June 08, 2018 - prostatectomy, or RARP
In RARP, four to six tiny cuts are made in your belly (similar to LP — in fact
March 31, 2011 - In fact, most patients with chronic renal disease become anemic.
December 11, 2012 - I believe failure to mention or discuss this fact is detrimental for
the ability to assess the effectiveness … In fact, we conclude
that "No specific imaging technique is able to
completely identify anorchia or … In fact, a high FSH has been shown to be highly accurate in
the diagnosis of anorchia. … In the off chance you cannot find the testis,
then it may help after the fact. … In fact, our review is from 1990 to February 2012.
June 08, 2018 - Home
Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Archived: This summary is based on a report that is greater than 3 years old. Findings should not be considered current.
Close-up image of an Asian man with the quote: "Take your time, get the facts, and make…
April 09, 2020 - Research Protocol: Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy
I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review
Breast cancer is the most common new cancer diagnosis among women and the second …
May 01, 2021 - label the patient as idiopathic and will not consider any previous intubation as cause, despite the fact … The fact is that all research shows damage to the trachea can occur within 15 minutes, the manufacturers … Surgical History: One important fact to remember is that any surgery requiring an endotracheal tube or
October 03, 2019 - The fact that
a skin substitute is
commercially available
is not a reflection of its
legal status … The fact that
a skin substitute is
commercially available
is not a reflection of its
legal status … The fact that
a skin substitute is
commercially available
is not a reflection of its
legal status … The fact that
a skin substitute is
commercially available
is not a reflection of its
legal status … The fact that
a skin substitute is
commercially available
is not a reflection of its
legal status
July 05, 2011 - A blatant
incongruence with the principles quoted is the fact that
an animal model does not exist for … In fact, the poorly conducted randomized
clinical trial in the United States (100% prematurity,
100% … In fact, FETENDO was the failed
endoscopic surgical approach used in the RCT
conducted in the United … Peer Reviewer
Results I strongly disagree that “BPS is likely to be very rare.”In
fact, it is … The difference in mortality
(30%vs. 70%) is in fact 30% vs. 65%, and a chi-square
test onthat shows
October 01, 2018 - Another challenge relates to the fact that medications are prescribed by the
psychiatrist and therapy
August 26, 2011 - In fact, the off-label use of cancer therapy was estimated to reach 50 to 75 percent by 2005, according
June 01, 2017 - Two gave results, but we were unable to incorporate them in to the analysis, due to the fact that they
February 02, 2021 - Add in the fact that CMS has statutory requirement calling for oxygen prescriptions to include liters
June 01, 2015 - Fact sheets: alcohol use and your health.
[internet]. … Available:
30. … Fact sheet: alcohol use and health.
[internet]. … Available:
use.htm. … /alcohol-use.htm
January 01, 2012 - Kravitz_ECCS2012
Slide 1: Media, Messages, and Medication: Strategies
To Reconcile What
Hear, What TheyWant, andWhat They Need FromMedications
University of California, Davis, Department of…
January 06, 2017 - Clinical program was in fact a collaborative development among NorthShore
Community Health Department … because I think it’s very important to understand that medical care is in a larger
context and in fact … SHALOWITZ: That’s in fact true. … and see how important trust is so I appreciate having that trust scale up,
and also looking at the fact … SHALOWITZ: I would say yes and in fact I’ve been lucky enough that I’m with the
communities of Lake
January 01, 2008 - Despite the fact that these reviews have existed for several years and have shown a potential
October 05, 2012 - Data were abstracted by a single reviewer and fact-checked by a second reviewer.
June 20, 2013 - Data were abstracted by a team of reviewers and fact-checked by another team of reviewers.
June 28, 2022 - We agree the
evidence base
is sparse and
highlight this
important fact. … Center
for Health
The report discusses these gaps in research and the fact
April 16, 2020 - This content area is understandably distinctive but
the fact that you found no overlapping studies despite … Public Reviewer 1
Karl Lorenz
Question 4 Pain is in fact more common among older adult and those with … In fact, if the government continues to force doctors to
undertreat pain and the DEA continues to decrease … In fact, Thornton, et.al., found four key predictors (i.e.,
the opioid's duration of action, the parent … We are struck by the fact that all three of these reports find much the same
thing: low-to-moderate