December 20, 2011 - Complex causes of obesity: Obesity is the result of a large number of biological, behavioral, social, environmental … Setting
Schools, home, primary-care clinics, child-care settings, or community organizations, environmental-level … tiab]
“socioeconomic factors”[mh]
October 25, 2011 - to the approach; knowledge, attitudes or behaviors relating to the approaches for KQ1-6 and use of environmental … to the approach; knowledge, attitudes or behaviors relating to the approaches for KQ1-6 and use of environmental … Intermediate outcomes of interest include adherence to the approach/intervention and KQ1-6 and use of environmental
July 17, 2020 - after adjusting for other
hygiene and infection control practices, physical distance to index case, environmental
January 01, 2010 - patients whose allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma symptoms
cannot be controlled by medication and environmental … Environmental control
5. Usual care (e.g., environmental control, pharmacotherapy, etc.) … Treatments (**) to be included in the review;
a) placebo; pharmacotherapy; usual care; environmental … questions in the AQLQ and they are in 4 domains (symptoms, activity
limitation, emotional function and environmental
September 01, 2020 - Clinical champion involvement; 21. physical
environmental changes required, 22. incentives; 23. implementation … manuscript under review, you will describe the specific type
of person delivering the intervention (e.g. environmental … Physical Environmental
Changes Required
For many interventions, no redesign of a building, lighting … , surgical suite, or environmental controls (air
conditioning or heating), are needed. … Physical
None None None None None None None
January 01, 2013 - observational comparative effectiveness studies include provider actions, patient actions, and social and environmental … Environmental and social factors
Access to health care: Patient access may have a direct or indirect … Environmental and Social Factors
Access to health care
Within large populations analyzed in multiuse
September 20, 2013 - range of genes is implicated in susceptibility to ASD 19,20 ; however, some evidence suggests that environmental … In addition to the genetic, parental, and environmental factors described above as potentially causative … Genetic heritability and shared environmental factors among twin pairs with autism.
March 31, 2010 - Complex causes of obesity: Obesity is the result of a large number of biological, behavioral,
social, environmental … Setting
Schools, home, primary-care clinics, child-care settings, or community organizations,
environmental-level … www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: December 20, 2011
May 26, 2015 - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 7 the American College of Occupational and Environmental … work organization (e.g., removing working conditions that serve as obstacles to healthy behavior) or environmental
December 01, 2010 - conventional suburban
characteristics (e.g.,
street networks, land … The investigator(s) does not assign or have control over the intervention/exposure, which
may be an environmental … the control of the investigator (e.g., a surgical procedure) as well as
interventions that may be an environmental … The investigator(s) does not
assign or have control over the intervention/exposure, which may be an environmental … The investigator(s) does not assign
or have control over the intervention/exposure, which may be an environmental
July 01, 2014 - The etiology of DBDs is unknown but temperamental, biological and environmental factors are associated … response to frustration. 21,22 Low birthweight children also are at increased risk for DBDs. 23,24 Environmental … We will also extract information on intervention delivery, intervention setting, and environmental factors … Where the data are not presented in the research, we will comment on the degree to which environmental … Disruptive behaviour disorders: a systematic review of environmental antenatal and early years risk factors
May 24, 2017 - Etiology
Multiple environmental and genetic factors contribute to the development of RA. … associated with RA risk, most involving immune mechanisms. 5 Epigenetics, through the integration of environmental … and genetic factors, also contributes to the pathogenesis of RA. 6 Environmental risk factors associated
September 20, 2013 - A range of genes is implicated in susceptibility to
ASD19,20; however, some evidence suggests that environmental … In addition to the genetic, parental, and environmental factors described above as potentially
causative … Genetic heritability and shared environmental
factors among twin pairs with autism.
May 15, 2017 - Etiology
Multiple environmental and genetic factors contribute to the development of RA. … associated with RA risk, most involving immune
mechanisms.5 Epigenetics, through the integration of environmental … and genetic factors,
also contributes to the pathogenesis of RA.6 Environmental risk factors associated
February 01, 2013 - Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.
December 01, 2011 - We excluded
studies that used only intermediate outcomes, such as
reduced spore count in environmental … That is, we cannot answer whether
environmental cleaning staff will have developed
professional habits … Environmental
control to reduce transmission of Clostridium difficile. … Impact of
hydrogen peroxide vapor room decontamination on
Clostridium difficile environmental contamination
February 22, 2012 - are associated with differences in access to and utilization of health care, in addition to numerous environmental … outcomes and their determinants between segments of the population, as defined by social, demographic, environmental
May 26, 2015 - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),7 the
American College of Occupational and Environmental … work organization (e.g., removing working
conditions that serve as obstacles to healthy behavior) or environmental
July 01, 2012 - Panels in Prostate Cancer
Risk Assessment
Executive Summary
susceptibility genes and shared environmental … Environmental and heritable factors in the causation
of cancer--Analyses of cohorts of twins from Sweden
January 30, 2014 - The etiology of DBDs is unknown but temperamental, biological and environmental
factors are associated … in response to frustration.21,22 Low birthweight children also are at increased risk for
DBDs.23,24 Environmental … Where the data are
not presented in the research, we will comment on the degree to which environmental … Sex differences in the genetic and environmental
influences on childhood conduct disorder and adult … Disruptive behaviour disorders: a systematic review of
environmental antenatal and early years risk