April 01, 2009 - Reasons to consider screening in an individual patient:
y A family history of early CHD (CHD event
May 24, 2022 - 0.71-19.32]; I 2 = 0%) (eFigure 8 in the JAMA Supplement), 21 , 37 , 41 , 90 , 106 or any adverse event … 4.03]; I 2 = 82%). 41 , 76 , 77 However, estimates were imprecise and the estimate for any adverse event … The LiGHT trial found no differences between SLT and medical therapy in likelihood of any adverse event … to 2.07), withdrawal due to adverse events (3 trials, n = 1875; RRs, 4.73 to 38.20), and any adverse event … found no differences between SLT vs medical therapy in risk of serious adverse events or any adverse event
August 23, 2022 - prevention in adults aged 40 to 75 years with at least 1 CVD risk factor and a calculated 10-year CVD event … stopped after 2 to 3 years because of interim analyses indicating statin benefits 27 , 29 or low CVD event … AE indicates adverse event … White: 96 Other race or ethnicity: NR
LDL-C: 157 HDL-C: 39 TC: 224 Triglycerides: 120
Prior CVD event … settings
Most trials evaluated moderate-intensity statin therapy
Abbreviations: AE, adverse event
May 04, 2021 - =107,772) after 3 to 10 years of followup or on the composite outcome of any cardiovascular disease event … 0.96 [95% CI, 0.86 to 1.07]; 7 trials; n=74,617), the composite outcome of any cardiovascular disease event … Event rates for cardiovascular disease mortality and cardiovascular disease events were too low to draw
November 15, 2022 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults: Screening
November 15, 2022
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They…
June 15, 2008 - stroke, and revascularization) from 25% to 20%; that is, using simvastatin prevents 1 major vascular event
June 15, 2008 - stroke, and revascularization) from 25% to 20%; that is, using simvastatin prevents 1 major vascular event
September 03, 2019 - Estimates used combined RRs from the meta-analyses
and combined event rates from placebo groups of included … Combined event rates were determined from a meta-
analysis of placebo event rates from each trial by … 95% CIs
were estimated using a simulation method that assumed that the
logs of both the RRs and the event … c Intended treatment duration is 5 years or until a breast, neoplastic,
cardiovascular, or toxicity event … Comparison of fracture,
cardiovascular event, and breast cancer rates at 3
years in postmenopausal women
July 01, 2023 - USPSTF Clinician Summary of USPSTF Recommendation: Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents
USPSTF Clinician Summary of USPSTF Recommendation
Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents
July 2023
What does the USPSTF recommend?
January 01, 2024 - For example, in the JUPITER
trial, the NNT to prevent 1 cardiovascular event was 94 in people
April 12, 2022 - in progress
Draft Recommendation Statement
Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: Screening
April 12, 2022
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S. Dep…
February 03, 2003 - After 10 years, more than 20% of such persons will have had a major cardiovascular event (for example … considers the number needed to screen (NNS) to prevent one case of blindness in one eye or one CVD event … If one screened only people with hypertension for diabetes, estimates of the NNS to prevent one CVD event … With less favorable assumptions, the NNS calculations for preventing one CVD event are still lower than … same as relative risk reduction for photocoagulation. 10
‡ Assumptions: 7.5% 5-year risk for CVD event
April 17, 2018 - alone compared with placebo, 1 RCT reported no cardiovascular disease events in the placebo group, 1 event … review were not powered for the fracture or harm outcomes considered; thus, small sample sizes and low event … outcome ascertainment, some relying on self-report to identify cases and others relying on adverse event … rare; no participants in the control group had any events, 1 participant in the 600-mg group had an event … , and 2 participants in the 1200-mg group had an event. 22
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June 01, 2008 - stroke, and revascu-
larization) from 25% to 20%; that is, using simvastatin
prevents 1 major vascular event
April 15, 2013 - Thromboembolic event incidence was increased for tamoxifen (RR, 1.93 [CI, 1.41 to 2.64]; 4 trials; 4 … Coronary heart disease event or stroke incidence was not increased in placebo-controlled trials 7 , 8 … Comparison of fracture, cardiovascular event, and breast cancer rates at 3 years in postmenopausal women … †
67% **
84.5% (109/129) ‡‡
Discontinuation due to protocol specified event … 0.7% (1/143)
Discontinuation due to non–protocol-specified event
April 26, 2022 - It is important to note that increasing age heavily influences the ACC/AHA estimated 10-year CVD event … have initiated aspirin use, the net benefits continue to accrue over time in the absence of a bleeding event
April 01, 2003 - numbers needed to treat (NNT) over 5 years ranged from 200 to 400 to prevent 1 congestive heart failure event … ranged from approximately 900 to prevent 1 stroke to 10,000 to prevent 1 case of coronary heart disease event … The number needed to treat over 5 years to prevent 1 cardiovascular event was 18 (95% CI 17 to 19) in
July 01, 2014 - serious adverse events (12 trials; RR, 0.8 [CI, 0.6 to 1.1];
I2 � 0%) (22, 24, 39–47, 58) or any adverse event … Rates of withdrawal due to adverse
events ranged from 0% to 24% with antiviral therapy, with
only 1 event … ];
I2 � 0%), withdrawals due to adverse events (RR, 7.6 [CI,
1.1 to 52]; I2 � 38%), and any adverse event
July 01, 2017 - are close and confidence intervals are narrow, without concerns about insufficient sample size, low event
July 01, 2017 - are close and confidence intervals are narrow, without concerns about insufficient sample size, low event