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    January 01, 2010 - The project also evaluated the relationship between contextual factors (teamwork and safety climate … Explore factors that influence accuracy of EHR- derived measures. … (Achieved) •   Evaluate the relationship between contextual factors (teamwork and safety climate at … Patient-related factors may include aversion to needle sticks, cost, or logistical barriers. … Provider-related factors may include a lack of awareness that medication monitoring is indicated, or
    January 01, 2023 - If such computer applications are to be successful then the human, as well as the technological, factors … Here we report a human factors assessment of an interactive computer aid to history-taking and diagnosis … Objective To "report a human factors assessment of an interactive computer aid to history-taking and
    Factors related to physicians' adoption of electronic prescribing: results from a national survey … Issue:  1 Pages:  22-32 HIT Description:  Electronic prescribing  Purpose of Study:  To identify factors
    January 01, 2019 - Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2018;62:568-72. … Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2018;62:1072-6. … Researcher reflections on human factors and health equity. … Patient ergonomics: 10-year mapping review of patient-centered human factors. … Town hall on patient-centered human factors and ergonomics.
    January 01, 2008 - An in-depth analysis of these procedures determined that a number of factors were involved, including … maternal risk factors (e.g., higher prevalence of teenage mothers), baby risk factors (e.g., higher … prevalence of large babies), and procedure risk factors. … This compounding of risk factors occurred more often in rural hospitals and appeared to be related to … Factors contributing to maternal birth-related trauma. Am J Med Qual 2007;22(5):334-43.
    January 01, 2012 - between using engineering and cultural anthropological approaches; the second conceptualizes how cultural factors … may be integrated; and the third illustrates how cultural factors are part of a larger cohort of factors—such … as functional, technical, and affective factors.
    January 03, 2011 - Yet little attention has been paid to human factors and ergonomics in the design of consumer health … This paper presents the results of an analysis of human factors and ergonomics issues encountered by … Results A broad range of consumer health IT applications and diverse set of human factors and ergonomics … Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings 2009;53:1003e07. 8. … Application of human factors analysis in the home: a methodology [dissertation].
    January 01, 2023 - Mayo-Smith MF et al. 2007 "Factors associated with improved completion of computerized clinical reminders … Factors associated with improved completion of computerized clinical reminders across a large healthcare … These findings demonstrate the importance of considering practice and provider factors and not just technical
    January 01, 2022 - support (CDS) advisory; 2) educate clinicians about torsades de pointes (TdP) and associated risk factors … TdP particularly manifests in hospitalized patients with multiple risk factors including heart failure … Topics covered included how to measure the QT interval, known risk factors for TdP, recognizing the … The advisory presented the clinician with the patient’s QT risk score, those factors contributing to … Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate risk factors, the number of known TdP medications, and
    January 01, 2012 - Examining Human Factors Principles in the Design and Implementation of Medication-Related Decision Support … for assessing whether a medication-related decision support alert is appropriate relative to human factors … Over a 3-year period, an existing human factors instrument will be validated relative to override rates … Activities for the third project, Examining Human Factors Principles in the Design and Implementation … Preliminary findings for the Examining Human Factors Principles in the Design and Implementation of
    January 01, 2003 - Factors affecting and affected by user acceptance of computer-based nursing documentation: results of … Changes in efficiency and productivity:  The quantitative results point to two factors influencing the
    January 01, 2009 - An in-depth analysis of these procedures determined that a number of factors were involved, including … maternal risk factors (e.g., higher prevalence of teenage mothers), baby risk factors (e.g., higher … prevalence of large babies), and procedure risk factors. … This compounding of risk factors occurred more often in rural hospitals and appeared to be related to … Factors contributing to maternal birth-related trauma. Am J Med Qual 2007;22(5):334-43.
    January 01, 2016 - Aim 1: Use the EMR to identify delirium risk factors and develop a delirium prediction rule. … modifiable risk factors (e.g. infection) and non-modifiable risk factors (e.g. … Delirium risk factors: The following risk factors were determined to be related to the development of … Positive risk factors. 4. Most recent pain scores. 5. … Precipitating factors for delirium in hospitalized elderly persons.
    January 01, 2012 - using engineering and cultural anthropological approaches; the second conceptualizes how cultural factors … may be integrated; and the third illustrates how cultural factors are part of a larger cohort of factors—such … as functional, technical, and affective factors.
    May 01, 2006 - What are the critical factors that lead to the formation and sustainability of RHIOs/HIEs? 3. … What are the critical factors that lead to the formation and sustainability of RHIOs/HIEs? 3. … What are the critical factors that lead to the formation and sustainability of RHIOs/HIEs? 3. …  Drivers:  Leadership  Stakeholder power  Contextual conditions (market factors, culture)  Other … What are the critical factors that lead to the formation and sustainability of RHIOs/HIEs? 3.
    January 01, 2023 - Proc Hum Factors Ergon Soc Annu Meet 2015;488-92 Link
    January 01, 2012 - Examining Human Factors Principles in the Design and Implementation of Medication-Related Decision Support … for assessing whether a medication-related decision support alert is appropriate relative to human factors … Over a 3-year period, an existing human factors instrument will be validated relative to override rates … Activities for the third project, Examining Human Factors Principles in the Design and Implementation … allow the team to assess the compliance of the medication-related decision support alerts with human factors
    January 01, 2010 - availability of highly effective medications for controlling the major cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors … systematic feedback on the need for treatment intensification in patients with poor control of CVD risk factors … included all PHASE patients who were found to have had poor control of two or more of the CVD risk factors
    January 01, 2003 - Those at high risk or those with known risk factors need to be screened for iron-deficiency anemia with … migrants or recently arrived refugees Selective Screening for Infants and Children with Known Risk Factors … In populations of infants and young children not at high risk, screen only those who have known risk factors … Children Ages 5 to 12 Years and Adolescent Males Ages 12 to 18 Years Screen only those with known risk factors … Ages 12 to 18 Years and Nonpregnant Women of Childbearing Age Screen annually those with known risk factors
    January 01, 2009 - The project used prospective human-factors analysis methods to improve the design and implementation … Applying a human factors engineering approach to CPOE and EHR implementation in ICUs is unique and, because … cost of patient care in the ICUs before and after the implementation; and 4) examine the role of human-factors … The investigators demonstrated the feasibility and benefits of using human-factors methods, such as usability

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