April 08, 2011 - Signouts by pediatric interns failed to communicate essential information 40% of the time, despite the fact
December 18, 2024 - Published April 26, 2021. https://www.who.int/news-
room/fact-sheets/detail/falls#:~:text=Falls%20… … index.html#:~:text=Falls%20are%20the%20leading%20cause
https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets … /detail/falls#:~:text=Falls%20are%20the%20second%20leading
September 01, 2011 - In fact, a recent review of literature from 2000–2009 found many studies
highlighting safety issues … Despite the fact that the patient was admitted
with a clear and potentially life-threatening diagnosis … In
addition, the fact that no antibiotics were dispensed by the pharmacy signals a breakdown in
communication … information provided.(8)
For example, the two nurses caring for this patient did not question the fact
March 03, 2016 - Thousands of hospitals, in fact in some states it's mandated,
use that for things like central line–associated … with 5000 hospitals, if you look at
how people do quality improvement and work on patient safety, the fact … /2016-Fact-sheets-items/2016-03-03-2.html
https://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Fact-sheets … /2016-Fact-sheets-items/2016-03-03.html
RW: In a world of Kaiser Permanentes, Cleveland Clinics, and … And in fact, with TCPI [Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative] we
made that a priority.
April 05, 2013 - Recognizing this fact, this commentary calls for a systems engineering approach to identifying and
October 09, 2013 - spreading-human-factors-expertise-healthcare-untangling-knots-people-and-systems
February 15, 2011 - reported quality measure on the timing of antibiotic
administration in patients with pneumonia in fact
November 24, 2021 - breakdowns in communication and patient
education contributing to medication adverse events, and (3) the fact
February 01, 2009 - You can
envision that many hospitals may figure out ways to document care well, but may in fact not … the
providers and make it very hard to move to the next stage of clinical care if you have not, in fact … But if, in fact, the Medicare payment
system remains a DRG-like system where we will pay for a given … Many of the things that people talk about as safety issues in fact are. … Well, in fact, it is. What we don't really know is how to fix that.
June 29, 2016 - This fact sheet highlights key points of a government effort to link performance on quality with select
December 24, 2008 - , 2005
AHRQ; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; NQF; National Quality Forum
This fact
October 25, 2006 - Fact Sheet/FAQs
Medication safety checklist.
March 03, 2011 - AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators, this study discovered that events expected to be random in nature
in fact
September 10, 2014 - Inspection: Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration's National Consult Delay Review and Associated Fact … Inspection: Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration's National Consult Delay Review and Associated Fact
October 25, 2013 - reviewing the report’s findings should bear in mind these potential
methodologic shortcomings and the fact
October 05, 2016 - This fact sheet summarizes the results of a stakeholder meeting that explored usability problems and
September 13, 2021 - Those reviewing events after the fact see the outcome as more foreseeable and therefore more preventable
March 20, 2013 - However, implementation of this strategy is limited by the fact that no study yet
has prospectively
October 25, 2013 - reviewing the report’s findings should bear in mind these potential methodologic shortcomings and the fact
June 06, 2018 - Written by the patient's husband, the article outlines the failures that led to her death despite the fact