November 01, 2011 - quality assessment may fundamentally be very different from one that has little variations, despite the fact
October 28, 2010 - In fact, according to some surveys, the majority of traumatized persons do not receive evidence-based … insufficient evidence in support of EMDR, coping skills training, and cognitive restructuring, in spite of the fact
October 15, 2010 - Most of the above and the fact the cost Copaxone, one of the most effective treatments for MS went from
January 01, 2012 - Thompson_ECCS2012
Slide 1: Evidential Preferences
andWhoWe Trust: Health
Decision Making
Vetta L. Sanders Thompson, PhD, MA
Associate Professor
St. Louis,
Slide 2: In…
October 01, 2010 - In fact, more surveillance has unearthed more
recurrences; a fact well recognized and not commented … In fact, the
data from numerous nonrandomized studies of AF ablation were
sufficiently consistent and … In fact, emerging
evidence suggests that some period of continued AAD use early after
ablation may … Whether
structural heart disease is associated with progression to AF in theory or in
fact is a moot … In fact, 9% (9/103) of the
THERMOCOOL subjects were adjudicated as chronic
failures solely due to use
September 23, 2014 - In fact, few studies even
reported T staging accuracy. … In the introduction, we mentioned the
fact that EUS-FNA accuracy may be operator
dependent. … In fact, outside the context of a
particular episode of clinical care, comparisons of modalities do … In fact, in clinical
practice, a patient may have multiple diagnostic tests, with additional value … More than ten key
sub-questions in fact could not be answered.
This is true.
May 27, 2010 - The paragraph: Indeed, the capabilities of IMRT to deliver higher doses to the tumor
site may in fact … This fact needs to be acknowledged somewhere in this section. … The history and
accomplishments of . . . testify to this fact. … This is undoubtedly due to the fact that 104 out of 105 selected
articles were rated as “poor” by the … This fact needs to be acknowledged somewhere in this section.
April 01, 2013 - Each
article was abstracted by a single reviewer, with 100 percent fact-checking being completed by … However, this
observation was tempered by the fact that the studies were of different designs, used … total
score, FACT-G,
FACT-B 7-8 pts;
BCS 2-3 pts;
FACT-G / TOI 5-6 pts
administered … total
FACT-B 7-8 pts;
BCS 2-3 pts;
FACT-G / TOI 5-6 pts
administered … = Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast; FACT-G = FACT-general; FCSI = FACT Colorectal Symptom
March 08, 2011 - This is related, in part, to the fact that there is relatively little standardized data on the treatment
October 23, 2012 - Despite the fact that a large proportion of
residents in NHs and RC/AL settings have
dementia,{Zimmerman … Absent additional information, and in light of the fact that
reviewers 5,6,7,9,10, and 11 stated the … By
leaving out that fact in the discussion and other results section,
you leave the mistaken impression … The fact that so few studies met eligibility criteria and were
of sufficient quality to make it into … We agree that these findings are useful, despite the fact
that the strength of evidence is low.
November 11, 2015 - In fact, evidence is a resource just as it is for all of us. … second, we recognize that in our broader culture and
why society was one
of our factors that, in fact … In fact, one
of the
most important interests I see
often times with comparative
January 24, 2013 - Home »
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Date submitted: January 24, 2013
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Localized Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
Briefly descri…
October 03, 2012 - Home »
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Topic Suggestion Description
Date submitted: October 3, 2012
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer
Briefly describe …
September 01, 2011 - In fact, some biologics in development are oral
medications. … For
example, abatacept is described as “anti-CD28, T cell costimulator
antibodies”, but it is in fact … Peer Reviewer #7 Results (Pg 39,
line 45)
Why is the fact thar there a potential conflict of interest … It is an industry sponsored
clinical trial, but so are many of the other studies cited where this fact … The fact that
there is little usable information about the effectiveness and safety of
many of the
January 01, 2010 - Indeed, these type analyses are often performed
post-fact in an attempt to “mine the data” to learn … on reviewing Skoner’s original paper, we did not
find any evidence that Skoner performed any post-fact … In fact, it should be
considered “weak” based on the statistical
methods (subgroup analyses) which … [In fact, of the
multiple endpoints assessed (>20), none were
statistically significant (in favor of … Rather, our findings reflect the fact that some
allergens have been more extensively studied, and as
May 20, 2013 - Thank you
TEP 1 Results Given the fact that there are still limited studies to none
outside tertiary … One clear advantage for the
wireless motility capsule is the fact that it will be available
and utilized … We have reflected this fact in the current draft
based on previous reviewers’ comments. … In fact, a number of
physiological abnormalities have been implicated in the
development of chronic … Camilleri et al1
We did reference this fact in this updated draft. Thank
April 19, 2012 - They’re really self
reinforcing, and, in fact, you know, there really should be
another arrow that … So there are ways of finding out if, in fact, people had
concerns about independence and credibility … If
you think about the fact that all of that careful design
work, facilitation, et cetera, leads … The other way of tackling this, which I’ve also seen, is an
externally-driven process where, in fact … I mean, this was groundbreaking work, by the way.
I’m not criticizing the fact that they
March 01, 2012 - There are, in fact, substantial differences in sensitivity and specificity
between commercial assays … Peer Reviewer
Introduction Page 31 -Line 49 - This may also be due to the fact that S. aureus … In
fact, no soap kills spores either. … the technology is fundamentally more
sensitive owing to the fact that it bypasses variation in gene … The fact that culture is most sensitive is
mentioned on page 26, next to last sentence.
January 01, 2020 - Key Questions - Optimal Medical Treatments for Non-Metastatic Gastric Cancers
Optimal Medical Treatments for Non-Metastatic Gastric Cancers
Gastric cancer is the fifth most common cancer worldwide, and most frequent cause of cancer death in
some countries (Sung et al., 2021). In the US, the rate of n…
January 01, 2012 - The rationale for this treatment
stems from the fact that inflammatory bowel diseases are rare in developing … countries
where helminths are common and the fact that people have altered immunologic responses … The rationale for this treatment stems from the
fact that inflammatory bowel diseases are rare in developing … countries where helminths are common
and the fact that people with helminths have an altered immunologic