March 10, 2021 - Book/Report
Safe Practices for Drug Allergies—Using CDS and Health IT.
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Safe Practices for Drug Allergies—Using CDS and Health IT. Partnership for Health IT Patient Safety. Plymouth Meeting, PA: ECRI Institute; 2019.
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February 03, 2011 - mortality and morbidity and journal club cycles: paving the way for nursing autonomy, patient safety, and evidence-based … practice.
December 21, 2014 - Evaluating an evidence-based bundle for preventing
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December 21, 2014
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January 12, 2022 - Commentary
Bundaberg and beyond: duty to disclose adverse events to patients.
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Madden B, Cockburn T. Bundaberg and beyond: duty to disclose adverse events to patients. J Law Med. 2007;14(4):501-27.
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July 23, 2024 - Team-Developed Care Plan and Ongoing Care Management by Social Workers and Nurse Practitioners Result in Better Outcomes and Reduced Acute Care Utilization in Low-Income Seniors and other High-Risk Populations
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September 01, 2005 - I see this as a very dynamic issue for the entire field of evidence-based practice.
August 17, 2021 - New Horizons in Patient Safety. Safe Communication:
Evidence-based Core Competencies with Case Studies
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August 17, 2021
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October 09, 2024 - Study
Wrong-site surgery in Pennsylvania during 2015–2019: a study of variables associated with 368 events from 178 facilities.
Citation Text:
Yonash RA, Taylor M. Wrong-Site Surgery in Pennsylvania During 2015–2019: A Study of Variables Associated With 368 Events From 178 Facilities. …
December 18, 2024 - evaluation-patient-centered-fall-prevention-tool-kit-reduce-falls-and-injuries-nonrandomized
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November 19, 2009 - The design of the SAFE or SORRY? study: a cluster
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November 19, 2009
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January 17, 2024 - Review
Simulation-based training: the missing link to lastingly improved patient safety and health?
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December 22, 2008 - Commentary
Lessons learned: basic evidence-based advice for preventing medication errors in children.
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Thomas DO. Lessons learned: basic evidence-based advice for preventing medication errors in children. Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Eme…
February 10, 2021 - Review
Safety in office-based anesthesia: an updated review of the literature from 2016 to 2019
Citation Text:
de Lima A, Osman BM, Shapiro FE. Safety in office-based anesthesia. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2019;32(6):749-755. doi:10.1097/aco.0000000000000794.
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July 21, 2021 - Study
Impact of patient safety bundle and team-based training on obstetric hypertensive emergencies.
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Grogan L, Peterson E, Flatley M, et al. Impact of patient safety bundle and team-based training on obstetric hypertensive emergencies. Am J Perinatol. 2025;42(4):452-461. d…
April 03, 2019 - Study
Emotional responses and support needs of healthcare professionals after adverse or traumatic experiences in healthcare-evidence from seminars on peer support.
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May 05, 2010 - Does the Leapfrog program help identify high-quality
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September 23, 2020 - Organizational Policy/Guidelines
CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain - United States, 2022.
Citation Text:
Dowell D, Ragan KR, Jones CM, et al. CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2022;71(3)…
April 24, 2024 - (Prepared by the Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2012-00014-I
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Coordinating care across diseases, settings, and clinicians: a key role for the generalist in practice.
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Stille CJ, Jerant A, Bell D, et al. Coordinating care across diseases, settings, and clinicians: a key role for the generalist in practice. Ann Intern Med. 2005…
January 31, 2024 - In Conversation with...Richard Ricciardi about Office-Based Patient Safety
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