September 18, 2018 - sessions, or group- vs individual-based). 1 Benefits may depend on tailoring interventions to social, environmental … Various environmental and genetic factors play an important role in the development of obesity.
July 26, 2022 - including community-wide campaigns, social support interventions, school-based interventions, and environmental … Future research should elucidate best practices for clinicians and patients to navigate known environmental
February 01, 2010 - Are there population or environmental factors that influence the effectiveness of the programs? … Are there population or environmental factors that influence the effectiveness of the programs? … KQ1b, KQ2b,
KQ1c, and KQ2c evaluate whether spe-
cific program components and popula-
tion or environmental … dramatic increases in
overweight in children that occurred
during the 1980s and 1990s and
changes in environmental … beneficial
outcomes (KQ1a and KQ2a), important
components of care (KQ1b and KQ2b),
and population or environmental
April 05, 2016 - did not ex-
clude persons with preexisting COPD and also included several de-
veloping countries with environmental … US population
given that many countries in
developing countries with
different environmental … Most
likely reasonably applicable to
US primary care population,
although environmental/
occupational … US population
given that many countries in
BOLD were low-development-
index countries with different
April 01, 2004 - Public Health Service Committee to Coordinate
Environmental Health and Related Programs.
April 17, 2018 - prevention interventions targeting modifiable fall risk factors (eg, balance and gait abnormalities, environmental … Because age and other individual and environmental factors determine risk of fall, control group fall … in the multifactorial trials, including physician specialty referrals, exercise interventions, and environmental
April 17, 2018 - prevention interventions targeting modifiable fall risk factors (eg, balance and gait abnormalities, environmental … Because age and other individual and environmental factors determine risk of fall, control group fall … in the multifactorial trials, including physician specialty referrals, exercise interventions, and environmental
January 01, 2022 - Evaluate best practices for clinicians and patients to navigate known environmental and
structural barriers … • Evaluate best practices for clinicians and patients to navigate known
environmental and structural … studies that do the following:
• Evaluate best practices for clinicians and patients to navigate known environmental
August 09, 2016 - evidence)
Risk Assessment
Multifactorial dyslipidemia is associated with risk factors such as environmental … Alternatively, dyslipidemia can be a multifactorial disorder, with both polygenic and environmental causes
March 01, 2022 - 29 including community-wide campaigns, social
support interventions, school-based interventions, and
environmental … • Future research should elucidate best practices for clinicians and
patients to navigate known environmental
September 19, 2023 - determinants largely result from historical and current manifestations of structural racism that influence environmental … produce disparities in living conditions such as education level, nutrition, stress level, income, and environmental
July 01, 2007 - Multifactorial dyslipidemias are due to risk factors including
environmental factors (obesity, diet)
October 19, 2021 - of Risk
Risk factors for eating disorders include various biological, psychological, social, and environmental
May 10, 2022 - exposure to smoke or fumes, notably direct or indirect exposure to cigarette smoke, and occupational or environmental
July 11, 2017 - of a web-based computer-tailored nutrition education intervention for adults including cognitive and environmental … of a web-based computer-tailored nutrition education intervention for adults including cognitive and environmental … web-based computer-tailored nutrition education intervention aimed at adults, including cognitive and environmental … Stralen et al, 156 2010
8500 adults (57.0)
Tailored print mailings with environmental
May 15, 2012 - Skin cancer has well-known host and environmental risk factors. … Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation is the most important environmental risk factor for all types … It is important that these studies consistently adjust for both important host and environmental factors … Constitutional and environmental risk factors for cutaneous melanoma in an Italian population.
July 11, 2017 - of a web-based computer-tailored nutrition education intervention for adults including cognitive and environmental … of a web-based computer-tailored nutrition education intervention for adults including cognitive and environmental … web-based computer-tailored nutrition education intervention aimed at adults, including cognitive and environmental … Stralen et al, 156 2010
8500 adults (57.0)
Tailored print mailings with environmental
July 15, 2007 - Multifactorial dyslipidemias are due to risk factors including environmental factors (obesity, diet)
May 15, 2006 - a causal relationship between anemia and developmental abnormalities in longitudinal studies due to environmental
May 15, 2006 - a causal relationship between anemia and developmental abnormalities in longitudinal studies due to environmental