September 01, 2014 - Ann Intern Med. 2014;161:336-346. doi:10.7326/M14-0530 www.annals.org
For author affiliations, see end … A high comorbid condition
level was defined as any end-stage disease, severe disability,
or 3 or more … nonfatal MI, per-
manent cranial nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, pneu-
monia, wound infection, acute renal … Effect
of hospital-level variation in the use of carotid artery stenting versus carotid end-
arterectomy … Carotid end-
arterectomy was performed with lower stroke and death rates than carotid artery
November 15, 2022 - with mean baseline ESS scores of 10 or greater (indicating excessive daytime sleepiness) reported mean end … scores in the normal range of less than 10 142 , 143 for the positive airway pressure groups (mean end … Renal sympathetic denervation in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension (the Symplicity HTN-2 … study, only the findings from the first stage in which all patients were included are reported. m The … study, only the findings from the first stage in which all patients were included are reported.
May 01, 2021 - Related article at
Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end … c Although this is a 2-stage study, only the findings from the first stage in which all patients were … mean baseline ESS
scores of 10 or greater (indicating excessive daytime sleepiness)
reported mean end … ESS scores in the normal range of less
than 10142,143 for the positive airway pressure groups (mean end … Renal sympathetic denervation in
patients with treatment-resistant hypertension (the
Symplicity HTN-2
April 17, 2018 - the United Nations Human Development Pro-
gramme) were excluded.6 Studies reviewed at the full-text stage … fracture was the study aim15,16,24; however, only 1 study
(WHI CaD trial) used fractures as the primary end … Although all included studies re-
ported on KQ2-specified outcomes, these outcomes were primary
end points … this review, the Cochrane review concluded that vitamin D with
calcium was associated with increased renal … disease (defined as
renal calculi or insufficiency) but did not adversely affect the risk
of death.
October 01, 2016 - Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:560-564. doi:10.7326/M16-0946 www.annals.org
For author affiliations, see end … Asselbergs FW, Diercks GF, Hillege HL, van Boven AJ, Janssen
WM, Voors AA, et al; Prevention of Renal … technology that is not feasible
for primary care practice may be filtered out before the
abstraction stage
November 01, 2008 - Ann Intern Med. 2008;149:638-658. www.annals.org
For author affiliations, see end of text. … solid
organ masses or chest nodules, abdominal aortic aneu-
rysms �3 cm, aneurysms of the splenic or renal … Extracolonic
findings of moderate clinical significance (such as renal cal-
culi and small adrenal masses … Cancer of the colon and rectum in Cali-
fornia: trends in incidence by race/ethnicity, stage, and subsite … Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.
June 01, 2008 - Ann Intern Med. 2008;148:855-868. www.annals.org
For author affiliations, see end of text. … English-language systematic reviews and stud-
ies published between March 2001 (6 months before the
end … need to be
intensively treated for 10 years to prevent 1 person from
developing any single clinical end … angio-
tensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists on
mortality and renal … life
Cardiovascular morbidity
Lower-extremity amputations
Nonhealing ulcers
Severe visual impairment
May 27, 2014 - Changes in liver histology as a "surrogate" end point of antiviral therapy for chronic HBV can predict … Child–Pugh score, separately and in combination with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with sepsis, renal … prospective or retrospective)
Histologic response (improvement of ≥2 points on HAI score after end … all
HBsAg clearance: 9.7%
ALT level: NR
AST level: NR
HBV DNA level: NR
Fibrosis stage … prospective or retrospective)
Sustained biochemical response (normalization of ALT levels at the end
May 27, 2014 - Changes in liver histology as a "surrogate" end point of antiviral therapy for chronic HBV can predict … Child–Pugh score, separately and in combination with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with sepsis, renal … prospective or retrospective)
Histologic response (improvement of ≥2 points on HAI score after end … all
HBsAg clearance: 9.7%
ALT level: NR
AST level: NR
HBV DNA level: NR
Fibrosis stage … prospective or retrospective)
Sustained biochemical response (normalization of ALT levels at the end
October 15, 2008 - solid organ masses or chest nodules, abdominal aortic aneurysms ≥3 cm, aneurysms of the splenic or renal … populations. 49 , 65-67 , 69 , 70 Extracolonic findings of moderate clinical significance (such as renal … Cancer of the colon and rectum in California: trends in incidence by race/ethnicity, stage, and subsite … Incidence of colorectal carcinoma in the U.S.: an update of trends by gender, race, age, subsite, and stage … [PMID: 15061598]
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program.
