January 01, 1996 - Environmental Protection Agency. Reducing lead in drinking water: a benefit analysis. … Modelling of environmental lead contributors to blood lead in humans. … Environmental exposure to lead and children's intelligence at the age of seven years. … Environmental Protection Agency. … American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Environmental Health.
November 01, 2013 - Community Preventive Services
Group Education
Policy Change
April 09, 2019 - hazard control measures, educational interventions (eg, counseling on household dust
control measures), environmental
November 01, 2013 - Faces a minimum of obstacles (information processing, physical, logistical, or environmental barriers
November 01, 2013 - Similarly, a second diamond is labeled "Social-Environmental Influences" (key question 13). … What are the larger social/environmental influences that determine whether individuals respond to appropriate
February 21, 2023 - They can be caused by genetic
factors or environmental factors,
such as lifestyle. … children and adolescents:
Multifactorial dyslipidemia: high cholesterol that is mainly caused by
March 29, 2016 - smoke or heating fuels; occupational exposure to toxins, dusts, or industrial
chemicals; exposure to environmental
November 01, 2013 - effectiveness
Family-based social support
Insufficient Evidence to determine effectiveness
November 01, 2013 - theory/social learning theory
Behavior is explained by dynamic interaction among personal factors, environmental
December 05, 2023 - presence of acute or chronic medical conditions, use of specific medications that can increase fall risk, environmental … behavioral therapy), nutrition therapy, education, medication management, urinary incontinence management, environmental … community-dwelling older adults when offered alone and not in the context of a multifactorial intervention: environmental … the most commonly assessed components were functional assessments (e.g., timed Up and Go test 16 ), environmental … with education intervention (4 trials), medication review (4 trials), exercise in combination with environmental
April 16, 2019 - Environmental interventions in-
clude specialized cleaning, repairs, maintenance, soil abatement
(eg, … lead levels in pregnant women
also varies depending on the lead level and consists of education and
environmental … However,
randomized trials may not always be appropriate for screening
and environmental interventions … Racial
differences in urban children’s environmental
exposures to lead. … Council on Environmental Health. Prevention
of childhood lead toxicity.
August 02, 2016 - evidence)
Risk Assessment Multifactorial dyslipidemia is associated with risk factors such as environmental
September 06, 2013 - Assessment
Risk factors for COPD include:
current or past tobacco use
exposure to occupational and environmental
April 17, 2018 - interventions may help prevent falls if offered alone and not as part of multifactorial interventions: environmental … interventions, nutrition therapy, knowledge, medication management, urinary incontinence management, environmental … The majority of studies included home visits for the initial assessment, environmental modification, … twice per day). 8
Other Interventions
The USPSTF found evidence on other interventions, including environmental … similar interventions for the prevention of falls: exercise for strength and balance, monitoring for environmental
April 17, 2018 - interventions may help prevent falls if offered alone and not as part of multifactorial interventions: environmental … interventions, nutrition therapy, knowledge, medication management, urinary incontinence management, environmental … The majority of studies included home visits for the initial assessment, environmental modification, … twice per day). 8
Other Interventions
The USPSTF found evidence on other interventions, including environmental … similar interventions for the prevention of falls: exercise for strength and balance, monitoring for environmental
November 01, 2003 - Strategies for reducing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, tobacco-use cessation, and reducing … Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke: the Report of the California Environmental
November 01, 2013 - a Other leading health indicators include mental health, injury and violence, environmental quality,
September 01, 2021 - Black persons
are associated with increased risk due to environmental, social, and historical inequities
June 04, 2024 - presence of acute or chronic medical conditions, use of specific medications that can increase fall risk, environmental … behavioral therapy), nutrition therapy, education, medication management, urinary incontinence management, environmental … ; the most commonly assessed components were functional assessments (eg, timed Up and Go test 16 ), environmental … medication review, referral to vision and/or hearing specialists, and recommendations or referrals for environmental … with education intervention (4 trials), medication review (4 trials), exercise in combination with environmental
April 21, 2022 - Multifactorial assessment and intervention
Medication management
Psychological (individual or group)