
Total Results: 894 records

Showing results for "fact".

    September 01, 2008 - Patients may be very satisfied by virtue of the fact that they achieve better glycemic control and … The overwhelming weight of the evidence points to the fact that premixed (analogues or human regular … We also believe that these are unexpected results and have added a sentence to convey this fact. … So there is a gap between the fact that we have little if any direct comparison with clinical outcomes … In fact, the case of rosiglitazone exemplifies why we should insist on clinical outcomes data.
    January 01, 2012 - physicians often lead to patient use of an EMS to access EDs for routine health care services, despite the fact … diseases experience prescription adherence issues. 23 One research expert specifically highlighted the fact … In fact, several experts thought this technology has potential to increase disparities. … One research expert explained, “Given the fact that patients will need to obtain the adherence monitoring
    January 11, 2017 - Before I turn this over to Ela, I want to alert you to the fact that there are features of the deliberative … The fact is they learn from each other, they don’t learn from the facilitator. … when we ask why, and it’s quite interesting that as children we have no problems asking why, and in fact … debating with each other, and not with the facilitator, the facilitator should never lose sight of the fact … are paired with a partner, then in turn they can ask each other’s names, why they came, and one fun fact
    November 11, 2015 - The predominant theme here is the fact that we seem to live in a culture that views healthcare providers … Then  some of them were told  later, after the fact, “Oh  you’re not actually eligible for transplant
    November 11, 2015 - And, in  fact, demographics -­‐ age, education, income, gender -­‐ account for about fiveor six percent … And, in fact, the New York State district program says they’regoing to use it as a performancemetric.
    February 01, 2018 - When data are MCAR, the fact that the data are missing is independent of the observed and unobserved … When data are MAR, the fact that the data are missing is systematically related to the observed but … When data are MNAR, the fact that the data are missing is systematically related to the unobserved data … However, this is not so; in fact, whether missing data introduce bias into a complete case analysis … data are likely to occur to some degree in patient registries and nonexperimental studies due to the fact
    May 29, 2013 - We agree with the reviewer that the emphasis of this statement should, in fact, be placed on the lack … Given the fact that nonfatal myocardial infarction was a secondary endpoint in CHARISMA, we have de … reviewer that surgical revascularization has been underemphasized in this report, mainly due to the fact … In fact the consensus of most experts in the field is that vein bypass grafting has considerably better … We agree with the reviewer that the emphasis should remain on the fact that in a PAD subgroup, dual
    October 01, 2014 - We believe that the fact that many physicians interpret a low volume of PET/CT scans that were performed … More than one brought up the fact that they believed that PET-CT scans were often used because the … In fact, outside the context of a particular episode of clinical care, comparisons of modalities do … difficult to isolate the contribution of diagnostic imaging from the larger care paradigm, and in fact … In fact, in clinical practice, a patient may have multiple diagnostic tests, with additional value from
    April 19, 2022 - noting that much of the evidence on WIC does not contain a comparison group, as demonstrated by the fact … that the plurality of full-text abstracts excluded were due to the fact that studies did not have a
    January 01, 2012 - meet the need for a novel effective oral treatment for CF, although this view was tempered by the fact … for a novel CF treatment that can improve health outcomes, although this view was tempered by the fact … However, experts stated that the importance of this unmet need is tempered by the fact that CF is a
    April 01, 2012 - could meet the need for a novel effective oral treatment for CF, though this view was tempered by the fact … However, two research-oriented experts opined that the importance of this unmet need is tempered by the fact
    March 15, 2016 - basis from which to work from in order to develop and inform recommendations for primary care (or in fact … Some will take issue with the statement that evidence does not support the fact that febuxostat reduces … The lower the serum urate, in fact, the faster the urate clearance and tophus dissolution. … In fact, no RCT has yet shown a reduction in acute gout attacks, so we can't revise this statement … However as an example of this, the FACT trial of ULT reported 7% with diabetics and 10% with CVD,
    November 01, 2020 - Medicare Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet: Medicare Coverage and Payment of Virtual Services … Note CMS News Alert April 13, 2020 ; CARES Act: AMA COVID-19 pandemic telehealth fact sheet, April
    November 01, 2017 - quality assessment may fundamentally be very different from one that has little variations, despite the fact
    November 01, 2017 - Most of the above and the fact the cost Copaxone, one of the most effective treatments for MS went from
    November 01, 2017 - If there is in fact a difference between the therapeutic effect of these drugs then more rational and
    June 28, 2013 - evidence to provide definitive answers to most of the KQs (as reflected in the fact that the questions … We have added new language in the Executive Summary and the main document to reflect this fact and … the fact that use of the procedure should be viewed as an opportunity to continue to investigate new … The fact that the writers acknowledged some of the different techniques for ablating AF, there is, … We think that the risk and benefits in women is such an evidence gap and the fact that we were not
    May 01, 2024 - National Health Expenditure Fact Sheet . 2023. Accessed on October 16 2023.
    July 01, 2023 - here) 66 … 20Race%20(2).pdf … Race” 68 … Race” 69
    January 01, 2024 - The findings should be interpreted in light of the fact that the protocol was prepared for the funder … The findings should be interpreted in light of the fact that the protocol was prepared for the funder … The findings should be interpreted in light of the fact that the protocol was prepared for the funder … The findings should be interpreted in light of the fact that the protocol was prepared for the funder … The findings should be interpreted in light of the fact that the protocol was prepared for the funder

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