November 01, 2012 - reviewers
abstracted articles selected for inclusion in the review; a
second reviewer conducted a fact … The abstracter and
the fact checker discussed discrepancies; any unresolved
issues were decided through … continued)
Analyzing the impact of QI strategies, the objective of this
report, is complicated by the fact … One limitation that is apparent to
us is that the same strategy may in fact incorporate very
October 19, 2016 - In fact, that AMA report could have been
very useful to this review in terms of concepts, gap
areas … In fact, most
of the report does focus on identifying the key areas
of ambulatory patient safety, … This
seems to me to be less than desirable, though I in fact
agree with the ambulatory patient safety … In fact, much of this could have been
gleaned from the AMA report.
September 01, 2012 - interventions
Our process of engaging stakeholders and reviewing recent literature highlighted the fact … ales mature hypothesis together with a more
mature question with more reliable evidence While the fact … In fact, under the auspices of the
Buteyko Breathing Educators Association, such standardization is … interventions
Our process of engaging stakeholders and reviewing recent literature highlighted the fact
March 27, 2020 - Our report reflects the fact that
both individual and program-level
certification are regarded as viable
March 09, 2016 - Rev. 02-26-2016
Is Lung Cancer Screening Right for Me? A Decision Aid for People Considering
Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography
Page 1
Program Overview
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.
January 01, 2013 - biases and measurement errors can introduce apparent heterogeneity of treatment effect (HTE) when in fact
August 10, 2010 - in practice patterns rather than an increase in the underlying prevalence of the disorder. 6,7 In fact
November 11, 2015 - But the fact is that this is
a convention.
October 01, 2007 - investigating the benefits and plan types that appeal to beneficiaries,
but their application is limited by the fact
October 01, 2007 - Because plans and bene-
ficiaries are heterogeneous, the fact that a form of creditable
coverage is deemed
February 01, 2011 - the skin, arterial insufficiency,
peripheral neuropathy, or a combination of these factors.4
In fact
November 01, 2012 - In fact,
the shift toward IMRT has been associ-
ated with a move toward more EBRT as
October 30, 2019 - analysis of information provides very comparable
c-statistics regarding the 2 instruments, and in fact … highlight inconsistencies between
findings in the observational studies and RCTs for
dabigatran when, in fact … not reach statistical significance. 5 In both cases,
the findings from the observational studies in fact … In fact I would suggest that for
risk prediction of CVA that calibration is more
important than discrimination—the … In fact some of the bullets
on inconsistencies and need for more validation of
tools sound more like
January 01, 2012 - PEPTIC ULCER #11
AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential High
Impact Interventions Report
Priority Area 11: Peptic Ulcer Disease and Dyspepsia
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
Rockville, MD 20850 …
January 01, 2012 - Arthritis and Nontraumatic Joint Disease
AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential High
Impact Interventions Report
Priority Area 01: Arthritis and Nontraumatic Joint Disease
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither …
July 26, 2012 - In fact, stone recurrence rates were reduced in both
groups compared with no treatment or placebo arms … In fact, no study has ever been done assessing the
effectiveness of low Ca diets using a stone formation … In fact, many in the field are hoping the
use of CT scan to provide a more sensitive and reproducible
September 15, 2014 - the Women’s Health
Initiative limited-access data set Am J Clin Nutr 2011.
this in fact … In fact, simultaneous supplementation with
calcium and vitamin D resulted in a non-
significantly smaller … affect
cancer incidence. ( Because I am out of the country I
could not access the ASBMR abstract).In fact
December 01, 2009 - Because of the
use restrictions and the fact tiotropium was not used as first-line treatment for patients … In this way, we took advantage of the fact that tiotropium was not a treatment
option during identification
September 01, 2011 - other content management systems is “that content is put in the wiki during the project, not
after the fact … (See the TikiWiki Fact Sheet, available at:
December 15, 2015 - I read through this
section I wondered whether all these studies focused on
implementation or in fact … studies
shows there is less precision on the
definition on HIE than in US-based
studies, and in fact … (This could
also be due to the fact that someone else might have pulled
the paper report, so no time … notes on the two issues that might be listed as
challenges: searching using other terms and also the fact … overall, think the final conclusions based on available
published data have to be qualified by the fact