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    January 01, 2011 - HIE and Ambulatory Test Utilization 1 | HIE and ambulatory tEst utIlIzatIon Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE HEaltH CarE QualIty tHrouGH HEaltH InformatIon tECHnoloGy (It) (r21) HIE and Ambulatory Test Utilization Principal Investigator: Nease, Donald, M.D. Organization: University of Colorado De…
    January 01, 2009 - Improving Healthcare Quality via Information Technology Project Title: Improving Healthcare Quality via Information Technology Principal Investigator: Hayden, Avis, Ph.D. Organization: Southwest Vermont Healt…
    January 01, 2011 - Healthy Teens TXT ME: Information Technology to Change Teen Health Risk Behaviors 1 | HealtHy teens tXt Me: InforMatIon tecHnology to cHange teen HealtH rIsk BeHavIors Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE HEaltH CarE QualIty tHrouGH HEaltH InformatIon tECHnoloGy (r21) Healthy Teens TXT ME: Information T…
    January 01, 2010 - Tailored DVD to Improve Medication Mgmt for Low Literate Elderly Patients - 2010 Project Name Tailored DVD to Improve Medication Management for Low Literate Elderly Patients Principal Investigator Lapane, Kate Organization Virginia Commonwealth University Funding Mech…
    January 01, 2013 - Self-Management & Reminders with Technology: SMART Appraisal of an Integrated PHR - Final Report Title: Self-Management & Reminders with Technology: SMART Appraisal of an Integrated PHR Principal Investigator: Mark S. Roberts, MD, MPP Team Members: Gary Fischer MD, University of Pittsburgh, Co-Investigator …
    June 03, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template Virginia Commonwealth University A Personalized Portal to Promote Patient- Centered Preventive Care MyPreventiveCare Alex Krist MD MPH Department of Family Medicine June 3, 2010� Research Team • Steven Woolf • Stephen Rothemich • Daniel Lon…
    January 01, 2005 - Zheng K et al. 2005 "Understanding technology adoption in clinical care: clinician adoption behavior of a point-of-care reminder system." Reference Zheng K, Padman R, Johnson MP, et al. Understanding technology adoption in clinical care: clinician adoption behavior of a point-of-care reminder system. …
    January 01, 2018 - AHRQ-Funded Research Improves the Delivery of Health Services at the Health Systems Level AHRQ-funded research aims to improve the delivery of health services at the health systems or organizational level. Efforts to share health information across different technologies and healthcare…
    January 01, 2011 - Building an Implementation Toolset for E-Prescribing 1 | Building an implementation toolset for e-prescriBing AccelerAting chAnge And trAnsformAtion in orgAnizAtions And networks (Action) Building an Implementation Toolset for E-Prescribing Principal Investigator: Bell, Douglas, M.D. Organization: RAND Corpora…
    January 01, 2011 - Health Information Technology Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics - 2011 Project Name Health Information Technology Center for Education and Research on Therapeutics Principal Investigator Bates, David Organization Brigham and Women's Hospital Funding Me…
    January 01, 2011 - Impact of Health IT Implementation on Diabetes Process and Outcome Measures 1 | Impact of HealtH It ImplementatIon on DIabetes process anD outcome measures Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE HEaltH CarE QualIty tHrouGH HEaltH InformatIon tECHnoloGy (It) (r21) Impact of Health IT Implementation on Dia…
    January 01, 2010 - Tailored DVD to Improve Medication Management for Low Literate Elderly Patients 1 | Tailored dVd To improVe medicaTion managemenT for low liTeraTe elderly paTienTs 2010 Grant Summary Tailored DVD to Improve Medication Management for Low Literate Elderly Patients Principal Investigator: Lapane, Kate, Ph.D. O…
    July 30, 2007 - Challenges and Barriers to Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Design and Implementation Experienced in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality CDS Demonstrations Challenges and Barriers to Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Design and Implementation Experienced in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality …
    January 01, 2011 - Developing a Guide to Identifying and Remediating Unintended Consequences of Implementing Health Information Technology 1 | Developing a guiDe to iDentifying anD RemeDiating unintenDeD ConsequenCes of implementing HealtH infoRmation teCHnology AccelerAting chAnge And trAnsformAtion in orgAnizAtions And networks…
    August 01, 2015 - Use of Electronic Health Records for Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Primary Care 1 | Use of electronic HealtH records for addressing overweigHt and obesity in Primary care 2010 grant sUmmary Use of Electronic Health Records for Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Primary Care Principal Investigator: Bae…
    March 01, 2009 - Microsoft PowerPoint - National Telecon Slide Deck Final_01.16.09.ppt Use of Clinical Decision Support and the Impact of Clinical Decision Support on Workflow October 27, 2008 Presenters: Ben-Tzion Karsh University of Wisconsin-Madison Ross Koppel University of Pennsylvania David F. Lobach Duke University Mod…
    March 01, 2009 - Microsoft PowerPoint - National Telecon Slide Deck Final_01.16.09.ppt Use of Clinical Decision Support and the Impact of Clinical Decision Support on Workflow October 27, 2008 Presenters: Ben-Tzion Karsh University of Wisconsin-Madison Ross Koppel University of Pennsylvania David F. Lobach Duke University Mod…
    January 01, 2011 - AHRQ Health Information Technology Portfolio 2011 Annual Report Executive Summary 1 AHRQ HeAltH InfoRmAtIon tecHnology PoRtfolIo 2011 AnnuAl RePoRt Executive Summary The Health Information Technology Portfolio in 2011 Research funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health Information Tec…
    January 01, 2010 - Technical Assistance for Health Information Technology and Health Informatin Exchange in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program Technical Assistance for Health Information Technology and Health Information Exchange in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program Principal Investigator: …
    January 01, 2010 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study The Give Teens Vaccines Study Principal Investigator: Fiks, Alexander, M.D., M.S.C.E. Organization: The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium Contract Number: 290-07-10013-4 Project Period: September 2009 – March 2012, Including No-Cost Extension A…

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