August 01, 2020 - In fact, the draft report feels tone deaf in many regards to our
needs as well as containing some stigmatizing … prefer the term people living with dementia instead of people with dementia
because it underscores the fact
September 20, 2013 - hyperplasia [ADH]) or noninvasive (e.g., ductal carcinoma in situ [DCIS]) when invasive cancer
is in fact … SEER
January 01, 2010 - from the IOM on identifying highly effective evidence-based clinical services calls
attention to the fact … They may, in fact, be implicated in progression of diabetes, and they make it
difficult to lose weight … Context: The belief that the new drug has an advantage is based on the fact that it has a long half-life
May 26, 2016 - However,
the fact that these studies had an overall risk of bias from moderate to high is
concerning … comparison group, there is really no way to know
whether the increasing rates of adverse events are, in fact … why investigators would choose unblinded designs for these comparisons…" This is
likely due to the fact
June 01, 2012 - In fact, the range of CAD prevalence in this review
is similar to a recent analysis of a large administrative … In fact, multiple testing or layered-testing
strategies are areas where significant research is needed … In fact,
up to 9 percent of women presenting with acute coronary
syndrome will not have obstructive
October 01, 2015 - the
conclusion of a recent meta-analysis.14 This difference
in conclusions can be attributed to the fact … effectiveness
of different regimens for giving fluids to patients
receiving contrast media, despite the fact
November 01, 2012 - In fact,
Doshi and colleagues found that 85 per-
cent of obese disabled beneficiaries had at
February 01, 2015 - Alzheimer's
disease fact sheet. [internet].
March 24, 2017 - Commentator
& Affiliation Section Comment Response
Peer reviewer #2 General The key issue I have is the fact … Especially given the current opiate
crisis and the fact that many patients with diabetic
March 24, 2017 - Commentator
& Affiliation Section Comment Response
Peer reviewer #2 General The key issue I have is the fact … Especially given the current opiate
crisis and the fact that many patients with diabetic
April 10, 2020 - these studies was part of the original scope of work, on the
basis of (a) limited evidence and (b) the fact … Agreed, and we added this fact as
a limitation “The same inclusion
criterion also limited our ability … Comment Response
TEP member #5 Discussion/
It might be helpful to contextualize the fact
April 10, 2020 - these studies was part of the original scope of work, on the
basis of (a) limited evidence and (b) the fact … Agreed, and we added this fact as
a limitation “The same inclusion
criterion also limited our ability … Comment Response
TEP member #5 Discussion/
It might be helpful to contextualize the fact
May 01, 2013 - unscheduled
infant clinic visits in positively screened mothers is a
harm is likely to be wrong;in fact … In fact, the authors did a relatively
poor job in discussing treatment. … meta-
analysis and other quantitative models but it is not
clear if the methods described were, in fact … The fact that BECK did all of the BECK
studies is a little worrisome. … Or is the fact that
follow-up of the women screened was so abysmally
low ( 5-30%) ?
December 09, 2015 - Given the fact that this change will markedly
impact the field, particularly for physicians who are … omission of data about lisdexamfetamine, which was recently
approved for the treatment of BED—in fact … In fact, there are
few, if any, treatment studies for binge or LOC eating in young (pre-
adolescent) … Loss of control is presented as a core feature in second
sentence when in fact it’s definitional. … Of particular note is the fact
that this trial was conducted at two sites – one with more experience
January 01, 2010 - on the note of
inclusion of international studies, we have added text in the
discussion about the fact … qualified, too, as there is an
implication that fetal pulse oximetry is used in practice when,
in fact … In my view we should be careful to
differentiate between the two concepts and highlight the fact
that … There is limited applicability of studies to current treatment
contexts due to the fact that the new … The fact that the study did not identify a
clear set of interventions that could be used to decrease
May 01, 2006 - meaningful on the most commonly used QoL
instrument, Functional Assessment of Cancer
Therapy-Anemia (FACT-An
August 09, 2021 - recurrence
• Any breast cancer recurrence
• Breast conservation
• Quality of life (e.g., BCTOS, FACT-B … Organisation for Research and Treatment of
Cancer; ESTRO = European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology; FACT-B … Cancer
ESTRO European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
EPC Evidence-based Practice Center
September 30, 2022 - Alcohol Facts and Statistics Fact Sheet. … Excessive Alcohol Use Fact Sheet.
June 01, 2014 - In fact, multiple commenters suggested that the switch from
anesthesia professional-administered propofol
June 16, 2010 - on other adverse events that are related to transfusions; if these studies are not available, this fact … such as SF-36; EORTC Quality of life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30); Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT … A second reviewer will independently fact-check the data.