August 01, 2014 - certificate data does not answer the "why" questions
Other data sources help with behavioral, environmental
January 01, 2014 - traffic (by E codes)
NEDS 2014 Core 118 INJURY_NATURE 2 Num Injury involving nature or environmental
September 23, 2011 - • 50-state environmental scan: NASHP created and formatted a brief summary of a
spreadsheet of … findings from the environmental scan of state publications documenting
racial and ethnic health and
December 06, 2017 - traffic (by E codes)
NEDS 2015 Q1Q3 ED 140 INJURY_NATURE 2 Num Injury involving nature or environmental
November 01, 2011 - The template includes notes for the speaker.
50-state environmental scan: NASHP created and formatted … a brief summary of a spreadsheet of findings from the environmental scan of state publications documenting
December 06, 2017 - traffic (by E codes)
NEDS 2015 Q1Q3 IP 114 INJURY_NATURE 2 Num Injury involving nature or environmental
June 01, 2012 - Although bicycle use is promoted for its health and environmental benefits, it is not without risk. 1 … Environmental Health. 2009;8:47.
4 Rivara F, Sattin R.
July 01, 2016 - For this report, NASHP conducted an environmental scan of all 50 states and the District of Columbia … Virginia either informed the work of featured states or were identified as being noteworthy during NASHP’s environmental … informants shared useful background materials and resources. 24
NASHP simultaneously conducted an environmental … various conditions by addressing the social determinants of health and examining physical, social, environmental … Additionally, NASHP learned from its environmental scan that Minnesota has developed a health plan-level
January 01, 2020 - unspecified
28,037,034 0 0 1 0.02 0.00 0.01534 0.01673
I10_INJURY_NATURE Mechanism of injury: natural or
January 01, 2019 - unspecified
33,147,251 0 0 1 0.02 0.00 0.01684 0.01851
I10_INJURY_NATURE Mechanism of injury: natural or
December 14, 2017 - vehicle traffic (by E codes) 19,787,395 0 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.16
INJURY_NATURE : Injury involving nature or environmental … Distribution for INJURY_NATURE
INJURY_NATURE Frequency Percent
0: No injury involving natural or environmental … causes 19,533,710 98.72
1: Injury involving natural or environmental causes 253,685 1.28
January 01, 2020 - For this report, NASHP conducted an environmental scan of all 50 states and the
District of Columbia … either informed
the work of featured states or were identified as being noteworthy during NASHP’s
environmental … informants shared useful background materials and resources.24
NASHP simultaneously conducted an environmental … lib/dph/Language_Services_Report.pdf
social determinants of health and examining physical, social, environmental … Additionally, NASHP learned from its environmental scan that Minnesota has
developed a health plan-level
January 01, 2018 - unspecified
35,807,950 0 0 1 0.02 0.00 0.01658 0.01821
I10_INJURY_NATURE Mechanism of injury: natural or
January 01, 2022 - pedestrian, other, or unspecified
32,298,120 0 0 1
I10_INJURY_NATURE Mechanism of injury: natural or environmental
January 01, 2021 - pedestrian, other, or unspecified
30,099,368 0 0 1
I10_INJURY_NATURE Mechanism of injury: natural or environmental
June 24, 2011 - Racial and ethnic health
disparities exist, yet states are discovering that location and environmental
January 01, 2015 - involving motor vehicle traffic
E Codes indicate injury involving natural or environmental … causes, including bites and stings: (0) no injury involving natural or environmental causes, (1) injury … involving natural or environmental causes
E Codes indicate injury by poisoning … causes, including bites and stings: (0) no injury involving natural or environmental causes, (1) injury … involving natural or environmental causes
E Codes indicate injury by poisoning
March 01, 2012 - Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 2005. 16: 67-74.
3 CDC. … Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 2008. 19: 7-14.
6 Goldstein J.C.
January 01, 2018 - or unspecified 35,807,950 0 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.13
I10_INJURY_NATURE : Mechanism of injury: natural or environmental
May 01, 2012 - Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 2005. 16: 67-74.
3 CDC. … Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 2008. 19: 7-14.
6 Goldstein J.C.