
Total Results: 502 records

Showing results for "excellent".

    November 01, 2007 - Those in lower half of spenders were more likely to report excellent or very good health status, while … Individuals in excellent or very good health were disproportionately represented among those who remained … those individuals remaining in the top decile of spenders, only 6.0 percent were reported to be in excellent … by medical expenditures in 2004 that shifted below the first quartile in 2005 were predominantly in excellent … is: "In general, compared to other people of (PERSON)'s age, would you say that (PERSON)'s health is excellent
    November 01, 2007 - Those in lower half of spenders were more likely to report excellent or very good health status, while … Individuals in excellent or very good health were disproportionately represented among those who remained … those individuals remaining in the top decile of spenders, only 6.0 percent were reported to be in excellent … by medical expenditures in 2004 that shifted below the first quartile in 2005 were predominantly in excellent … is: "In general, compared to other people of (PERSON)'s age, would you say that (PERSON)'s health is excellent
  3. Table3.PDF (pdf file)
    March 26, 2002 - 6.1 5,179 11,862 43,906 2.2 45.3 36.4 7.2 4.4* 4.5* Perceived health statuse Under 65 years Excellent … Fair or Poor 18,876 18.0 5,798 12,278 41,644 3.6* 49.0 13.7 15.5 12.3* 5.9 65 years and over Excellent
  4. Table3.PDF (pdf file)
    August 27, 2001 - 6.1 5,179 11,862 43,906 2.2 45.3 36.4 7.2 4.4* 4.5* Perceived health statuse Under 65 years Excellent … Fair or Poor 18,876 18.0 5,798 12,278 41,644 3.6* 49.0 13.7 15.5 12.3* 5.9 65 years and over Excellent
    Under 65 years         | |               Excellent … 65 years and over         | |               Excellent
    September 01, 2005 - beneficiaries in fair or poor health (27.3 percent) were both more likely than beneficiaries who reported excellent … (figure 5) In 2002, beneficiaries who reported excellent health were the least likely (20.0 percent … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … the Medicare population with at least one statin purchase, by perceived health status, 2002 Excellent
    September 01, 2005 - beneficiaries in fair or poor health (27.3 percent) were both more likely than beneficiaries who reported excellent … (figure 5)

    In 2002, beneficiaries who reported excellent health were the least likely (20.0 … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2002 Excellent
    March 01, 2006 - Adults who reported excellent, very good, or good health were less likely (43.4 percent) to use diuretics … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … For this report, the response categories excellent, very good, and good were collapsed, as were fair … treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by health status, 2003 51.5 43.4 0 15 30 45 60 Excellent
    March 01, 2006 - Adults who reported excellent, very good, or good health were less likely (43.4 percent) to use diuretics … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … For this report, the response categories excellent, very good, and good were collapsed, as were fair … adults reported as receiving treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by health status, 2003 Excellent
    March 01, 2006 - Adults who reported excellent, very good, or good health were less likely (43.4 percent) to use diuretics … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … For this report, the response categories excellent, very good, and good were collapsed, as were fair … adults reported as receiving treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by health status, 2003 Excellent
    September 01, 2005 - beneficiaries in fair or poor health (27.3 percent) were both more likely than beneficiaries who reported excellent … (figure 5) In 2002, beneficiaries who reported excellent health were the least likely (20.0 percent … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … the Medicare population with at least one statin purchase, by perceived health status, 2002 Excellent
    March 01, 2009 - likely (39.8 percent) to be taking asthma daily preventive medicine than persons reported to be in excellent … Respondents were asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … The categories were combined into two groups: excellent, very good, or good; and, fair or poor. … perceived health status, United States, 2006 Perceived Health Status Percentage (all ages) Excellent
    March 01, 2009 - likely (39.8 percent) to be taking asthma daily preventive medicine than persons reported to be in excellent … were asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … The categories were combined into two groups: excellent, very good, or good; and, fair or poor. … Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2006 29.3 39.8 0 15 30 45 60 All ages Excellent
    March 01, 2009 - likely (39.8 percent) to be taking asthma daily preventive medicine than persons reported to be in excellent … Respondents were asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … The categories were combined into two groups: excellent, very good, or good; and, fair or poor. … perceived health status, United States, 2006 Perceived Health Status Percentage (all ages) Excellent
    January 01, 2001 - 39.6 Good 7,065 38.6 38.1 Fair 3,693 26.3 24.8 Poor 2,187 26.9 21.6 Perceived mental health status Excellent … HMO enrollment was higher for people in excellent or very good health (40.0 percent) and good health … Similarly, people with excellent or very good mental health were more likely than people with fair or … HMOs shows that Medicare beneficiaries in fair health were less likely than those in very good and excellent … or very good 1.05 Good 1.58 Fair 2.32 Poor 4.39 Perceived mental health status Excellent or very good
    April 01, 2001 - $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 1.9% Excellent- good $1,144 $5,900 $3,590 … $9,541 Fair or poor Excellent- good Fair or poor Under 65 65 and over Expenses by Type of Service … • The share of expenses for the non-elderly in excellent or good health that went for “all other” … Excellent-good Fair or poor Inpatient Ambulatory Prescription medicines All other 25.7% 11.2% 45.4% … 0 10 20 30 10.3% Excellent- good 23.4% 18.8% 13.0% Pe rc en t o f t o ta l e xp en se
    September 01, 2006 - The proportion of Medicare beneficiaries in excellent, very good, and good health decreased as the categories … (figure 5) In 2003, for Medicare beneficiaries, the proportion of those in excellent, very good, and … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … For this report, the response categories "excellent," "very good," and "good' were collapsed, as were … $2083 Rx Category 3: Expenses $2084-$4723 Rx Category 4: Expenses greater than or equal to $4724 Excellent
    September 01, 2006 - roportion of Medicare iciaries in excellent, very and good health de- ed as the categories for rug … (figure 5) In 2003, for Medicare beneficiaries, the proportion of those in excellent, very good, … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … For this report, the response categories “excellent,” “very good,” and “good” were collapsed, as were … 3: Expenses $2,084- $4,723 Rx Category 4: Expenses greater than or equal to $4,724 Excellent
    May 01, 2006 - Those reporting excellent or very good health status were disproportionately represented in the lower … Individuals in excellent or very good health were disproportionately represented among those who remained … those individuals remaining in the top decile of spenders, only 2.6 percent were reported to be in excellent … is: "In general, compared to other people of (PERSON)'s age, would you say that (PERSON)'s health is excellent … 0.5% Fair 7.8% 27.4% 3.5% Good 25.7% 33.0% 21.5% Very good 32.8% 15.3% 32.5% Excellent
    September 01, 2006 - The proportion of Medicare beneficiaries in excellent, very good, and good health decreased as the categories … (figure 5) In 2003, for Medicare beneficiaries, the proportion of those in excellent, very good, and … respondent was asked to rate the health of each person in the family according to the following categories: excellent … For this report, the response categories "excellent," "very good," and "good' were collapsed, as were … $2083 Rx Category 3: Expenses $2084-$4723 Rx Category 4: Expenses greater than or equal to $4724 Excellent

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