January 01, 2011 - In fact, the off-label use of cancer therapy was estimated to
reach 50 to 75 percent by 2005, according
July 31, 2020 - (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … In fact, ACL,
through its National Alzheimers and Dementia Resource
Center (NADRC) maintains a list … (If any models
mentioned by name are commercial/for-profit, that fact
should be stated). … Or
are you just making neutral statements about this fact?
Thank you for the comment. … The fact that 37
intervention categories were captured is a tribute to the
precision of the authors
June 01, 2013 - physicians often lead to patient use of an EMS to access EDs
for routine health care services, despite the fact … diseases experience prescription adherence issues.23 One
research expert specifically highlighted the fact … One research expert explained, “Given the fact that patients
will need to obtain the adherence monitoring … patients experience issues with medication adherence.39 One research expert specifically
highlighted the fact
November 20, 2014 - This fact needs to be captured in some manner in the
discussion and conclusions. … In fact in the final
conclusion the authors might add that there is need for research in
this area. … In fact, outside the
context of a particular episode of clinical care, comparisons of
modalities do … The
fact that the NCCN guidelines conflict in
several areas with the ACR guidelines
suggests that … In fact, in clinical practice, a
patient may have multiple diagnostic tests, with additional value
February 24, 2016 - It is a fact that the biopsy literature suffers from a
verification bias. … The fact that surgical
reduction of nephrons then sets a new baseline GFR, and where that
GFR is, in … In fact, there
is a trend for better kidney function in the eGFR <30 group treated with
NSS in the … Many on that list do
in fact report clinically localized patients. … Despite the fact that the resulting review of the literature is incomplete, I
doubt the findings and
September 15, 2014 - It must be modified to include the fact that
the time point was 3 months and there is no assessment … Totally missed in the introduction is the fact that the Urinary
retention could be due to detrusor failure … In fact, some of the conclusion
drawn by using these methods are false and will mislead the
reader. … In fact,
most studies of microwave therapy have specifically excluded
patients with urinary retention … These categories are identified
based on urodynamic findings, and in fact this is one area where
January 01, 2012 - In fact, there may be negative consequences, [in that] receiving messages
could encourage people to … research expert did not believe in this
intervention’s ability to reduce health disparities, citing the fact … Most experts’ comments addressed the fact that patients
receiving a positive result from the test would … The Surgeon
General's call to action to support breastfeeding:
fact sheet. [internet].
January 01, 2012 - florbetapir, for a total of 14 sets of experts’ comments on these two imaging
Despite the fact … This point is underscored by the fact that most experts thought that
these agents, if approved, would … Alzheimer's disease fact sheet. [internet].
January 01, 2012 - florbetapir, for a total of 14 sets of experts’ comments on these two imaging
Despite the fact … This point is underscored by the fact that most experts thought that
these agents, if approved, would … Alzheimer's disease fact sheet. [internet].
November 11, 2015 - inundated by having to makes lots and lots of choices that is -‐-‐ has some biological basis in
the fact … Now, 9 to 10 years beyond
the fact, he's at
about 99 percent compliant on
his medication.
February 25, 2014 - Executive
Summary noting the range of nondisclosure
rates from selected publications to reflect the
fact … Differences in the findings of this review compared to
previous reviews likely reflect the fact that … These
differences may reflect the fact that reviews differed
in inclusion and exclusion criteria and … In fact there is a real
danger here in emphasizing the incentives approach
and it is not clear that … We have
added additional references supporting the fact that non-
disclosure of smoking is common.
January 01, 2012 - Not considered here is the fact that surgical strategies to
treat chronic pelvic pain may, in fact, … It is important to assure that the disease observed with pain is, in
fact, the reason for the pain.
April 03, 2013 - (In fact, the IOM, erroneously classified CPT as an "exposure
therapy". … The treatment is in fact a specific branded type of
therapy that was developed by Berthold Gersons. … The introduction does little to reconcile the controversies around the existing guidelines
and in fact … We disagree with the
reviewer’s comments about
generally excluding small
RCTs—in fact, one of the … The sentences referred to by
this comment are in fact
supported by the data
December 01, 2011 - Number of cores: in my
opinion, the more useful information to
include is the fact that the mean number … In fact, the use of
observational strategies (excluding ADT) has
decreased over this period. … The fact that one used
scores/region raises issues of whether this is
standard. … In fact the ICER economic
evaluation provided that their estimates of
side effects and complications … Ethical concerns arise from the
fact that the major clinical difference
between photon irradiation
January 28, 2016 - In fact, the IgG tTG is rarely warranted
as it is inferior to IgG DGP. … In fact, the issue of celiac
testing in known or suspected IgA deficiency
should be included somewhere … The difficulty in comparing
threshold for tTG antibodies is the fact that
different test kits use different … For the serological assays it clearly
brought out the fact that different laboratories may
use different
December 01, 2019 - In fact, the shift toward IMRT has been associated with a move toward more EBRT as monotherapy--IMRT
January 31, 2023 - relationship stated in the abstract - reduced acute
toxicity and little change in late toxicity may in fact … As we
understand it, the
comment is about
the fact that
analyses did
not demonstrate … This is in
fact is true and
additional data
are needed
to support
inferences from
January 11, 2017 - Using Deliberative Methods to Engage the Public: Facilitating a Deliberative Session
October 12, 2016 - In fact, the key questions
were taken directly from the original
review, and purposefully not changed … In fact, the key questions
were taken directly from the original
review, and purposefully not changed … As a matter of fact, the
"mastodontic" amount of research on fatty acids has
delivered a small mouse … The
Carlson 1993 study that the commenter
notes was not included in the original
report was, in fact … any
differences between our findings and
those of earlier meta-analyses could also
be due to the fact
January 01, 2023 - Alcohol facts and statistics.
2021. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets … NSDUHDetailedTabs2019/NSDUHDetTabsSect5pe2019.htm#tab5-4a
https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets … /alcohol-facts-and-statistics