February 01, 2018 - When data are MCAR, the fact that the data
are missing is independent of the observed and unobserved … When data are MAR, the fact that the data are missing is
systematically related to the observed but … When data are MNAR, the fact that the data are
missing is systematically related to the unobserved data … However, this is not so; in fact, whether missing data introduce bias
into a complete case analysis … data are likely to occur to some degree in patient registries and nonexperimental studies
due to the fact
May 29, 2013 - We agree with the reviewer that the emphasis of this
statement should, in fact, be placed on the lack … Given
the fact that nonfatal myocardial infarction was a
secondary endpoint in CHARISMA, we have de … reviewer that surgical
revascularization has been underemphasized in this
report, mainly due to the fact … In fact the consensus of most experts in the
field is that vein bypass grafting has considerably
better … We agree with the reviewer that the emphasis should
remain on the fact that in a PAD subgroup, dual
October 01, 2014 - We believe that the fact that many physicians interpret a low
volume of PET/CT scans that were performed … More
than one brought up the fact that they believed that PET-CT
scans were often used because the … In fact, outside the context of a
particular episode of clinical care, comparisons of modalities do … difficult to isolate the contribution of
diagnostic imaging from the larger care paradigm, and in fact … In fact, in clinical practice, a patient
may have multiple diagnostic tests, with additional value from
April 19, 2022 - noting that much of the evidence on WIC does not contain a
comparison group, as demonstrated by the fact … that the plurality of full-text
abstracts excluded were due to the fact that studies did not have a
January 01, 2012 - meet the need for a novel effective oral treatment for CF,
although this view was tempered by the fact … for a novel CF treatment that can improve health outcomes, although this
view was tempered by the fact … However, experts stated that the importance of this unmet need is tempered by the
fact that CF is a
April 01, 2012 - could meet the need for a novel effective oral treatment for CF,
though this view was tempered by the fact … However, two research-oriented experts opined that the importance of this unmet need is tempered by
the fact
March 15, 2016 - basis from which to work from in order to
develop and inform recommendations for primary care (or in fact … Some will take issue with the statement that evidence does not support the fact that
febuxostat reduces … The
lower the serum urate, in fact, the faster the urate clearance and tophus dissolution. … In fact, no RCT has
yet shown a reduction in acute gout attacks,
so we can't revise this statement … However as an
example of this, the FACT trial of ULT
reported 7% with diabetics and 10% with
March 27, 2013 - the direction of change for Tseng 2008 and deBot 2011 appears as positive when these two studies, in fact
June 28, 2013 - evidence to provide definitive
answers to most of the KQs (as reflected in the fact that the questions … We have added new language in the Executive
Summary and the main document to reflect this fact
and … the fact that use of the procedure should be
viewed as an opportunity to continue to investigate
new … The fact that the
writers acknowledged some of the different techniques for ablating
AF, there is, … We think that the risk
and benefits in women is such an evidence gap and
the fact that we were not
July 01, 2023 - here)
https://waysandmeans.house.gov/sites/democrats.waysandmeans.house.gov/files/documents/Fact … 20Race%20(2).pdf
https://waysandmeans.house.gov/sites/democrats.waysandmeans.house.gov/files/documents/Fact … Race”
https://waysandmeans.house.gov/sites/democrats.waysandmeans.house.gov/files/documents/Fact … Race”
January 01, 2011 - In fact, the off-label use of cancer therapy was estimated to
reach 50 to 75 percent by 2005, according
July 31, 2020 - (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … In fact, ACL,
through its National Alzheimers and Dementia Resource
Center (NADRC) maintains a list … (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … Or
are you just making neutral statements about this fact?
Thank you for the comment. … The fact that 37
intervention categories were captured is a tribute to the
precision of the authors
July 31, 2020 - (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … In fact, ACL,
through its National Alzheimers and Dementia Resource
Center (NADRC) maintains a list … (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … Or
are you just making neutral statements about this fact?
Thank you for the comment. … The fact that 37
intervention categories were captured is a tribute to the
precision of the authors
July 31, 2020 - (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … In fact, ACL,
through its National Alzheimers and Dementia Resource
Center (NADRC) maintains a list … (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … Or
are you just making neutral statements about this fact?
Thank you for the comment. … The fact that 37
intervention categories were captured is a tribute to the
precision of the authors
June 01, 2013 - physicians often lead to patient use of an EMS to access EDs
for routine health care services, despite the fact … diseases experience prescription adherence issues.23 One
research expert specifically highlighted the fact … One research expert explained, “Given the fact that patients
will need to obtain the adherence monitoring … patients experience issues with medication adherence.39 One research expert specifically
highlighted the fact
February 24, 2016 - It is a fact that the biopsy literature suffers from a
verification bias. … The fact that surgical
reduction of nephrons then sets a new baseline GFR, and where that
GFR is, in … In fact, there
is a trend for better kidney function in the eGFR <30 group treated with
NSS in the … Many on that list do
in fact report clinically localized patients. … Despite the fact that the resulting review of the literature is incomplete, I
doubt the findings and
November 20, 2014 - This fact needs to be captured in some manner in the
discussion and conclusions. … In fact in the final
conclusion the authors might add that there is need for research in
this area. … In fact, outside the
context of a particular episode of clinical care, comparisons of
modalities do … The
fact that the NCCN guidelines conflict in
several areas with the ACR guidelines
suggests that … In fact, in clinical practice, a
patient may have multiple diagnostic tests, with additional value
September 15, 2014 - It must be modified to include the fact that
the time point was 3 months and there is no assessment … Totally missed in the introduction is the fact that the Urinary
retention could be due to detrusor failure … In fact, some of the conclusion
drawn by using these methods are false and will mislead the
reader. … In fact,
most studies of microwave therapy have specifically excluded
patients with urinary retention … These categories are identified
based on urodynamic findings, and in fact this is one area where
January 01, 2012 - In fact, there may be negative consequences, [in that] receiving messages
could encourage people to … research expert did not believe in this
intervention’s ability to reduce health disparities, citing the fact … Most experts’ comments addressed the fact that patients
receiving a positive result from the test would … The Surgeon
General's call to action to support breastfeeding:
fact sheet. [internet].
January 01, 2012 - florbetapir, for a total of 14 sets of experts’ comments on these two imaging
Despite the fact … This point is underscored by the fact that most experts thought that
these agents, if approved, would … Alzheimer's disease fact sheet. [internet].