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Showing results for "fact".

    February 13, 2012 - The fact that the majority of studies only enrolled women scheduled for biopsy, and had prevalences … breast coil was used, was not followed and the inclusion of this criterion serves to emphasize the fact … The paragraph in question is in fact describing the manufacturer’s claims: “Specifically, the manufacturer … The fact that the majority of studies only enrolled women scheduled for biopsy, and had prevalences … reference to the “untoward” effects of repeat mammography, this comment does not seem logical due to the fact
    September 10, 2014 - However, we do not believe that not mentioning this fact was a source of bias, for the individual studies … few studies addressing the use of MRI-guided core biopsy based on increased risk, since this in in fact … Should we take comfort in the fact that differences in performance among alternative biopsy methods … But the greatest harm of a biopsy is the very fact of undergoing a benign biopsy. … Introduction However, the utility is again limited by the fact that the choice of image guidance for
    April 25, 2013 - Peer Reviewer #2 Executive Summary None Introduction There are two errors of scientific factFACT-Fatigue scores are better with ESA use but the magnitude is less than the minimal clinically important … information to establish a "benchmark" for clinically meaningful change in HRQoL scores that used FACT-An … Page 74, line 4: Table 48 does not inform readers which 17 trials reported FACT- Fatigue scores and of … We have strived to be factual, and in fact neither said nor taken a position that ESAs should not be
    January 01, 2012 - meet the need for a novel, effective, oral treatment for CF, although this view was tempered by the fact … for a novel CF treatment that can improve health outcomes, although this view was tempered by the fact
    January 01, 2012 - #06 Developmental Delays ADHD, and Autism AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential High Impact Interventions Report Priority Area 06: Developmental Delays, ADHD, and Autism Potential High Impact Interventions Report Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. D…
    December 01, 2019 - the direction of change for Tseng 2008 and deBot 2011 appears as positive when these two studies, in fact
    May 21, 2015 - While that is a reasonable model of action, in fact, many patients do not need ongoing treatment. … The fact that the background lists "key factors in decreasing psychiatric admissions" seems odd given … The fact that the authors could not find an "overall theoretical model that identified key intervention … #2 Peer Reviewer Findings The length of stay findings are misleading given the fact that they … could be viewed as a disadvantage but this same fact would hold true for many interventions (e.g.,
    June 12, 2012 - We have stated the fact that “comparator” studies have insufficient data. … In fact, the cardiac perfusion is also part of the stress examination with MR. … In fact, the two studies reported were not included because they were noncomparator studies. … We have stated the fact that “comparator” studies have insufficient data. … We appreciate the reviewer’s point that, in fact, CMR provides a toolbox of techniques that may help
    February 11, 2013 - N/A TEP #2 General The fact that only one study used an active control group (vs. wait list) further … whether intervention with a greater SOE from the complimentary review (assuming these exist) may in fact … The fact that the literature does not contain studies to allow conclusions about individual or contextual … allow for understanding of individual or contextual factors related to effectiveness contribute to the fact
    January 01, 2012 - physicians often lead to patient use of an EMS to access EDs for routine health care services, despite the fact … Finally, some experts suggested that patients might be wary of ingesting a microchip, despite that fact
    June 01, 2013 - novel, effective, oral treatment for appropriate CF patients, although this view was tempered by the fact … for a novel CF treatment that can improve health outcomes, although this view was tempered by the fact
    April 01, 2016 - with patients who have concerns about delays in imaging, health care providers can highlight the fact
    December 01, 2019 - Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Effective Health Care Program Powered by the Evidence-based Practice Centers …
  14. CARDIOVASCULAR (pdf file)
    December 01, 2014 - The drawbacks include nonhemorrhagic side effects, potential drug-drug interactions, and the fact that … This may in fact worsen the health disparities in the overall population.”45 6 Genetic Disorder … Fact sheet: the Watchman left atrial appendage (LAA) closure device. [internet].
    November 21, 2016 - Also, they bemoan the fact that women have to travel from one specialist to another (bottom page 8) … In fact arguments for co-located services for women go back at least a quarter of a century. 2. … for error and validity concerns We have added a comment on this to the limitations section: The fact … objective measure (e.g., what if a patient states that there are no buses in her neighborhood, when in fact … We have added a comment about the fact that this person does not have access to a provider referral
    September 11, 2012 - sustainability of adherence interventions, but this issue is not alluded to previously in the abstract (and in fact … sustainability of adherence interventions, but this issue is not alluded to previously in the abstract (and in fact … If the size of the literature is being restricted for reasons of time and budget, this fact must be … I think some mention of this fact is necessary since I would not expect a "normal" diastolic BP to be … evidence of benefit for medication adherence for 59 percent of these interventions” refers to the fact
  17. Naik (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - Naik Slide 1: Using  Electronic Health Records  to Better Coordinate Decision Making  for Complex Patients: What  CanWe Learn FromWiki? Aanand D. Naik, MD and Hardeep Singh, MD, MPH Houston HSR&D CoE, Michael E. DeBakey VA  Medical Center; Baylor College of Me…
    January 01, 2012 - flutemetamol, for a total of 12 sets of experts’ comments on these two imaging agents. 11-22 Despite the fact … This point is highlighted by the fact that most experts thought that these agents, if approved, would
    March 15, 2016 - In fact, after close inspections of publications available to us for download on PubMed, only two of … In fact, of the remaining studies exclusively examining CsA minimization, very few of those demonstrated … In fact, an analysis of several of these peer-reviewed publications suggests that graft survival is … In fact, proficiency testing and external quality assessment programs for Toxic Drug Monitoring (TDM … The fact that many of the referenced studies on tacrolimus included in this review failed to meet their
    December 01, 2013 - This view was tempered, however, by the fact that the drug is intended only for the approximate 4% … for a novel CF treatment that can improve health outcomes, although this view was tempered by the fact … However, they stated that the importance of this unmet need is tempered by the fact that CF is a rare

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