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    July 10, 2018 - combined using multivariable risk assessment tools to estimate an individual’s risk for having a CVD event … Harms included any serious adverse event requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention resulting … Discrimination is the ability to distinguish between individuals who will and will not have an eventEvent NRIs (the appropriate upward reclassification of individuals having CVD events) were larger than … Numerically, the overall NRI was driven by the event NRI of 0.178 (0.080 to 0.256).
    October 23, 2023 - event-driven dosing. The mean age in all trials was younger than 40 years. … Although 2 trials (n = 654 [1 new30]) compared event-driven or intermittent vs daily PrEP, they were … : 10% (263/2694) vs 10% (266/2693) in primary (interim) analysis Grade ≥3 kidney adverse event: 0.07% … : 5.3% (120/2280) vs 5.3% (121/2282) Grade 3 or higher adverse event: 31.9% (727/2280) vs 33.6% (767/ … vs Daily Oral PrEP One small, new, crossover trial (n = 119) found event-driven oral PrEP associated
    July 10, 2023 - reported results for event-driven dosing. … Although 2 trials (n = 654 [1 new30]) compared event- driven or intermittent vs daily PrEP, they were … : 1% (36/2694) vs 2% (49/2693); RR, 0.75 (95% CI, 0.49-1.15) Any adverse event: 93% (2498/2694) vs … : 10% (263/2694) vs 10% (266/2693) Grade ≥3 kidney adverse event: 0.07% (2/2694) vs 0.1% (3/2693); … with decreased risk of any adverse event vs daily oral PrEP (8% [10/119] vs 31% [37/119]; RR, 0.27
    April 11, 2016 - We simulated the event rate per 1000 person-years by dividing the number of events for each outcome by … and calculated the range of expected control event rates after aspirin intervention using the pooled … Duration Time-to-event data for various outcomes were available from 9 trials. 24 , 31-33 , 35 , … We simulated control group event rates for all primary beneficial outcomes within a 10-year period ( … Table 2 ), and the range of events prevented based on the low, median, and high baseline event rates
    April 11, 2016 - We simulated the event rate per 1000 person-years by dividing the number of events for each outcome by … and calculated the range of expected control event rates after aspirin intervention using the pooled … Duration Time-to-event data for various outcomes were available from 9 trials. 24 , 31-33 , 35 , … We simulated control group event rates for all primary beneficial outcomes within a 10-year period ( … Table 2 ), and the range of events prevented based on the low, median, and high baseline event rates
    April 01, 2016 - The calculation of CVD risk at baseline is independent from the event rates predicted by the model. … Disutilities from MI and GI bleeding events were applied only during the year an event occurred. … Repeat Annual Cycle Repeat Annual Cycle Experience nonfatal event? … event, discontinue aspirin Die from CVD CRC, or other causes? … First- year/new-event health utility weights are applied during the year of an incident event or first
    December 30, 2013 - Calculators are available to ascertain a person's 10-year risk for a CHD event. … However, the incremental information offered by screening asymptomatic adults at low risk for a CHD event … many resting and exercise ECG abnormalities are associated with an increased risk for a serious CHD event … Risk factors can be combined in many ways to allow classification of a person's risk for a CHD event … The overall risk for a serious adverse event (one that requires hospitalization or causes sudden death
    April 11, 2016 - On the basis of the minimum, median, and maximum event rates (excluding outliers and zeros) for each … Excess cases were calculated by subtracting the event rate per 1000 person-years for aspirin users from … event rates in the control groups for each risk level. … We contrasted excess cases based on control group event rates from trials with results based on control … ‡ Hospitalizations for first major bleeding event. § Year event rate ratio.
    April 11, 2016 - On the basis of the minimum, median, and maximum event rates (excluding outliers and zeros) for each … Excess cases were calculated by subtracting the event rate per 1000 person-years for aspirin users from … event rates in the control groups for each risk level. … We contrasted excess cases based on control group event rates from trials with results based on control … ‡ Hospitalizations for first major bleeding event. § Year event rate ratio.
