November 07, 2018 - Diagnostic Excellence Initiative.
November 7, 2018
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
Missed or delayed diagnoses lead to delays in care and significant preventable harm for patients. Despite
an increasing focus on di…
October 19, 2022 - Study
Understanding the roles of three academic communities in a prospective learning health ecosystem for diagnostic excellence.
Citation Text:
Satterfield K, Rubin JC, Yang D, et al. Understanding the roles of three academic communities in a prospective learning health ecosystem for di…
April 03, 2009 - AACN Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy
Work Environments: A Journey to Excellence.
April 3, 2009
In the face of evidence that outlines the impact work environments play on providing…
June 21, 2023 - Webinar
Diagnostic Safety and Quality Webinar Series: Overview and Implications for Hospitals.
Citation Text:
Diagnostic Safety and Quality Webinar Series: Overview and Implications for Hospitals. Washington DC: The Leapfrog Group; 2023.
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July 01, 2024 - PSNet
Curated Library
AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Diagnostic Safety Improvement
Curated Library
Improving Diagnosis in Health Care.
Committee on Diagnostic Error in Health Care, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and
Medicine. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; …
April 01, 2009 - I believe he was an excellent physician, and he was, in many ways, very wise. … Some care is truly excellent, but how much is unknown. … shift the entire quality curve to the right and increase the height of the right-hand tail (more truly excellent … It is also less legitimate, and less practical, to use rule-making to lift care from acceptable to excellent … Increasing the amount of excellent care (right tail) requires organizations to exceed required quality
March 07, 2005 - A call to excellence.
March 7, 2005
Clancy CM, Scully T. A call to excellence. Health Aff (Millwood). 2003;22(2):113-5.
This commentary, written by leadership from the Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality (AHRQ) and
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (…
January 27, 2025 - AJR Podcast Series on Diagnostic Excellence and Error.
January 27, 2025
Deng F, ed. AJR Am J Roentgenol. July 2024-January 2025.
Reducing diagnostic errors relies on a variety of professionals across the spectrum of care. This podcast
March 03, 2025 - NAM Scholars in Diagnostic Excellence program.
January 10, 2025
National Academy of Medicine and the Council of Medical Specialty Societies.
Diagnostic error reduction is gaining momentum as a primary focus of patient safety achievement. This
November 18, 2016 - SQUIRE 2.0 (Standards for QUality Improvement
Reporting Excellence): revised publication guidelines
from a detailed consensus process.
November 18, 2016
Ogrinc G, Davies L, Goodman D, et al. SQUIRE 2.0 (Standards for QUality Improvement Reporting
Excellence): revised publication guidelines from a detailed consensu…
December 02, 2020 - Diagnostic Excellence Video Series
December 2, 2020
Oakland, CA: Kaiser Permanente; 2020.
Diagnostic reliability is a primary focus of patient safety improvement. This training program targets 17
topics that require attention to address diagnostic er…
October 19, 2016 - Learning from excellence in healthcare: a new approach
to incident reporting.
October 19, 2016
Kelly N, Blake S, Plunkett A. Learning from excellence in healthcare: a new approach to incident reporting.
Arch Dis Child. 2016;101(9):788-791. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-310021.
October 25, 2017 - Inpatient notes: diagnostic excellence starts with an
incessant watch.
October 25, 2017
Dhaliwal G. Annals for Hospitalists Inpatient Notes - Diagnostic Excellence Starts With an Incessant Watch.
Ann Intern Med. 2017;167(8):HO2-HO3. doi:10.7326/m17-2447.
August 31, 2022 - Commentary
Learning from excellence in healthcare: a new approach to incident reporting.
Citation Text:
Kelly N, Blake S, Plunkett A. Learning from excellence in healthcare: a new approach to incident reporting. Arch Dis Child. 2016;101(9):788-791. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2015-310021.
October 12, 2018 - Press Release/Announcement
Diagnostic Error in Medicine 16th International Conference.
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Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine. Cleveland, Ohio, October 8-11, 2023.
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November 10, 2021 - Press Release/Announcement
Health Services Research Priorities for Improving Diagnostic Safety and Quality. Special Emphasis Notice (SEN).
Citation Text:
Health Services Research Priorities for Improving Diagnostic Safety and Quality. Special Emphasis Notice (SEN). Rockville, MD: Agency …
October 18, 2017 - Book/Report
NCICLE Pathways to Excellence: Expectations for an Optimal Clinical Learning Environment to Achieve Safe and High-Quality Patient Care, 2021.
Citation Text:
NCICLE Pathways to Excellence: Expectations for an Optimal Clinical Learning Environment to Achieve Safe and High-Quali…
June 01, 2007 - Spath did an excellent job of using the error as a springboard to explain the importance of an open and
January 04, 2019 - Commentary
Looking beyond LinkedIn: the case for excellence and academic rigor in quality and safety programs.
Citation Text:
Bearman G, Nori P. Looking beyond LinkedIn: the case for excellence and academic rigor in quality and safety programs. Am J Med. 2024;137(8):694-697. doi:10.1016/…
April 06, 2022 - Safer Dx Checklist: 10 High-Priority Practices for
Diagnostic Excellence.
April 6, 2022
Houston TX; Baylor College of Medicine: 2022.
Assessment can identify the current state of a process or program to reveal ar…