
Total Results: 894 records

Showing results for "fact".

    August 27, 2012 - Though the following sentence,”.....and the fact that any two populations may represent multiple and … Comment Response TEP #2 Executive Summary References 6-8 cited on that page are not correct and, in fact … In fact, many of the tables in the results seem redundant with table included again in the discussion … An example is you cite a 6.9 percent absolute improvement when in fact it is 8.2 percent. … TEP #2 Figures Page 42 Do make certain that what you say is the intervention is, in fact, one that
    November 03, 2011 - and effective, thereby increasing their own ability to cope and reducing their distress. 20 In fact … In fact, there are differing perspectives on the role of RC/AL: 1) that it lies along the continuum … approach and philosophy that can apply to all people, regardless of their level-of-care needs. 32 In fact
    April 15, 2013 - Conclusions regarding efficacy are limited by the fact that there are not enough large-scale and methodologically … implementing clinical treatment that is responsive to their trauma histories but cognizant of the fact … In particular, we have revised the report to explicitly call attention to the fact that at risk and … This dissonance reflects the reality that there is not, in fact, a common definition of ‘evidence-based
  4. Obesity (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - effects, and a potential for a 10% weight loss.” 19 5 Several experts highlighted the fact
  5. #05 DEPRESSION (pdf file)
    October 01, 2014 - However, support for this intervention was somewhat tempered by fact that the drug requires office-based
    September 01, 2011 - In fact, the Janicak, et al (2007) report is the most authoritative, complete, peer- reviewed summary … In fact, inclusion of this data would dominate the sample database upon which to draw definitive conclusions … In fact, there are several important sources of peer-reviewed scientific literature that have addressed … since the reader may come away from this thinking there are no proven treatments for TRD, when in fact … In fact, the vast majority of the studies, and the current FDA-cleared treatment protocol is well-validated
    September 01, 2011 - die about 25 years earlier than other Americans, largely owing to treatable medical conditions.20 In fact … forensically adapted intensive case management with forensically adapted assertive community treatment [FACT … ]; or FACT with FACT plus cognitive behavioral therapy for criminogenic thinking) that can prevent re-arrest … justice system, compare the effectiveness of forensically adapted assertive community treatment (FACT … ) with FACT plus cognitive behavioral therapy for criminogenic thinking on community adjustment, reductions
    January 01, 2012 - In fact, there may be negative consequences, [in that] receiving messages could encourage people to … research expert did not believe in this intervention’s ability to reduce health disparities, citing the fact
  9. Diabetes Mellitus (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - This may be due in part to the fact that this product is the only product of the company developing … This may be due in part to the fact that this product is the only product of the company developing
    January 01, 2014 - In the case of type 2 using insulin, these associations may be influenced by the fact that in- sulin … The first is that an opportunity for preventive care has been missed for those who are, in fact, most … National diabetes fact sheet: national estimates and general information on diabetes and prediabetes
    September 04, 2024 - ● The National Scleroderma Foundation published a patient-oriented fact sheet that included description … Lastly, a patient-oriented fact sheet by the National Scleroderma Foundation provided description … National Scleroderma Foundation (Castillo 2019)44 Dental care in scleroderma Fact sheet This … patient-focused fact sheet included description and treatments of various oral health issues common … sheet This patient-focused fact sheet included description and treatments of various oral health
    November 01, 2017 - discussions with patients who have concerns about delays in imaging, health care providers can highlight the fact
    November 01, 2017 - In fact, preoperative tests rarely change management 3-6 and may cause harm to patients.6-9 Up to 93%
    May 01, 2016 - Having a breast biopsy. A review of the research for women and thier families Having a Breast Biopsy A Review of the Research for Women and Their Families e Is This Information Right For Me? This information is right for you if: � You are a woman. The information in this summary is from research on women. …
    January 01, 2017 - In fact, these medicines can increase the risk of a gout attack when you first start to take them.
  16. Siminoff_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - Siminoff_ECCS2012 Slide 1: Making  Decisions  When You DisagreeWith the Doctor: The  Social/Family  Context Laura A. Siminoff, Ph.D. Professor and Chair, Department of Social and Behavioral Health Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, …
    April 01, 2013 - Stating benefits as speculative, but harms as fact is misleading. … if the AUC (PSA) values were lower than anticipated might keep a reader from over-interpreting the fact … In fact, this could be an important finding with regard to clinical practice, and an impetus for those … Response Groskopf/ Gen-Probe # 10 Discussion/ Conclusions Gen-Probe greatly appreciates the fact … Is this a fact or conjecture?
    December 19, 2023 - Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer 1 Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer Background One in eight men in the United States will develop prostate cancer in his lifetime1; prostate cancer is the leading type of cancer among men (age-adjusted incidence rat…
    December 01, 2019 - Imaging is used to determine whether there is in fact a testis and to locate it. … Cryptorchidism and testicular cancer: separating fact from fiction. J Urol 2009;181:452-61.
  20. Anxiety in Children (pdf file)
    September 12, 2016 - Furthermore, despite the fact that all guidelines recommended CBT as a first line treatment, the components

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