    July 17, 2018 - combined using multivari- able risk assessment tools to estimate an individual’s risk for having a CVD event … Harms included any serious adverse event requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention resulting … Discrimination is the ability to distinguish between individuals who will and will not have an event. … Consideration of the event and nonevent NRI sepa- rately is important because the total NRI does not … Numerically, the overall NRI was driven by the event NRI of 0.178 (0.080 to 0.256).
    April 11, 2016 - . 16 The calculation of CVD risk at baseline is independent from the event rates predicted by the model … Indirect effects of aspirin prevention or occurrence of an initial event alters the disease progression … Disutilities from MI and GI bleeding events were applied only during the year an event occurred. … It was discontinued permanently in both groups after any major GI bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke event … First year/new-event health utility weights are applied during the year of an incident event or first
    April 11, 2016 - . 16 The calculation of CVD risk at baseline is independent from the event rates predicted by the model … Indirect effects of aspirin prevention or occurrence of an initial event alters the disease progression … Disutilities from MI and GI bleeding events were applied only during the year an event occurred. … It was discontinued permanently in both groups after any major GI bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke event … First year/new-event health utility weights are applied during the year of an incident event or first
    April 01, 2016 - On the basis of the minimum, median, and maximum event rates (ex- cluding outliers and zeros) for each … outcome, we calcu- lated a range of expected event rates after aspirin in- tervention using the pooled … Excess cases were calculated by subtracting the event rate per 1000 person-years for aspirin users from … event rates in the control groups for each risk level. … . § Year event rate ratio. �� Incidence rate ratio.
    March 15, 2009 - that avoiding a myocardial infarction is of great value and that having a gastrointestinal bleeding event … stroke with 5 years of aspirin use is 417, and the number needed to treat to cause 1 major bleeding event … The balance of benefits and harms varies by stroke risk and risk for a bleeding event. … After age 40 years, men have a 49% lifetime risk for a coronary heart disease event. … This is probably partly because of the older age in women at first event. 7 , 10 Although incidence
    March 15, 2009 - that avoiding a myocardial infarction is of great value and that having a gastrointestinal bleeding event … stroke with 5 years of aspirin use is 417, and the number needed to treat to cause 1 major bleeding event … The balance of benefits and harms varies by stroke risk and risk for a bleeding event. … After age 40 years, men have a 49% lifetime risk for a coronary heart disease event. … This is probably partly because of the older age in women at first event. 7 , 10 Although incidence
    April 01, 2016 - We simulated the event rate per 1000 person-years by dividing the number of events for each outcome by … We selected the minimum, median, and maximum event rates (excluding outliers and zeros) for each outcome … and calculated the range of expected control event rates after aspirin intervention using the pooled … Duration Time-to-event data for various outcomes were available from 9 trials (24, 31–33, 35, 37, 39 … We simulated control group event rates for all primary beneficial outcomes within a 10- year period (
    January 01, 1996 - million Americans will suffer a myocardial infarction (MI) in 1995, and one third will not survive the event … detect atherosclerotic plaque, and (b) its ability to predict the occurrence of a serious clinical event … While asymptomatic persons with a positive exercise ECG are more likely to experience an event than those … , the majority of asymptomatic persons with a positive exercise ECG develop angina as their initial event … Although screening cannot reliably identify all persons at risk of an acute event, it may increase the
    April 12, 2010 - comorbid mental health or chronic medical conditions, and having experienced a major negative life event
    November 13, 2016 - high blood pressure, diabetes, or smoking), and have an elevated risk of having a cardiovascular event … Statins are most beneficial for individuals who have a calculated 10-year risk of a cardiovascular event
    June 20, 2019 - Calculators are available to ascertain a person’s risk for a CHD event; for example, a calculator to … estimate a person’s risk for a CHD event in the next 10 years can be accessed at … A negative test does not rule out the presence of severe CAS or a future CHD event. … low-risk asymptom- atic populations, most positive ECG test results occur in those who will not have a CHD event … The ETT can be normal or nondiagnostic in a large proportion of patients who will go on to have a CHD event

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