May 01, 2018 - Examples
include organ failure (e.g., acute renal failure, liver, respiratory), obstetric shock, pulmonary … prevalence of at least one severe complication of pregnancy rose 75
percent from 1998-1999 to 2008-2009: renal … Further, at the current stage of electronic health record (EHR) development and
implementation, chart … would expect to find the largest
differences between poorer and other counties, than across the upper end … Pregnancy-associated mortality at the end of the
twentieth century: Massachusetts, 1990-1999.
January 01, 2010 - Evaluation
of a (pilot) stage-tailored brief smoking
cessation intervention among hospital
patients … Effects of
smoking on renal function in patients with
type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. … Cigarette smoking exacerbates and its
cessation ameliorates renal injury in type 2
diabetes. … The impact
of Not On Tobacco on teen smoking
cessation: end-of-program evaluation results,
1998-2003 … Stage of
change and smoking cessation outcomes
among adolescents.