
Total Results: 43 records

Showing results for "end stage renal".

    February 19, 2021 - other doctors -1.6 Home health care patients who had to be admitted to the hospital -1.6 Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … last 12 months who sometimes or never got care as soon as needed -1.5 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population -1.5 Adults with obesity who ever … (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and
    February 19, 2021 - their home so they can move around safely when they first started getting home health care -1.5 Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … received such treatment at a specialty facility in the last 12 months -0.4 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population -0.4 Adults who reported that home
    February 19, 2021 - gave advice within the past 2 years about using a booster seat when riding in the car -1.5 Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … hospital emergency rooms, who has office hours at night or on weekends 0.4 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population 0.4 Women with clinical Stage I-IIb
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … admissions with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair Non-Hispanic, API 34.2 27.1 26.1% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … dental service in the calendar year Asian, single race 31.7 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population API 229.3 Adults with
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … elective-surgery admissions of length 4 or more days, adults Hispanic, all races 4.6 3.2 43.2% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Hispanic, all races 43.2 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Hispanic, all races 292.7
    when to take medicines in the last 2 months of care 65 and over 27.3 33.9 19.4% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … preventive dental service in the calendar year 65 and over 41.0 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population 75 and over 620.2 Adults
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … who had an emergency department visit and then hospitalized Female 11.4 8.9 28.7% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … diabetes with blood pressure less than 130/80 mm Hg Female 55.1 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Female 131.8 Adults
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … renal replacement therapy 38.1 54.1 29.5% Colorectal cancer diagnosed at advanced stage … 100,000 population, children ages 3 months to 17 years 32.2 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population 179.5 Children ages 2-
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … need for help with daily activities increased Non-Hispanic, White 20.8 17.1 21.8% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … children ages 3 months to 17 years Non-Hispanic, White 19.7 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Non-Hispanic, White 142.8
    ) at the time of surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy) 80 and over 75.1 96.4 22.1% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … with blood pressure less than 130/80 mm Hg 60 and over 45.0 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population 75 and over 596.5 Adults
    (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … per 1,000 population, adults age 18 and over with diabetes Female 17.3 13.5 27.8% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … preventive dental service in the calendar year Female 38.7 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Female 141.7 Adults
    December 17, 2020 - their home so they can move around safely when they first started getting home health care -1.5 Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … renal replacement therapy -1.5 Adults who reported being told what care and services they would get … Patients with treated chronic kidney failure who received a transplant within 3 years of date of renal
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … over Black 100.2 74.2 35.0% Adult end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist … at least 12 months prior to initiation of renal replacement therapy Black 34.1 54.1 36.9% … human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Black, single race 45.7 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Black 372.2 Adults who
    February 19, 2021 - (regional, distant stage, or local stage with tumor greater than 2 cm) per 100,000 women age 40 and … cases per 100,000 population age 13 and over Non-Hispanic, White 5.3 4.2 25.6% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … stage (tumors diagnosed at regional or distant stage) per 100,000 population age 50 and over White … stage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population White 152.2 Adults who
    1,000 vaginal deliveries without instrument assistance Ages 25-34 19.4 14.3 35.9% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … renal replacement therapy Ages 18-44 31.0 54.1 42.7% HIV infection deaths per 100,000 … preventive dental service in the calendar year Ages 18-44 30.3 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Ages 18-44 44.4 Adults
    December 17, 2020 - nursing home residents with a catheter inserted and left in the bladder 2.7 2.1 29.2% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … renal replacement therapy 38.1 54.1 29.5% Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one … Patients with treated chronic kidney failure who received a transplant within 3 years of date of renal
    is the best) -1.8 Adults age 65 and over who ever received pneumococcal vaccination -1.7 Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … renal replacement therapy -1.5 Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury, or condition … who received 4 or more doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine 0.3 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population 0.3 People with a usual source of
    admissions for asthma per 100,000 population, adults ages 18-39 Male 20.9 16.1 30.0% Adult endstage renal disease (ESRD) patients who saw a nephrologist at least 12 months prior to initiation of … Patients with treated chronic kidney failure who received a transplant within 3 years of date of renal … more doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Total 40.6 Adjusted incident rates of endstage renal disease (ESRD) due to diabetes per million population Male 223.8 Adults who
    December 01, 2020 - Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance Epidemiology and End … , regions within a State), reporting unit (clinician, health plan, hospital, nursing home, hospice, end-stagerenal disease (ESRD)), type of benchmark (national average, state average, mean), etc.
    September 01, 2013 - (Hospital OQR) • Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) • Nursing Home • Home Health • End-StageRenal Disease (ESRD) • Medicare Part C • Medicare Part D Databases in the inventory have the following … Musculoskeletal • Neurology • Perinatal and Reproductive Health • Prevention • Respiratory/Critical Care • Renal

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