June 15, 2008 - need to be intensively treated for 10 years to prevent 1 person from developing any single clinical end … In 2 fair-quality trials, statin therapy did not significantly reduce the primary end point (coronary … Principal results of the Controlled Onset Verapamil Investigation of Cardiovascular End Points (CONVINCE … of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists on mortality and renal … Cardiovascular mortality
Lower-extremity amputations
Nonhealing ulcers
Severe visual impairment
January 01, 2013 - Ann Intern Med. 2013;158:114-123. www.annals.org
For author affiliations, see end of text. … refers to the cross-
linking of polyethylene glycol molecules to the interferon
molecule, which delays renal … intermediate out-
come, was defined as the absence of detectable HCV RNA
in the serum 6 months after the end … For regimens longer than 12 weeks, dual therapy
was continued to the end of treatment. … adjusted hazard ratios, 0.12 to 0.46) (60, 62,
63, 67, 68, 71, 73–76, 78), and other complications of
July 08, 2014 - A high comorbid condition level was defined as any end-stage disease, severe disability, or 3 or more … nonfatal MI, permanent cranial nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, wound infection, acute renal
August 09, 2016 - Familial hypercholesterolemia and other monogenic conditions were excluded from this review, as were renal … Sexual maturation was evaluated at every visit through year 5 or until the participant reached Tanner stage … At the end of the study, 283 participants (3.1%) had died.
August 09, 2016 - Familial hypercholesterolemia and other monogenic conditions were excluded from this review, as were renal … Sexual maturation was evaluated at every visit through year 5 or until the participant reached Tanner stage … At the end of the study, 283 participants (3.1%) had died.
July 08, 2014 - A high comorbid condition level was defined as any end-stage disease, severe disability, or 3 or more … nonfatal MI, permanent cranial nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, wound infection, acute renal
January 01, 2017 - All
individual studies reported end-point AHI values of 10 or less for
CPAP-treated groups, and most … end-point ESS score for the 23 trials
was <8). … b Two-stage process using MVAP for everyone and then home testing to
determine AHI for those with an … surgery of the soft palate in the
treatment of mild obstructive sleep apnea is not
effective as a single-stage … Renal sympathetic denervation in
patients with treatment-resistant hypertension
(the Symplicity HTN-2
May 14, 2021 - identifying evidence, the EPC consulted a panel of Key
Informants who represent subject experts and end-users … Therefore, in the end, the study questions, design,
methodological approaches, and conclusions do not … Because of their
role as end users, individuals with potential conflicts may be retained. … The Helping to End Addiction Long-Term Initiative.
https://heal.nih.gov/. … Analgesic administration for patients with renal colic in
the emergency department before and after
August 23, 2022 - Asselbergs FW, Diercks GF, Hillege HL, et al; Prevention of Renal and Vascular Endstage Disease Intervention … Efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in the prevention of cardiovascular end points in subjects with type … : 26 a Daily aspirin use: 17
ALLHAT-LLT Furberg et al, 2002 18 (Fair)
Aged ≥55 y with stage … Evaluation of Rosuvastatin; MI, myocardial infarction; NR, not reported; PREVEND-IT, Prevention of Renal
January 15, 2004 - Criteria
Cooper et al., 1984 59
( more details )
Previously treated Graves' disease, stage … good general health
Subjects had higher TC, LDL, and ApoB levels than healthy controls
Diabetes, renal … titrated up
11 (mean) 3.6-55.3 (range)
mean TSH in control group increased to ~15 by the end