August 06, 2014 - Treatment procedures comprise
environmental events that are arranged to precede and/or
follow occurrences … this, I
mean that if the reader wanted to see the summary on a
particular CBT study, she’d have to scan
March 15, 2021 - the effectiveness or comparative effectiveness of procedures or
therapies, investigating genetic or environmental … The project team conducted a horizon scan of the literature focusing on systematic reviews,
March 01, 2012 - Instrument technician
Community hospital, co-located ASC • Administrator
• Clinical nurse managers
• Environmental
March 01, 2012 - Instrument technician
Community hospital, co-located ASC • Administrator
• Clinical nurse managers
• Environmental
March 01, 2012 - Instrument technician
Community hospital, co-located ASC • Administrator
• Clinical nurse managers
• Environmental
October 01, 2011 - After all, the excluded references are far
easier to scan because they are alphabetized. … Considerations, Overall, last bullet point
states that appreciation of the combined neuro-developmental and
October 01, 2011 - After all, the excluded references are far
easier to scan because they are alphabetized. … Considerations, Overall, last bullet point
states that appreciation of the combined neuro-developmental and
September 01, 2024 - in the incidence of hormonal receptor–negative cancer
within and between racial groups suggest that environmental … includes evaluation of 2-dimensional
images, generated either with digital mammography or using a
DBT scan
September 30, 2024 - in the incidence of hormonal receptor–negative cancer
within and between racial groups suggest that environmental … includes evaluation of 2-dimensional
images, generated either with digital mammography or using a
DBT scan
April 30, 2024 - in the incidence of hormonal receptor–negative cancer within and between racial groups suggest that environmental … includes evaluation of 2-dimensional images, generated either with digital mammography or using a DBT scan
January 01, 2023 - Following a horizon scan based on the current state of literature for PC CDS and
what areas could be … contribute to the
high asthma burden in the area, including social determinants of health (SDOH),
environmental … in the emergency setting to improve patient outcomes by considering a patient’s
genomic, biologic, environmental
September 01, 2011 - SMI, past CER tables, a summary of the populated organizing framework, a
populated framework, and an environmental … scan bibliography.
August 01, 2016 - rigorous analytical approaches to define scientific questions
• Apply effective literature review/environmental … scan approaches to inform study design
• Better understand and participate in the peer review process
September 01, 2011 - SMI, past CER tables, a summary of the populated organizing framework, a
populated framework, and an environmental … scan bibliography.
January 01, 2024 - Expected deliverables of the workshop include (1) an environmental analysis of the
opportunities for … It’s easier to get people to quick scan a brochure, than to ask them
to read several pages.
August 01, 2016 - rigorous analytical approaches to define scientific questions
• Apply effective literature review/environmental … scan approaches to inform study design
• Better understand and participate in the peer review process
January 01, 2024 - culturally adapted, 2-hour
training in person, included support staff +
patient education materials + environmental … Enhanced usual care: training in person,
included support staff + patient education
materials + environmental … Environmental changes
(e.g., painting walls with warm colors, decorative throw rugs and plants, new
October 01, 2015 - testing for cervical and colonoscopy for colorectal) and early detection (mammography for breast and CT scan … 116
Border Health Priorities
Border health priorities include:
Access to health care,
Environmental … mortality
Diabetes – reducing both the mortality rate of diabetes and the need for hospitalization
Environmental … Health and Substance Use: Any Dx in CCS 650-659, 662-670 (mental health) and CCS 660-661 (substance use)
October 01, 2015 - testing for cervical and colonoscopy for colorectal) and early detection (mammography for breast and CT scan … 116
Border Health Priorities
Border health priorities include:
Access to health care,
Environmental … mortality
Diabetes – reducing both the mortality rate of diabetes and the need for hospitalization
Environmental … Health and Substance Use: Any Dx in CCS 650-659, 662-670 (mental health) and CCS 660-661 (substance use)
March 01, 2020 - testing for cervical and colonoscopy for colorectal) and early detection (mammography for breast and CT scan … Environmental health.
Immunizations and infectious diseases.
Injury prevention. … Environmental Health—improving household access to sewage disposal and reducing hospital admissions for … Environmental health: Any Dx in CCS 128 (asthma), 127 (COPD), 131 (respiratory failure), 122 and 132