May 27, 2014 - My surprise stems from the fact that numerous meta-analyses of
these trials have been conducted over … Some of this may be related to the fact that the
outcomes are very similar (e.g., 3 month readmission … In
fact, you only had 1 study (I think) that looked at 30 days. … Although the PA monitors are not all
approved, the field is moving rapidly and in fact, these are
" … We have only mentioned intensity for the home-
visiting programs due to the fact that our sub-
March 18, 2014 - In
fact, as described in the IOM report, much of
what survivors need going forward is for their
treating … It would be helpful
to clarify how a SCP would meet this definition if it
in fact does. … I thought the brief was premised on
the fact that even “usual care” is poorly tracked
and understood … These include
the fact that survivors: a) are at higher risk of
recurrence/second cancers for which … of
care post-treatment for survivors of childhood
cancer face many of the same challenges and in
May 08, 2013 - We agree that the fact that there was low-strength evidence for many findings
warrants a conclusion … and we clarified in the final report that
much of available evidence has limitations, including the fact … , line 32-34 is duplicated in
lines 36-38
While similar in language and appearance, these are in fact … In fact this study
makes some astute observations
regarding alternating surfaces and
pressure ulcer … In fact, in each
of these indices, there are some
alternating pressure products that
are more similar
July 01, 2013 - with insurance that covers the drug, from about $160 to about $60.13
Several experts highlighted the fact … Statistical
fact sheet 2012 update: overweight & obesity.
November 19, 2009 - to contrast (among others) screening at different intervals and
various start and stop ages.21 In fact … In fact it was deemed that PET screening becomes attractive
only if one assumes that PET would triage
January 01, 2010 - The available OS evidence should then be reviewed to establish if, in fact, it addresses the review questions … This slide highlights the fact that identification of gaps is an iterative process in which criteria
January 01, 2012 - did not believe in this intervention’s ability to reduce health disparities, citing the
December 01, 2013 - Alzheimer's
disease fact sheet. [internet].
January 01, 2010 - The available OS evidence should then be reviewed to establish if, in fact, it addresses the review questions … This slide highlights the fact that identification of gaps is an iterative process in which criteria
June 01, 2011 - ing from premiums to full Medicaid benefits (Figure 2).3 This
increase may be due in part to the fact … In fact, Foote and Hogan
estimated that from 1994 to 1996, only
eight percent of Medicare beneficiaries
June 01, 2011 - a time horizon of 5 to 10 years, generally with little or no justification or
consideration of the fact … Aside from the fact that the results of VOI studies vary with the uncertainty in the costs and
effects … uncertainty
in the value of atypical antipsychotics in schizophrenia, reflects to large degree the fact … This is driven by the fact that the chance that future information may change our
current decision of … Finally, the minimal modeling approach is limited by the fact that many
cutting-edge areas of medical
December 30, 2015 - Response
TEP Reviewer 6 Introduction The Introduction could make a few additional statements
about the fact … In fact, it is
both a derivative measure and a ratio, which could arguably
lead to it being a less … In fact, it is both a
derivative measure and a ratio, which could arguably lead to
it being a less … why the extensive data available on
objective daytime function was omitted, neglecting the
relevant fact … In fact, of the 16 CBT-I studies
conducted with adults more than 60% were conducted in
Canada, England
June 01, 2015 - than bariatric surgery.”41
Another research expert had tempered optimism: “Patients would like the fact
September 01, 2014 - In fact, subgroup analyses are considered
hypothesis generating rather than clinically
directive. … In fact, after reading the Introduction
and all of the difficulties in evaluating these
alternate drugs … February 11, 2014 8
Commentator Section Comments Response
unsupported, especially given the fact … Section Comments Response
reduced risk (it is not correct to say that HDL-c
has a protective role ; in fact … I believe that the HDL-C discussion is probably
of limited value at the present time given the
November 01, 2011 - quality assessment may fundamentally be very different from one that has little
variations, despite the fact … Nevertheless, the
differences between exercise 1 and 2 are not solely attributable to the fact that … However, the
extent of intra-rater variability observed here may also reflect the fact that the reviewers … quality assessment may fundamentally be very different from
one that has little variations, despite the fact
January 01, 2018 - ://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-
Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule … https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule … https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule … https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule
January 01, 2018 - ://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-
Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule … https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule … https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule … https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/sharedsavingsprogram/Downloads/2015-06-04-Fact-Sheet-MSSP-ACO-Final-Rule
April 17, 2012 - Several experts highlighted the fact that antiobesity pharmacotherapies are typically not covered by
December 20, 2012 - But, in fact, the
explorations of reasons for heterogeneity is where risk of bias
information should … In
fact, we view research on adherence to HCV treatment
interventions as an ideal priority for funding … the inconsistency of the findings, the
lack of evidence showing improved
clinical outcomes, and the fact
August 01, 2020 - In fact, the draft report feels tone deaf in many regards to our
needs as well as containing some stigmatizing … prefer the term people living with dementia instead of people with dementia
because it underscores the fact