
Total Results: 894 records

Showing results for "fact".

    February 01, 2012 - Equally clear, however, is the fact that without a strong incentive, such as a mandate from ICMJE or … Fact Sheet. National Library of Medicine. U.S. … HSRPROJ Fact Sheet. National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
    October 01, 2015 - PULMONARY with "Discussions" in Exec Summary AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential High-Impact Interventions Report Priority Area 13: Pulmonary Disease, Including Asthma Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Ro…
    December 01, 2014 - In fact, the switch from anesthesia professional–administered propofol to propofol given by physician-led
    April 30, 2014 - Commentator & Affiliation Section Comment Response Peer Reviewer #1 Executive Summary The fact … The fact that a group of studies was not deemed within the scope of the report (for feasibility reasons … to be equipoise around this issue and the number or colectomies performed every year is large, the fact … Affiliation Section Comment Response TEP #7 Conclusion Part of the problem is also related to the fact
    March 25, 2013 - In fact, several of the self-management, diet, and activity interventions categorized as being only … The fact that the individuals are seeking to lose weight is not different from almost many other studies … However, this wording does not satisfactorily reduce the fact that findings from these observational … studies for self- management (page 37) and diet (page 40): It does not make sense to comment on the fact
  6. PATIENTSLIKEME (pdf file)
    January 06, 2017 - distribution of how much baclofen an average multiple sclerosis user uses and they saw that, in fact
    November 11, 2015 - And  in  fact, they are  the  group  who  is the  most likely to  have   discordance  between  how they
    November 01, 2017 - In fact, adenomatous prostatic growth can begin at approximately age 30 and yield 50% of men by age 50
    October 01, 2012 - Data Extraction and Quality Assessment Data were abstracted by a single reviewer, and fact checked … broaden the spectrum of bacterial coverage does not improve outcomes in critically ill patients, and in fact … broaden the spectrum of bacterial coverage does not improve outcomes in critically ill patients, and in fact
    June 16, 2010 - other adverse events that are related to transfusions; if these studies are not available, this fact … as SF-36; EORTC Quality of life Questionnaire (QLQ-C30); Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT … A second reviewer will independently fact-check the data.
    August 26, 2011 - for inclusion in our review will undergo abstraction by a single reviewer; a second reviewer will ―factFact Sheet: Ending Healthcare-Associated Infections. October 2009. … Therefore, fact checking of the quality appraisals for these low quality studies will be performed
    October 01, 2011 - In fact, I'd rather see the future work, now devoted to possible research projects, to be removed and … give relative risk rather than or in addition to odds ratio; it’s more meaningful to most readers; in fact … Did include fact that different analysis has been presented Peer Reviewer #4 Results At the bottom … In fact, a larger study that these, the MTA (Molina et al, 2009) at 8-year follow-up found no effect … Results p 94 L-39 Again, non-pharmacologic intervention response impersistence is underscored when, in fact
  13. Obesity (pdf file)
    June 01, 2014 - perspective commented, “With a majority of insurance companies having no polices on the drug and the fact
    August 01, 2021 - In fact, only one of the participating registries reported use of these instruments.
    February 01, 2015 - Alzheimer's disease fact sheet. [internet].
    February 01, 2023 - Breastfeeding and Health Outcomes for Infants and Children Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Breastfeeding and Health Outcomes for Infants and Children I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review Breastfeeding – the feeding of human milk at the breast or exp…
    August 31, 2017 - Citing a specific rate (8%) is not well supported, a fact that is made clear in the subsequent sentences … sertraline, CBT, and combination is not referenced in the sertraline vs pill placebo areas despite the fact … The fact that the conclusions of the report are similar to other reviews is not a problem of the report
    April 01, 2011 - In fact, the report itself states: “No consistent comparative difference in symptom relief was observed … symptoms.9 This subset of 201 patients (101 on esomeprazole and 100 on placebo) further substantiates the fact … In fact, patients receiving dexlansoprazole 30 mg began to experience heartburn relief as early as the
    March 19, 2018 - However, it is in fact correct that the majority of evidence found for KQ1b was in patients 12 years … Although in fact the strength of evidence is low, data synthesized in this report does support the … Allergy Network We are not sure of this report's potential impact in patient management but the fact
    March 25, 2024 - One thing that has not been seriously vetted is the fact that for a long time, we providers (AND IT … In fact, the 14% almost makes sense (like 2% are abusers and 2-4% likely misdiagnosed people without … psychosocial treatments, given that they cannot be blinded (it’s impossible to blind a participant to the fact … helpful to have an analysis of the different interventions as these treatments are not homogenous, in fact

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