March 26, 2012 - anxiety disorder that can be diagnosed in children at least 1
month after exposure to a traumatic event … by having frequent memories of it (or in
young children, reenacting the event through play), having … and frightening dreams, or
developing repeated physical or emotional symptoms when reminded of the event … To
establish the diagnosis, a clinician needs to establish that a traumatic event preceded onset of … CISD is an intervention that targets
individuals who have recently been exposed to a traumatic event
May 01, 2006 - Hb Meta-analysis
increase >2 mg/dL (95% CI) not done1 3.42 (3.03, 3.86)2 3.36 (2.48, 4.56)
Pooled event … 950
Pooled relative risk (95% CI) 1.10 (0.93, 1.29)2 0.63 (0.59, 0.67)2 0.61 (0.52, 0.72)
Pooled event … 314
Pooled relative risk (95% CI) 0.86 (0.61, 1.21) 1.69 (1.36, 2.10) 1.44 (0.47, 4.43)3
Pooled event … patients treated with epoetin or darbepoetin
experienced a thromboembolic event, compared
with 4 percent … However,
trials varied widely in thromboembolic event rates:
0 percent to 30 percent among treated patients
February 15, 2017 - § Within 3 months of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
• Settings:
o Primary, specialty, … Adults who received a criterion-based diagnosis of depression and are
within 3 months of an ACS event … • Repeat ACS event … § Within 3 months of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
§ Beyond 3 months of hospitalization … outcomes
• Response or remission
• Cardiac-related outcomes
• Cardiac mortality
• Repeat ACS event
June 01, 2012 - Outcomes Time-dependent probabilities (time-to-event curves) of what is being predicted, changes or … One table is for those who did experience the outcome event within a particular time period. … The other table is for those who did not experience the outcome event. … This version calculates three different probabilities of the outcome event occurring: in the group of … probability of the event, and the followup time.
June 01, 2012 - Outcomes Time-dependent probabilities (time-to-event curves) of what is being predicted, changes or … One table is for those who did experience the outcome event within a particular time period. … The other table is for those who did not experience the outcome event. … This version calculates three different probabilities of the outcome event occurring: in the group of … probability of the event, and the followup time.
June 01, 2011 - This may reflect low event rates among otherwise
healthy patients and relatively few studies with extended … ARB); event rates were very low or zero for all studies; this limited
Insufficient our ability to accurately … In the four studies that did report episodes of
ARB) angioedema, this adverse event was observed only … large
databases with sufficient sample sizes to obtain
more precise estimates of this rare but serious
event … rates, overall adverse event rates, and withdrawals due to adverse events, withdrawal rates, and
September 21, 2012 - the standard deviation of the
outcome in each trial arm; when the outcome
is the occurrence of an event … (e.g., death), then
an assumed event rate in the control group is
necessary. … If the assumed event rate in the control
group is combined with the specified treatment
effect of interest … , then one can calculate the
expected event rate in each group if the minimum
clinically important … It is
recommended that estimates of standard deviations
and event rates used in study size calculations
December 26, 2012 - costs
Slide 15: Communicating
uncertainty in clinical evidence: conceptual
• Single-‐event … events
• Conceptual problem: objective probability does not exist here
o Idea of objective “single-‐event … conventional representations do not explicitly represent indeterminacy
• Important
in domain of single-‐event
October 01, 2010 - Approaches of Indirect Comparison
The naïve indirect comparison—where the summary event rate for each … For
time to event data, the measure is hazard ratio (HR), and most commonly estimated from the Cox … All
these models could be used to combine measures for continuous, count and time to event data, as … Rate ratio should be used for count data and hazard ratios for time-to-event data. … Practical methods for incorporating
summary time-to-event data into meta-
October 01, 2010 - Approaches of Indirect Comparison
The naïve indirect comparison—where the summary event rate for each … For
time to event data, the measure is hazard ratio (HR), and most commonly estimated from the Cox … All
these models could be used to combine measures for continuous, count and time to event data, as … Rate ratio should be used for count data and hazard ratios for time-to-event data. … Practical methods for incorporating
summary time-to-event data into meta-
August 31, 2016 - both unstable angina and myocardial infarction (MI)] and are within 3 months of an identifying ACS event … interest:
During hospitalization/at discharge
Within 30 days of hospitalization for an acute ACS event … Within 3 months of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
Primary, specialty, inpatient … Within 3 months of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
Beyond 3 months of hospitalization for … an acute ACS event
Primary, specialty, inpatient
Analytic Framework
Figure 1.
December 20, 2011 - threatened death or serious
injury, or other threat to one’s physical integrity; or witnessing an event … • Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring
• Distress at internal or external … , rather
than the event itself, determines an individual’s mood. … Impact of event scale: a measure of subject
stress. Psychosom Med. 1979;41(3):209-18. … • Requires patient to associate each symptom with a specific traumatic event.
February 01, 2013 - deliberation on participants has been assessed through surveys or interviews
before and after a deliberative event … solidarity, and anticipated post-meeting activity related to deliberation issues.
Post-event … participants’ deliberative experience,
including their perceptions of whether participating in the event … However, it may be difficult to assess whether a specific deliberative event had a direct effect on
February 01, 2013 - deliberation on participants has been assessed through surveys or interviews
before and after a deliberative event … solidarity, and anticipated post-meeting activity related to deliberation issues.
Post-event … participants’ deliberative experience,
including their perceptions of whether participating in the event … However, it may be difficult to assess whether a specific deliberative event had a direct effect on
December 01, 2010 - We will not assume that an adverse event occurred unless a specific number of events are reported. … subgroup, we will report the number of studies that provide data for any event within the subgroup. … The dose of each medication that is associated with an adverse event will be recorded to facilitate a … dose-related adverse-event analysis. … In the event that studies cannot be pooled, evidence tables will be produced and a narrative summary
December 01, 2010 - We will not assume that an adverse event occurred unless a specific
number of events are reported. … subgroup, we will report the number of studies that provide data for any event
within the subgroup. … The dose of each
medication that is associated with an adverse event will be recorded to facilitate … a dose-
related adverse-event analysis. … Summary of Protocol Amendments
In the event of protocol amendments, the date of each amendment will
September 18, 2012 - of safety,9 including postlicensure
safety surveillance conducted by the FDA,10 the Vaccine Adverse Event … This report evaluated the scientific evidence for event-vaccine
relationships and covered many vaccines … Internet-based reporting to the vaccine adverse event
reporting system: a more timely and complete way … Tdap = Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis
VAERS = Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System … Adverse events of interest, included in electronic search terms
Adverse event Vaccine type
January 01, 2010 - Is there evidence that the type of traumatic event and degree/type of exposure
affects the development … ) and PTSD are similar psychological disorders that develop in response to
exposure to a traumatic event
February 01, 2018 - Low-event-rate meta-analyses of clinical trials: implementing good practices. Stat Med. 2016. … dx.doi.org/10.1002/sim.6844
• The Peto method performs best when event … overestimate confidence intervals in small studies with low heterogeneity
• Peto method
► Best when event … Low-event-rate meta-analyses of clinical trials: implementing good practices.
January 01, 2005 - Higher adverse event rates were described for PPIs
than for H2RAs or placebo. … PPIs (1 RCT): no direct
comparative adverse event data reported in this study; in surgical
group, 3.7% … the surgical group; 4.5% developed
dysphagia that persisted for > 3 months after surgery; adverse
event … There are no direct comparative adverse event data for endoscopic
vs. laparoscopic procedures.