January 01, 2024 - the world” (e.g., situativity theories). 95-97 Thus, the emphasis is now on considering context and environmental
January 01, 2024 - the world” (e.g., situativity theories). 95-97 Thus, the emphasis is now on considering context and environmental
January 01, 2024 - First, a scan of
design tools and approaches for patient safety was conducted in the fields of human … leadership team with a facility project
management tool that captures the opportunities to use physical environmental
January 01, 2012 - First, a scan of
design tools and approaches for patient safety was conducted in the fields of human … leadership team with a facility project
management tool that captures the opportunities to use physical environmental
August 01, 2016 - Focus groups were conducted with the following groups of Denver Health employees:
Food and environmental
January 01, 2024 - Data Collection
Video images were acquired from three sources: a wide-angle “environmental” camera … insertion; EL=Elective Insertion; CT=Chest Tube
CPR=cardiopulmonary resuscitation; FAST=Focused Abdominal Scan
July 01, 2019 - Entrenched environmental factors, such as the ubiquity of processed foods and sugary drinks,
coupled … It is understandable for providers to feel overwhelmed in dealing with obesity given the
entrenched environmental … disparities regarding excess weight between ethnic groups
must look beyond income and education to consider environmental
March 01, 2019 - causes of asthma are not fully
understood (NHLBI, 2007), but it is thought that multiple host and environmental … Environmental factors that are
common triggers include respiratory viral infections; airborne allergens
September 01, 2005 - Focus groups were conducted with the following groups of
Denver Health employees:
• Food and environmental … CAT scan Patient undergoes a CAT scan.
September 01, 2018 - causes of asthma are not fully
understood (NHLBI, 2007), but it is thought that multiple host and environmental … Environmental factors that are
common triggers include respiratory viral infections; airborne allergens
September 02, 2022 - often serve as leaders of care teams composed of certified nursing assistants, medical assistants,
environmental … She also performs a bladder scan to assess
for urine retention.
July 01, 2023 - Examples of system issues include technology failures, such as alarms that are easily turned off; environmental
July 01, 2023 - Examples of system issues include technology
failures, such as alarms that are easily turned off; environmental
March 01, 2015 - We first conducted a targeted environmental scan of the published and unpublished
literature on engaging … Research,
Literature scan
July 01, 2023 - Examples of system issues include technology failures, such as alarms that are easily turned off; environmental
February 01, 2020 - is understandable for providers to feel overwhelmed in dealing with obesity, given the
entrenched environmental … disparities regarding excess weight between ethnic groups
must look beyond income and education to consider environmental
February 04, 2022 - Did environmental factors play a role in Mr. Kane’s treatment?
� If so, what were they? … Consultant Diagnostic Assessment/Feedback
Chest CT scan revealed lung damage likely caused by emphysema … Did environmental factors play a role in Mr. Kane’s treatment? … Did environmental factors play a role in Mr. Kane’s treatment?
� If so, what were they?
February 04, 2022 - Did environmental factors play a role in Mr. Kane’s treatment?
� If so, what were they? … Consultant Diagnostic Assessment/Feedback
Chest CT scan revealed lung damage likely caused by emphysema … Did environmental factors play a role in Mr. Kane’s treatment? … Did environmental factors play a role in Mr. Kane’s treatment?
� If so, what were they?
June 01, 2012 - Our initial scan of potential data found a dearth of existing data sets with sufficient
information … many elements of coordination, such as consideration of patient
preferences and goals, social and environmental … or supports
Mental health information, such as thoughts of suicide
Tobacco or alcohol use
Environmental … Patient’s diagnosis or problem;
Updated list of medications;
Appointments for follow-up care;
July 01, 2023 - Examples of system issues include technology
failures, such as alarms that are easily turned off; environmental