June 06, 2012 - June 6, 2012
The science of human factors: separating fact from fiction.
October 23, 2013 - September 9, 2010
The science of human factors: separating fact from fiction.
November 30, 2011 - January 7, 2015
The science of human factors: separating fact from fiction.
February 01, 2010 - She did not inform the hospitalist that the medications were in her hospital bag; in
fact, she may not … In fact, these errors and their serious consequences prompted
requirements in hospitals for medication
January 01, 2018 - create long, rambling notes that do not clearly convey the current status of a patient and can, in fact … technically feasible within the EHR itself, clinicians typically oppose such drastic measures.(4) The fact
June 01, 2005 - (In fact, Hopkins has now created a part-time doctoral
degree program in public health explicitly designed … As a matter of fact, the goal is to put
my team out of business—to shift the work to the caregivers
August 04, 2021 - Study
Identification of patient information corruption in the intensive care unit: using a scoring tool to direct quality improvements in handover.
Citation Text:
Pickering BW, Hurley K, Marsh B. Identification of patient information corruption in the intensive care unit: using a scori…
October 05, 2022 - Study
A qualitative analysis of the impact of electronic health records (EHR) on healthcare quality and safety: clinicians' lived experiences.
Citation Text:
Upadhyay S, Hu H-fen. . A Qualitative analysis of the impact of electronic health records (EHR) on healthcare quality and safety: …
February 01, 2023 - Study
Maternal and neonatal health care worker well-being and patient safety climate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Citation Text:
Haidari E, Main EK, Cui X, et al. Maternal and neonatal health care worker well-being and patient safety climate amid the COVID-19 pandemic. J Perinatol. 2021;4…
November 10, 2021 - Study
Systems-level factors affecting registered nurses during care of women in labor experiencing clinical deterioration.
Citation Text:
Bernstein SL, Catchpole K, Kelechi TJ, et al. Systems-level factors affecting registered nurses during care of women in labor experiencing clinical de…
April 01, 2003 - In fact, one of the most
publicized medical errors in recent years involved a very similar fatal misinterpretation … The potential for this potentially disastrous medication
substitution is accentuated by the fact that
January 01, 2016 - psnet.ahrq.gov//#ref1
this well-known fact … will require not only advances in the science but also
changes to today's culture, which inhibits fact-finding
August 15, 2018 - Study
Understanding the heterogeneity of labor and delivery units: using design thinking methodology to assess environmental factors that contribute to safety in childbirth.
Citation Text:
Sherman J, Hedli LC, Kristensen-Cabrera AI, et al. Understanding the Heterogeneity of Labor and Del…
December 06, 2010 - Study
Senior charge nurses' leadership behaviours in relation to hospital ward safety: a mixed method study.
Citation Text:
Agnew C, Flin R. Senior charge nurses' leadership behaviours in relation to hospital ward safety: a mixed method study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2014;51(5):768-80. doi:10.1…
December 21, 2017 - Study
Pay practices and safety organizing: evidence from hospital nursing units.
Citation Text:
Conroy SA, Vogus TJ. Pay practices and safety organizing: evidence from hospital nursing units. Health Care Manage Rev. 2023;49(1):68-73. doi:10.1097/hmr.0000000000000392.
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March 01, 2017 - Systems need to be able to cope with the fact that there will be some people, even if a very small number … And that literature, in fact, predicted the Enron disaster a couple of years before it happened. … see with patient safety or other quality improvement interventions a rush to implementation, when in fact … MDW : That is, in fact, where my current research program is going. … The fact that 70% of change initiatives are estimated to fail supports this theory.( 6 ) How, then, can
February 01, 2007 - questions, but finally we have to be switched on, thorough, and conscientious and take a good historythe fact … JB: That is an incredible question and in fact it's around the corner.
November 01, 2017 - In fact, palliative care professionals often observe that the first few days after the
withdrawal of … Although
double effect has been deemed to be ethically appropriate, it may obfuscate the fact that health … The fact that the care team chose to review the case means that
they've already taken the first step
December 01, 2016 - In fact, the majority of those who die by suicide have
never seen a mental health professional (62%) … However, the fact that the patient eloped reveals a major gap in
care, in that this patient who warranted … In fact, among primary
care patients, 2%–3% report experiencing suicidal ideation in the preceding month
January 19, 2011 - Review
The effects of patient handoff characteristics on subsequent care: a systematic review and areas for future research.
Citation Text:
Foster S, Manser T. The effects of patient handoff characteristics on subsequent care: a systematic review and areas for future research. Acad Med.…