
Total Results: 1,147 records

Showing results for "event".

    May 13, 2014 - Screening for Suicide Risk in Adolescents, Adults, and Older Adults in Primary Care: Clinical Summary of USPSTF Recommendation SCREENING FOR SUICIDE RISK IN ADOLESCENTS, ADULTS, AND OLDER ADULTS IN PRIMARY CARE CLINICAL SUMMARY OF U.S. PREVENTIVE SERVICES TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Population Adolescents, adu…
  2. JAMA JATS (pdf file)
    July 11, 2017 - JAMA JATS Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults Without Cardiovascular Risk Factors US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement US Preventive Services Task Force IMPORTANCE Adults who adhere to national guidelines for a …
    December 01, 2010 - case-crossover design; difficult to measure habitual PA; only 1 study reported absolute risk for cardiac event … However, the absolute risk for a cardiac event is very small. … We also found 7 case- crossover analyses, which showed that the risk for a cardiac event is increased … Never- theless, the absolute risk for a cardiac event during physical activity was very low.
    December 01, 2010 - case-crossover design; difficult to measure habitual PA; only 1 study reported absolute risk for cardiac event … However, the absolute risk for a cardiac event is very small. … We also found 7 case- crossover analyses, which showed that the risk for a cardiac event is increased … Never- theless, the absolute risk for a cardiac event during physical activity was very low.
    January 01, 2013 - With Pegylated Interferon �-2b Plus Ribavirin Therapy Harms Relative Risk (95 CI); I2, % Pooled Event
    January 19, 2016 - Screening for Skin Cancer Screening for Depression in Adults: Clinical Summary Population Adults aged ≥18 y Recommendation Screen for depression, with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow-up. Grade: B Risk Assessment Women, youn…
    October 30, 2013 - Medications for Risk Reduction of Primary Breast Cancer in Women: Clinical Summary of USPSTF Recommendation MEDICATIONS FOR RISK REDUCTION OF PRIMARY BREAST CANCER IN WOMEN CLINICAL SUMMARY OF U.S. PREVENTIVE SERVICES TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Population Asymptomatic women aged ≥35 years without a prior diagn…
    August 16, 2018 - ., surgical resection for a benign nodule), and harms of workup (e.g., biopsy leading to an adverse event
    July 15, 2007 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Recommendation Statement Lipid Disorders in Children: Screening July 15, 2007 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government.…
    December 15, 2009 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Recommendation Statement Depression in Adults: Screening December 15, 2009 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They s…
    April 05, 2016 - the 4 trials that reported these data. 45 , 49-51 Results of the composite outcome of any adverse event … withdrawals attributed to adverse events in both groups; 1 study reported higher rates of any adverse event … 1 exacerbation per year. 7 A systematic review of RCTs and cohort studies reported an annual event-based … hoc or unspecified analysis timing, lack of statistical testing for interaction, and variable adverse event
    June 19, 2012 - Behavioral Counseling Interventions to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults: Clinical Summary of USPSTF Recommendation BEHAVIORAL COUNSELING INTERVENTIONS TO PROMOTE A HEALTHFUL DIET AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE PREVENTION IN ADULTS C…
    October 06, 2009 - Using Nontraditional Risk Factors in Coronary Heart Disease Risk Assessment: Clinical Summary of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation USING NONTRADITIONAL RISK FACTORS IN CORONARY HEART DISEASE RISK ASSESSMENT CLINICAL SUMMARY OF U.S. PREVENTIVE SERVICES TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Population …
    July 11, 2017 - Reasonably consistent a Imprecise Mortality and CVD event data limited to high-intensity diet–only
    July 15, 2007 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Evidence Summary Lipid Disorders in Children: Screening July 15, 2007 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should…
    July 11, 2017 - Reasonably consistent a Imprecise Mortality and CVD event data limited to high-intensity diet–only
    March 15, 2009 - therefore, could not include data from 4 trials (non-SSRI MDD trials) that did not include serious adverse-event … adverse event$.ti,ab. adverse reaction$.ti,ab. … these previous meta-analyses, however, have argued that using this approach is appropriate for adverse-event
    March 01, 2016 - : 23.1% (31/134) vs 23.2% (30/129); RR, 0.99 (95% CI, 0.64-1.54) Abbreviations: AE, adverse event … Fair Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; AREDS, Age-Related Eye Disease Study; AMD, age-related
    March 01, 2016 - : 23.1% (31/134) vs 23.2% (30/129); RR, 0.99 (95% CI, 0.64-1.54) Abbreviations: AE, adverse event … Fair Abbreviations: AE, adverse event; AREDS, Age-Related Eye Disease Study; AMD, age-related
    May 28, 2013 - If no event was reported in 1 treatment group, a correction factor of 0.5 was added to each cell of the

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