
Total Results: 4,876 records

Showing results for "end stage renal".

    August 09, 2016 - Familial hypercholesterolemia and other monogenic condi- tions were excluded from this review, as were renal … Sexual maturation was evaluated at every visit through year 5 or until the participant reached Tanner stage … At the end of the study, 283 participants (3.1%) had died.
    August 25, 2011 - Ingredient, Age, Gender, and Race Note: A dash signifies a small cell count (less than 11); ESRD = endstage renal disease.
    August 25, 2011 - Ingredient, Age, Gender, and Race Note: A dash signifies a small cell count (less than 11); ESRD = endstage renal disease.
    January 01, 2006 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified, three-stage design: 1. … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic random sampling … At the other end of the spectrum, only four of the 10 least populous states were included in the NIS … (5) 160** 1.34 (0.02) 1.29* 6.12 (0.05) 6.23* 0.00 (0.00) 0.001 $25,643 (711) $25,362 316: Renal
    June 01, 2016 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified, three-stage design: The first stage … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic random sampling techniques … At the other end of the spectrum, only two of the 10 least populous states were included in the NIS: … 1.07 4.45 (0.06) 4.37 0.93 (0.07) 0.95 $22,015 (709) $21,111 316: renal
    July 01, 2012 - At the end of the initial patient visit and following resolution of any drug related problems, the MTM … Mellitus □ Hypokalemia □ Atrial Fib/Atrial Flutter □ DVT/PE □ Kidney Transplant □ Chronic Renal … _ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ □ Yes □ No ___ ___ / ___ ___ / ___ ___ □ Yes □ No END
    January 01, 2005 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified, three-stage design: 1. … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic random sampling … At the other end of the spectrum, only two of the 10 least populous states were included in the NIS: … 143 (6) 124** 1.03 (0.03) 1.07 4.45 (0.06) 4.37 0.93 (0.07) 0.95 $22,015 (709) $21,111 316: renal
    August 27, 2012 - The first use of much of this dates back 60 years or more (to the end of the WWII), so you might indicate … No papers discussing end stage renal disease or cystic fibrosis were eligible for inclusion. … depression...I think the findings are that women were receiving better care at baseline, and that by the end … The take home message from this report for me is much more like: “At this stage, and with the available
    August 27, 2012 - The first use of much of this dates back 60 years or more (to the end of the WWII), so you might indicate … No papers discussing end stage renal disease or cystic fibrosis were eligible for inclusion. … depression...I think the findings are that women were receiving better care at baseline, and that by the end … The take home message from this report for me is much more like: “At this stage, and with the available
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    September 17, 2020 - and general health (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … Gender Comorbidities (e.g., status of HbA1c, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, smoking, renal … A list of the studies excluded at the full-text review stage is in Appendix C. Key Question 1. … Several studies mentioned that if wound closure was complete prior to the end of the planned treatment … One study plans to apply dressing with PRP every 3 days until 90% wound healing, with no specific end
    January 01, 2019 - The AHRQ QI measures generated for possible inclusion in the QDR are described in Table 1 at the end … the AHRQ PQI software, diabetes must be the principal diagnosis and long-term complications include renal … Exclusions include the following: admissions with a diagnosis code for chronic renal failure and transfers … software, the following cases are excluded: admissions with a principal diagnosis of pressure ulcer stage … with the AHRQ PSI software, the following cases are excluded: obstetric cases; admissions with acute renal
    August 01, 2022 - Related article at Author Affiliations: Author affiliations are listed at the end … Diagram: Screening for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Adults 3275 Excluded at title and abstract stage … 413 Excluded at title and abstract stage 188 Wrong population 48 Wrong intervention 45 Wrong study … (53 included studies) used a mixed- treatment comparison methodology and focused on 2 prespecified end … household or close contacts of persons with active tuberculosis without confirmed LTBI; and persons with renal
    February 04, 2022 - This reality-based case describes the diagnostic journey of a 49-year-old patient, Joe Kane, with endstage renal disease who is receiving weekly hemodialysis. … Add your Overall Ratings into a Summary Score at the end of the assessment; the range is from 0 to 125 … Summary Score: Add your Overall Rating for each domain into a total score at the end.
    February 04, 2022 - This reality-based case describes the diagnostic journey of a 49-year-old patient, Joe Kane, with endstage renal disease who is receiving weekly hemodialysis. … Add your Overall Ratings into a Summary Score at the end of the assessment; the range is from 0 to 125 … Summary Score: Add your Overall Rating for each domain into a total score at the end.