February 01, 2017 - including pain episodes, sepsis,
stroke, acute chest syndrome, priapism, leg ulcers, osteonecrosis, and renal
January 01, 2019 - including pain episodes, sepsis,
stroke, acute chest syndrome, priapism, leg ulcers, osteonecrosis, and renal … The authors
suggest that the decreases in mortality, stroke, and end‐stage organ damage likely to result … standards
include the following specific requirements in the Certification criteria pertaining to Stage
January 01, 2018 - to 2015, the disparities gap between AI/ANs and Whites decreased for the adjusted incident rate of end … stage renal disease due to diabetes. … Renal Data System [RDS]). … In 2001, the adjusted incident rates of end stage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population
October 25, 2022 - Warehouse (NDW) Workload and Population Data
Mart (WPDM)
National Institutes of Health
United States Renal … 1,000 hospital admissions with percutaneous coronary
intervention, age 40 and over HCUP 2019
Adult end … stage renal disease patients who saw a nephrologist at
least 12 months prior to initiation of renal … Patients with treated chronic kidney failure who received a
transplant within 3 years of date of renal … (regional, distant stage, or
local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40
March 13, 2018 - patients if these
individuals were eligible for Medicare
benefits (e.g. disabled, patients with
end-stage … renal disease). … Patients may remain
on antihypertensive medications at low doses for
renal protection or chronic migraine … years and older as well as people younger than 65 who are
disabled or have a diagnosis of endstage renal … received VSG
and were followed for 18 months in a prospective cohort (from 15% at baseline to 3% at end
November 02, 2017 - strongly
correlated, we kept them separate for conceptual reasons and because of the findings from end … See Section 10, Understandability, for a summary of our end-user cognitive interview
findings. … Adult patients with end-
stage renal disease and diabetes report similar or better patient experience … Care experiences of managed care Medicare
enrollees near the end of life. … Parent and physician perspectives on quality of care at
the end of life in children with cancer.
January 01, 2016 - of 2016, and 50% by the end of 2018 … • Goal 2: 85% of all Medicare FFS payments are tied to quality or value by the end of 2016, and … 90% by the end of 2018. … including Hospital VBP), Medical and Health Homes, Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus
Payments, and the End-Stage … Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program, CMS provides financial
incentives that reward providers for
January 01, 2020 - Education does not end when a provider receives credentials or a patient
is discharged. … Value-Based Purchasing, patient-centered medical homes, Medicare Advantage Quality Bonus
Payments, and the End-Stage … Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program, CMS provides financial
incentives that reward providers for … CMS Quality Strategy 31
Summative Evaluation
Summative evaluation is conducted at the end of
April 01, 2018 - including pain episodes, sepsis,
stroke, acute chest syndrome, priapism, leg ulcers, osteonecrosis and renal
August 01, 2018 - Prevention and Control of HAIs
Advances in the Prevention and Control of HAIs: Setting the Stage … Common comorbidities included renal failure (23.5 percent), chronic lung disease (16.7 percent), paraplegia … steps involved time limitations as to when the process had to be completed to progress to the next stage
January 01, 2024 - The
cases were ascertained anytime between the start of follow-up (January 1, 2008) and study end date … The cases were ascertained anytime between the start of follow-up
(January 1, 2008) and study end date … occurrence of death in nursing home between the start of follow-
up (January 1, 2008) and the study end … used to manage end-of-life
symptoms, such as terminal respiratory secretions.68
Subgroup Analyses … dementia, cerebrovascular events, rheumatological
diseases, mild liver disease, pulmonary disorders, renal
July 31, 2018 - The
cases were ascertained anytime between the start of follow-up (January 1, 2008) and study end date … The cases were ascertained anytime between the start of follow-up
(January 1, 2008) and study end date … occurrence of death in nursing home between the start of follow-
up (January 1, 2008) and the study end … used to manage end-of-life
symptoms, such as terminal respiratory secretions.68
Subgroup Analyses … dementia, cerebrovascular events, rheumatological
diseases, mild liver disease, pulmonary disorders, renal
March 10, 2008 - the M70 group; additional subcodes under L89 should be considered to
specify ulcer location and/or stage … procedures are required in the definition of PSI events—e.g., postoperative hemodialysis
to identify end-stage … renal failure.
January 01, 2024 - antibiotics only if the patient is immunocompromised due to diabetes, previous
splenectomy, pregnancy, or end … stage renal disease, or when the patient is
injured by high-speed projectiles causing widespread tissue
November 01, 2019 - Examples include organ failure (e.g., acute renal failure, liver, respiratory), obstetric
shock, pulmonary … least one severe complication rose 75 percent over a 10-year period (from 1998-
1999 to 2008-2009): renal … Further, at the current stage of electronic
medical record (EMR) development and implementation … these findings are consistent with the expectations that Medicaid would be at least at the
higher end … Pregnancy-associated mortality at the end of the
twentieth century: Massachusetts, 1990-1999.
October 01, 2019 - Examples
include organ failure (e.g., acute renal failure, liver, respiratory), obstetric shock, pulmonary … show the prevalence of at least one severe
complication rose 75 percent from 1998-1999 to 2008-2009: renal … Further, at the current stage of electronic
medical record (EMR) development and implementation, chart … these findings are consistent with the expectations that Medicaid would be at least at the
higher end … Pregnancy-associated mortality at the end of the
twentieth century: Massachusetts, 1990-1999.
May 01, 2018 - Examples
include organ failure (e.g., acute renal failure, liver, respiratory), obstetric shock, pulmonary … prevalence of at least one severe complication of pregnancy rose 75
percent from 1998-1999 to 2008-2009: renal … Further, at the current stage of electronic health record (EHR) development and
implementation, chart … would expect to find the largest
differences between poorer and other counties, than across the upper end … Pregnancy-associated mortality at the end of the
twentieth century: Massachusetts, 1990-1999.
September 01, 2019 - Examples include organ failure (e.g., acute renal failure, liver, respiratory), obstetric
shock, pulmonary … least one severe complication rose 75 percent over a 10-year period (from 1998-
1999 to 2008-2009): renal … Further, at the current stage of electronic
medical record (EMR) development and implementation, chart … these findings are consistent with the expectations that Medicaid would be at least at the
higher end … Pregnancy-associated mortality at the end of the
twentieth century: Massachusetts, 1990-1999.
January 01, 2018 - models
Model Name Type Scope
Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable care National
Comprehensive End-Stage … Renal
Disease Care Model
Accountable care National
Next Generation ACO Modela Accountable care … with a health system that
participated in a Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO, a
Comprehensive End-Stage … Renal Disease Care Model ACO, or a
Next Generation ACO
Number of physicians
participating in a … The list reflects health systems in the United States at
the end of 2018.
January 01, 2024 - Results: Among patients with errors at baseline, 59.3% of errors were resolved by the end of the study … inappropriate pharmacotherapy that we have noted in our pilot work include use of metformin in patients
with renal … were achieved, and, among patients with errors at baseline, 59.3% of all
errors were resolved by the end … These
recommendations take into account the patient’s age, renal function, selected comorbidities (congestive