factors such as
patient involvement, social support, medication adher-
ence, and risk behaviors … receive and
respond to health messaging, and have the potential to
positively influence psychosocial factors
November 01, 2009 - early indications of any
Calculating Medication
abuse or diversion, which are key factors
January 01, 2012 - Activities: The focus of activity was on finalizing PRE-HIT, which included 28 items clustered into eight factors
January 01, 2010 - Outcomes to be assessed include improvement in control of risk factors, frequency of compliance with … use of an active patient self-management version of an existing PHR can reduce cardiovascular risk factors
January 01, 2011 - considerations" section that navigated the tension between implementers' need for more setting-specific factors … Research Projects C-2B project, may create an implementer's workbench to configuring setting-specific factors
January 01, 2018 - discuss evaluation of a pillbox used by patients during transitions in care; and 3) describe human factors … Margie Snyder’s research investigated the alignment of CDS with established human factors principles
In doing so, some of the factors that we feel contribute to the success of the system are illustrated
examine the impact of electronic health records on documentation time of MDs and nurses and to identify factors
Common attributes were identified by
two gerontological nurse experts and a researcher with human factors
July 01, 2009 - Technical Assistance Priorities 4-1
Factors that Influence Priorities for Technical Assistance .... … Priorities for technical assistance are focused on policy, but are contingent on a number
of factors … Variance in priorities by certain factors. … Of the external factors, the
status of an agency’s MMIS and the poverty rate were found to affect the … These rankings were also analyzed to
understand whether factors such as MMIS status, initiative type
January 01, 2012 - PHIM practices
are influenced by a variety of user and contextual factors, including demographics, attitudes … technical
expert panel (TEP) that included consumer health experts, product design experts, human factors
January 01, 2010 - Outcomes to be assessed include improvement in control of risk factors,
frequency of compliance with … use of an active patient self-management version of an existing PHR can reduce cardiovascular risk
January 01, 2010 - During the first phase, the team conducted site visits to collect qualitative data on factors for effective … This type
of lab-based human factors evaluation of CDS and other informatics tools is critical for testing
January 01, 2012 - that the complications and costs of diabetes can be reduced by
controlling glucose and other risk factors … , many people with diabetes do not achieve adequate control
of these factors.
January 01, 2012 - Barriers to completion of the three-dose HPV vaccine regimen include health care provider
factors (e.g … ., competing health care priorities during medical visits), and parent or adolescent factors (e.g.,
January 01, 2011 - Barriers to completion of the three-dose HPV vaccine regimen include health care
provider factors (e.g … ., competing health care priorities during medical visits), and parent or adolescent
factors that prevent