January 24, 2018 - Although the composite accountability score
decreased slightly, this result is thought to be due to the fact
January 15, 2020 - with medication
administration errors; the authors speculate that this may be attributable to the fact
March 20, 2013 - However, implementation of this strategy is limited by the fact that no study yet has prospectively evaluated
March 02, 2011 - Signouts by pediatric interns failed to communicate essential information 40% of the time, despite the fact
July 19, 2018 - AHRQ's Patient Safety Indicators , this study discovered that events expected to be random in nature in fact
October 01, 2009 - It had to do with the fact that the ACGME [Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education], which … The hospital was fairly forthcoming about the fact that they had made pretty terrible mistakes in the … That has to do with the fact that Joint Commission reviewers went in and found that the hospital didn't … CO: It's a great feeling, but it's tempered by the fact that when you do investigative reporting you … In fact, many of them show up on various "top hospitals" lists, which may be why celebrities frequent
October 01, 2009 - In fact, many of them show up on various "top hospitals" lists, which may be why celebrities frequent … It had to do with the fact that the ACGME [Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education], which … The hospital was fairly forthcoming about the fact that they had made pretty terrible mistakes in the … That has to do with the fact that Joint Commission reviewers went in and found that the hospital didn't … CO: It's a great feeling, but it's tempered by the fact that when you do investigative reporting you
November 16, 2022 - This commentary discusses the productivity paradox of information technology—the fact that digitization
December 19, 2018 - within ambulatory safety, few studies address safety issues in chronic disease management , despite the fact
May 31, 2023 - Do you see the fact that the notes have deteriorated as a problem in training and professionalism, or … They keep everything in their notes, when in fact it's pretty easy with a graph function to look at how … The worst-case scenario is when you implement the EHR, because of the inertia and the fact that nobody … That's not even connecting the fact that the note's probably copied and pasted. … It's hard to divorce the fact that you're a physician there.
December 04, 2024 - policy has catalyzed efforts to realign payment incentives and patient safety efforts, despite the fact
January 20, 2025 - In fact, many of the systems problems discussed by Reason and others—poorly designed work schedules,
November 19, 2015 - First, Do No Harm Part 1: A Case Study of Systems
November 19, 2015
Chicago: Partnership for Patient Safety, Harvard Risk Management Foundation; 2000.
This video, produced by the Partnership for Patient Safety and the Harvard …
May 03, 2018 - Physician gender and apologies in clinical interactions.
May 3, 2018
Hill KM, Blanch-Hartigan D. Physician gender and apologies in clinical interactions. Patient Educ Couns.
2018;101(5):836-842. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2017.12.005.
This si…
July 19, 2023 - However, these safety risks must be balanced against the fact that interruptions are often necessary
May 01, 2011 - In fact, they were instructed not to comment on the care provided by the initial hospital in any way.
November 01, 2012 - One of the truisms about such crafts is that if they are not taught or valued, they will in fact die … In fact, I'm looking to the American Board of Internal Medicine to turn the ship around—to make it the … In fact, the Stanford Medicine 25 has been taken over by a generation of young hospitalists here who … The fact that you can now have it all in one screen is just amazing. It's just wonderful. … In fact, we take a history from the patient. The word history has the word story embedded in it.
July 19, 2024 - Fact Sheet/FAQs
Advancing Health Care Safety for All.
April 12, 2014 - Despite this sobering fact, a recent review found virtually no proven mechanisms for detecting or preventing
March 29, 2012 - They conclude by expressing the challenges in error reporting and emphasizing the fact that risk is not