
Total Results: 526 records

Showing results for "event".

    January 01, 2010 - ; label var ecode4 "E code 4" ; label var edevent "Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2013 - ; label var ecode4 "E code 4" ; label var edevent "Type of ED Event
    February 25, 2015 - ; label var ecode4 "E code 4" ; label var edevent "Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2009 - population Stays per population is the hospital stay rate of a particular procedure, diagnosis, or event
    December 01, 2022 - HCUP Virtual Exhibit Booth An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol FAQs Email Updates …
    January 01, 2022 - Outstanding Article of the Year (AOTY) Award , sponsored by AHRQ and AcademyHealth, is moving to a biennial event
    April 01, 2007 - neuropathy or dermatitis due to drugs—no further information is provided for these cases on how the event … noted for about 80,900 cases, that is, both an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code and an E code for the same drug event
    June 01, 2009 - The patient safety event rates were weighted for national estimates. … rates Adjusted relative rates are calculated by dividing the comparison group adjusted patient safety event … rates than the reference group have a relative rate greater than 1.0, while those with patient safety event
    January 01, 2019 - Newsletter Spring 2019 Spring 2019 Issue #58 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP Event…
    January 01, 2012 - The AHRQ QIs measure an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … interest and a denominator count of the population (within a hospital or geographic area) to which the event … A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event.
    January 01, 2018 - Newsletter Spring 2018 Spring 2018 Issue #54 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP Event…
    January 01, 2017 - Newsletter Spring 2017 Spring 2017 Issue #50 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP Event…
    January 01, 2015 - Newsletter Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Issue #44 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP Events: …
    January 01, 2015 - The AHRQ QIs measure an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … In States without procedure days, the patient safety event cannot be verified as following surgery.6 … A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event.
    January 01, 2018 - The AHRQ QIs measure an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … These QIs are measures of events that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event … In States without procedure days, the patient safety event cannot be verified as following surgery.14 … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event.
    January 01, 2016 - The AHRQ QIs measure an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … These QIs are measures of events that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event … In States without procedure days, the patient safety event cannot be verified as following surgery.17 … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event.
    January 01, 2017 - The AHRQ QIs measure an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … These QIs are measures of events that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event … In States without procedure days, the patient safety event cannot be verified as following surgery.12 … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event.
    January 01, 2011 - Microsoft Word - POA Methods 11_01.doc HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 For Technical Assistance with HCUP Products: Email:…
    January 01, 2020 - Newsletter Spring 2020 Spring 2020 Issue #62 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP …
    March 10, 2023 - information will be used only to evaluate your application, fulfill your order, and to follow up in the event … In the event AHRQ terminates this Agreement due to a violation, or finds the data recipient(s) to be … maintained by AHRQ only for the purpose of enforcement of this Agreement and for notification in the event

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