
Total Results: 526 records

Showing results for "event".

    January 01, 2013 - ECODE4 5 Char E code 4 NEDS 2013 Core 57 EDEVENT 2 Num Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2012 - ECODE4 5 Char E code 4 NEDS 2012 Core 57 EDEVENT 2 Num Type of ED Event
    February 25, 2015 - ECODE4 5 Char E code 4 NEDS 2011 Core 57 EDEVENT 2 Num Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2011 - ECODE4 5 Char E code 4 NEDS 2011 Core 57 EDEVENT 2 Num Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2010 - ECODE4 5 Char E code 4 NEDS 2010 Core 57 EDEVENT 2 Num Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2009 - ECODE4 5 Char E code 4 NEDS 2009 Core 57 EDEVENT 2 Num Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2011 - A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event. … A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … second event (admission date).
    January 01, 2013 - The HCUP criteria for identifying an ED record (i.e., a discharge record for a patient with an ED event … identifies the data elements in each NEDS file: Table C.1 for the NEDS Core File (record = ED event … The NEDS contains event -level records, not patient -level records. … Different Types of ED Events in the NEDS, 2013 ED Event Number of ED Visits Percent of ED … EDevent Type of ED event: (1) ED visit in which the patient is treated and released, (2) ED visit
    June 12, 2020 - HCUPAnalysisICD10Readmissions IMPACT OF THE ICD-10-CM/PCS TRANSITION ON READMISSION RATES Recommended Citation: Hensche MK, Barrett ML, Jiang HJ, Liang L, Heslin KC. Impact of the ICD-10-CM/PCS Transition on Readmission Rates, 2015-2017. ONLINE. June 12, 2020. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Availabl…
    December 04, 2015 - The HCUP criteria for identifying an ED record (i.e., a discharge record for a patient with an ED event … C identifies the data elements in each NEDS file:  Table C.1 for the NEDS Core File (record = ED event … )  Table C.2 for the NEDS Supplemental ED File (record = ED event that did not result in direct …  The NEDS contains event-level records, not patient-level records. … EDevent Type of ED event: (1) ED visit in which the patient is treated and released, (2) ED visit in
    January 01, 2014 - The HCUP criteria for identifying an ED record (i.e., a discharge record for a patient with an ED event … identifies the data elements in each NEDS file: Table C.1 for the NEDS Core File (record = ED event … The NEDS contains event -level records, not patient -level records. … Different Types of ED Events in the NEDS, 2014 ED Event Number of ED Visits Percent of ED … EDevent Type of ED event: (1) ED visit in which the patient is treated and released, (2) ED visit
    January 01, 2015 - Newsletter Spring 2015 Spring 2015 Issue #42 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP Event…
    January 01, 2009 - A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … interest and a denominator count of the population (within a hospital or geographic area) to which the event … A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … The 30-day window was defined from the end of the first event (discharge date) to the beginning of … the second event (admission date).
    January 01, 2020 - Newsletter Summer 2020 Summer 2020 Issue #63 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP …
    January 01, 2012 - The AHRQ QIs measure an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … interest and a denominator count of the population (within a hospital or geographic area) to which the event … A QI is a measure of an event that occurs in a hospital, requiring a numerator count of the event of … This approach is known as “event weighting,” because it gives equal weight to each event, regardless … of how many patients were evaluated for the occurrence of that event.
    January 01, 2021 - Newsletter Summer 2021 Summer 2021 Issue #67 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP …
    January 01, 2019 - Newsletter Summer 2019 Summer 2019 Issue #59 Contents News and Announcements: Notable news from HCUP Databases and Products: New database and product releases Publication Spotlights: Recent works incorporating HCUP data and tools HCUP Q&A: Answers to your HCUP questions HCUP Event…
    January 01, 2009 - ; label var ecode4 "E code 4" ; label var edevent "Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2012 - ; label var ecode4 "E code 4" ; label var edevent "Type of ED Event
    January 01, 2011 - ; label var ecode4 "E code 4" ; label var edevent "Type of ED Event

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